Fire and Blood

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Daemon pov
Day one of Daenerys being on Dragonstone
Kings Landing

I have just finished sparring with my city watchmen when I decide to take caraxes for a ride. He feels restless in the bond, I am walking from the training area to the Dragonpit, trying to figure out what is going on with Caraxes. I send Caraxes calm through our bond. When I reach Caraxes and prepare him for flight. I move to mount him when he flies off without me, I send him my confusion in the bond and watch it for an answer.

An hour later I get my answer. Intrigue and caution. The feeling of family. The caution does not last long, right after family Caraxes is feeling happy and affection for someone that is not me. Which is unheard of, Caraxes doesn't like any of our family and the other dragons don't really like him because he sounds different. I send my confusion again anticipating him coming back to take me wherever he went.

I move to my rooms when I realize he is not coming back at a reasonable time for me to see what has him so happy. I look through letters trying to distract myself from what is going on with Caraxes but keep an eye on our bond, all I feel from his is his contentment. When the letters don't serve me well I pull out Dark Sister, clean and sharpen my blade. I hear footsteps heading in my direction. A few moments later there is a knock on my door, I go to answer it, and find my brother on the other side. Viserys coming to my room late that night means he must have something to bring up that he either doesn't want others to hear or doesn't want others to witness my reaction to. "Brother" I greet, "to what do I owe the pleasure of this late night visit?"

"Daemon, it is time for you to marry. Rhea Royce, of Runestone, is a fine woman. She would make a good wife for you." You have got to be fucking kidding me! A Royce? Fuck no.

"No, brother, she would not make a good wife for me. She is not Valyrian and our family is too small to marry outside right now." What the hell is Viserys thinking. "Who brought up the Bronze Bitch?"

"Well, Otto did. He is looking to strengthen our family alliances within the realm."

"If this is Ottos idea then it surely is not for alliances, it is to get me out of Kings Landing, brother. And I am sure it would bring him much satisfaction that I would be miserable." We end up arguing about this matter for a while before Viserys decides to leave me, which is probably a good thing, as I really want to strangle my brother right now for trying to force this on me.

Fucking Otto Hightower. Trying to impose exile on me without outright exiling me and tie me down to a woman I do not want. Rhaenyra and Laena are much too young to marry anytime soon or I would pull the same stunt my grandfather did, fuck off to Dragonstone and marry in secret.

I spend the rest of the night trying to figure a way out of this marriage and end up going to bed angry. I decide it is best to get some rest before I go gallivanting off with Caraxes to gods knows where. Maybe I won't come back.

The next day

During breakfast I feel Caraxes' excitement and anticipation so I finish my meal and walk towards the Dragonpit. I wait there for Caraxes hoping to get to the bottom of the situation. When he comes within sight I look at our bond and realize we are going for a flight. I know I need to be ready for anything, Caraxes would not have just left without me if there was no reason for it.

Caraxes lands in front of me and I move to him inspecting him for anything wrong or different. He seems fine and pushes me towards his back, I mount and get situated in the saddle when Caraxes' anticipation bubbles over and he takes off in his excitement. After a few moments I understand where Caraxes is taking me, Dragonstone, not that I understand why. The family is in Kings Landing and Driftmark, so I don't understand his feeling of family from yesterday.

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