Chaos isnt a pit, it is a ladder

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Dany POV Day 3 at KL
Daemon and I went to sleep that night ready to start making preparations for our next acts and when I fell asleep I saw Valyria with dragons roaming the skies and silver haired Valyrians roaming around as if the Doom had not happened. I look around me trying to figure out why I am here when Balerion steps out of the shadows.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, God of Death?" I say with a playful smirk on my face.
"Well, little dragon, I was coming to check on my favourite Targaryen, who prayed to the gods for the first time, and chose me to pray to. I could not resist." Balerion said this with a cocky smile, and I knew he heard my afterthought from that prayer.
"Did you tell the other Flames my thanks then?" I inquire, although if he is here with me then he heard my prayer and is here for a reason.
"Yes, little dragon, but I also told them I was your favourite." Of course he did, because that is what I need, Thirteen of the Fourteen Flames knowing I preferred Death.
"I expected no less, I would be quite disappointed if you did not lord that thought over them for a while. We cannot have my favour going unrecognized, can we?" I subconsciously know I should not be so familiar with a God, but for some reason I cannot help it with him.
"Of course not. But now you found another dragon to love so you are going to forget all about me soon." He says with a flair of playful dramatics.
"Not forget, never forget. I have the scar to always remind me of my past life and the stain of death you took away. I will just look forward to coming to you when it happens again and then I will annoy you in the Underworld for the rest of your days." Balerion chuckled and I smirk again at the thought of being able to mess with him for centuries. Though with Daemon not marrying Rhaenyra, I do not know that I will be reborn, so maybe it will be for the rest of his days.

"Well, little dragon, I came here to see you and let you know I heard you, but I also came to warn you. You need to find proof, soon. Otherwise our meeting again will be far too soon and the future will not change."
"I understand. Thank you for the warning. And you may visit my dreams whenever you wish, I enjoy your company. I much prefer these warnings than the subliminal ones I have received in the past. It is much more straight forward."
"I will remember that for the future, Daughter of Death." I look to him at that title.
"Is this the real reason for that title? Or did you come down and fuck Rhaella without anyone actually knowing?" I smile sweetly at him and he laughed at my jape, this is why he is my favourite.
"You are Daughter of Death for many reasons, being an orphan, the lives you have taken, your death at the hands of your kin. But no, not truly my child, if I came down to fuck a Targaryen woman, it would have been you. But the biggest reason to me that you are the Daughter of Death is that you are favoured by me. Bride of Fire because you are favoured by Gaelithox who gave you your immunity to flame and R'hllor. You are the Slayer of Lies due to you being favoured by Tessarion and Tyraxes. Many of your titles are to show our favour." Wow, did not see that coming.
"Will you tell Gelithox I appreciate the immunity, it has worked well for me? But You are still my number one, have no fear." I smile at Balerion one last time as I feel myself starting to wake.
Time Skip
Daemon and I are breaking our fast when he asks if I would like to see the city. I agree then we finish our meal and get dressed for our trip into the city. We gather the hatchlings and take them to the adults to watch over and protect while we are in the city. As we are walking out two city watchmen attach themselves to us, introduced by Daemon as Ser Harwin Strong and Ser Luthor Largent.
"It is a pleasure to meet you both." I say to the knights that I know are loyal to Daemon. They respond in kind and I switch back to Valyrian to speak to Daemon. "Where are we going first?"
"I was thinking the Street of Steel first. Maybe see about getting you armor made since you are much smaller than any armor we have." Daemon says and I must admit it is very thoughtful of him.
I lean up to thank him by kissing him on the cheek and softly ask if they speak the language, so only he may hear. He responds that they do not. As we continue to walk among the streets of the city the small folk cheer for their Prince and I remember that he gained the unofficial

title Lord Flea Bottom for his popularity among the citizens in the capital. Others are looking at me curiously, knowing that I must be related but not knowing how, but Aegarax stubbornly remaining on my shoulder, refusing to go with the other dragons, shows my bloodline.
We finally reach a blacksmith that Daemon is happy with and he goes on to describe what he wants for my armor, when I tell him in Valyrian I have Valyrian steel armor that needs to be reworked to what he wants for it.
I turn to look at the gold cloaks with us while Daemon continues explaining his desires to the blacksmith and the watchmen have disbelieving looks on their faces. Whether it is because they do not know why a woman would need armor or that Daemon is the one making a list of demands for it I do not know.
Once Daemon is done here we go to Fishmongers Square, where all the markets are. Daemon and I walk around and he thinks he is subtle buying me things I look at for longer than a moment that he thinks I like. I have no clue where he plans on putting these purchases while we continue our adventure though. I find myself amused by Daemons tendencies to buy me the pretty dresses or the jewelry he sees. When I look up and see Melisandre coming closer and I alert Daemon to her presence. He walks me over to her and I greet her as if we are old friends so that the people around us believe that she is here for me and that there is nothing untoward about her appearance.
With Melisandre included in our next stop to the Street of Flour, where the bakeries are, I ask her if her travels were well and we make polite conversation in Valyrian. I then tell her the guards do not speak the language and if she knows we are safe to speak here than she may speak freely. She responds that we will speak on my request later and I understand there is someone here she does not wish to hear about the proof. Daemon gives us recommendations on Westerosi baked goods to try as neither of us are supposed to be used to Westerosi food, and we try the things he tells us to. Some of the desserts were quite good, like the lemon cakes; others I could have gone my entire life without trying and I tell him that in Valyrian. Daemon just chuckles at me and Melisandre has a slight smile on her face to show that she is amused by our banter.
When we are done exploring for the day we all walk to the dragons nest so that Melisandre can speak of her findings and I ask in Dothraki if she speaks the language because I am burning with curiosity of what she found.
"Yes, I speak the Dothraki language. We can speak freely in this language in this continent." Melisandre responds and Daemon pouts that we can speak a language and he is being left out currently.
"Wonderful, what did you find?"
"The proof you need is in an alcove, in the tunnels under the Red Keep. I will go for them after we gather the hatchlings. Then you will need to find somewhere safe to place them until you reveal them to the King and Small Council."
"Can we trust the knight who's father is on the small council with holding the proof?" I ask about Ser Harwin thinking if we could get him to bring the information to his father who

would present the claims we cannot be accuse of planting or forging the evidence due to our obvious disdain for Otto.
"Yes, he is trustworthy and he will be a good ally for you and the princess if he lives longer this time." Now I just have to figure out a way to get him to do this, though Daemon could probably just ask him and he would do it.
"I am thinking about speaking to the Queen about convincing the King that he would be a good match for the princess. That would get rid of the threat that her children are not true born if they do not have silver hair. But if we are truly able to change things the queen should have a healthy son soon and the Kingdoms would pressure the king into naming his son. Hopefully, this would halt the Dance of Dragons completely." Should Aemma be able to produce a son it is unlikely Rhaenyra would be named heir, which would be terrible for future daughters of House Targaryen with a legitimate claim to the Iron Throne, but would be great for changing the events that led to the downfall of our House.
"Yes, that is a good plan to start with. If the queen has a son he would be the heir. They would need a spare though to really be stable. And we must get the proof out about the healers so that the queen is safe in that endeavor. Should this happen, most of what came to pass will be fixed."
By the time we get to the dragons I have Melisandre going to get the proof so we can act soon. I inform Daemon softly as I speak right next to his ear so it looks like I am just an enamored girl saying sweet nothings to the beautiful Rogue Prince. I tell him my plan involving getting Harwin to bring the documents to his father. And why this is the best course for us to seem as if we did not have anything to do with the claims against Otto. Then I tell him we need to meet with Aemma, Rhaenys and Corlys before handing over the proof to Harwin, so we can go over what was in the documents.
"Is there a place Melisandre can stay near us?" I ask Daemon, when I pull back from him.
"Yes, I will have someone make rooms for her."
"Thank you big dragon. When we get back to the rooms I will have to tell you of the dream I had. I believe you would be most interested." I say with a sultry tone so that anyone able to understand us will misconstrue the meaning and think is was a seductive dream. Daemons reaction to that tone says that is what he wants it to be about too.
When we get to the dragons I give Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion the attention they deserve, then look to Caraxes to give him love in the bond while I gather some of the hatchlings. "Ser Harwin, if you could come here please." Tessarion goes to Daemon, of course. I put Gaelithox on my left shoulder. I take Shrykos and Arrax to Daemon to carry. Fyrestorm and Tyraxes will be with me. So I pick up Naathandei and Vermax and take them to Ser Harwin to carry and put them on his shoulders telling them to play nice with the knight. Ser Harwin's face tells me he does not know what to do with the fact he is now carrying two dragonlings on his shoulders. I pick up Fyrestorm and Tyraxes and we head to the Red Keep.
As we enter the castle people are staring at us until they see Harwin, then they stare at him carrying dragons. Daemon finds two serving girls to get a message to Rhaenys and Aemma

that we should have mid morning meal together in our chambers. I ask Ser Harwin if he is busy or if he would mind watching our door for the queen, Melisandre and the princess to come. That they may bring others with them and should not allow anyone to pass that they do not say are supposed to be with them.
Daemon has another serving girl go to the kitchens with orders to bring food for us, Princess Rhaenys' family, the queen, and meat for the dragons some uncooked and some cooked. As we put the hatchlings down Ser Harwin is still standing there stiffly with dragons perched on his shoulders. I giggle, it gets Daemons attention and he sees what makes me laugh and chuckles himself before going to them and letting the dragon crawl on him instead before setting them down with their siblings. When we are all comfortable I notice supplies that were not here this morning, along with the things Daemon purchased in the market for me. I lean over and give him a soft kiss and thank him for the medicinal supplies and the things he bought me today.
"So this dream you had?" He gets us back on track.
"Yes, Balerion visited my dreams last night. He heard my prayer in the House of Black and White and came to give me a warning that we needed the proof soon and all would be for naught. Then he told me the reason for some of my unofficial titles." I go on to explain the titles meanings and the jokes I told to Balerion, which got a laugh out of Daemon as well. After regaling him with the tales of my dream the door is opened and Rhaenys and her family is walking in with Melisandre right behind them. Now all we are waiting for is Aemma.
"Cousins, lovely that you could join us for this meal." The hatchlings get excited with the new visitors that smell of family. "Laena, Leanor, the hatchlings seem to want your attention, if your parents agree you may want to give it to them. They are not going to bond to Laena because she is meant for Vhagar. In the visions I was given Leanor rode Seasmoke, so they should not bond with him either, they are just interested in family." Laena and Leanor go to their parents to ask if they can play with them and with their agreement they sit with the hatchlings to give them attention. Moments later Tyraxes goes to Rhaenys and Vermax to Corlys. Tyraxes gets into Rhaenys' lap all on their own, but Vermax nudges Corlys' leg to let him know they want his attention. Corlys looks down at the little green hatchling and bends to pick Vermax up to place him on the table in front of him so we can all see the antics of the hatchling. Aemma and Rhaella come in next and Rhaella goes to her siblings to say hello while Aemma sits with us.
"Cousin, what is this about?" Aemma asks of me.
"After the food is brought in, so we are not interrupted, we will go over the proof of our claims and what is to be done about them." I respond so that everyone knows this is a serious matter and understands we need to have privacy. "I have Ser Harwin at the door because he is trustworthy and does not speak Valyrian, if there is anyone that does not need to be outside the door you should have them post further along the hallway." With that, Aemma and Corlys go to their guard and give their instructions. Melisandre hands the proof over to Daemon and me. "This is Melisandre, she is a Red Priestess of the Lord of

Light and a shadow binder of Asshai. She has visions in the flames. She was able to see where the proof was and then go get it for us."
"A Red Priestess and a shadow binder?" Corlys speaks up, understanding the uniqueness of her being both from his travels.
"Yes, Melisandre is very talented. She gave me warnings and advice when I have needed someone unbiased." I smile at Melisandre.
"I have never seen a Red Priestess not in their robes." Corlys responds.
"When she agreed to come here I asked her to blend in, as Westeros is not know for their openness to faiths other than the Seven, as seen by my argument with Otto over my marriage in the faith of our family." I look through the documents in my hands and notice that Daemon had been doing the same while we were speaking. I start reading aloud the document I hold that mentions what the Maesters have given Aemma to prevent an heir.
"Otto assures us that if we can prevent a male heir and induce a hard labor to get rid of the current queen, he will protect the Citadel and get us higher authority when his daughter is crowned queen. It is our hope that when his grandson takes the Throne, we will be his first advisor so we can change what we wish about Westeros with little resistance. We will need to find something to get rid of the dragons, though. To date, we have prevented many pregnancies of the current Queen and cleansed several, some before she was aware she was with child." Aemma has silent tears running down her face when Rhaella goes to her lap feeling her pain in the bond. Caraxes roars at his riders rage and I look to see what Daemon holds. Alyssa, Daemons mother faced the same fate Aemma was soon to face. I look up and Rhaenys is holding her expression very well, but Corlys is visibly angry. Laena seems to understand the implications and her smiles from playing with the hatchlings falls. Laenor is still playing without paying any attention to us.
"Now, how we intend to get this proof out. I propose we have the knight take the proof to his father who sits the small council so that it comes from someone that does not have a personal bias in this. Daemon hates Otto openly, he would be accused of forging the documents, Rhaenys and Aemma would not be heard. They will assume Daemon faked them and sent them with me if I present them. And Corlys, I believe they would think you trying to undermine the King for Rhaenys not being named Queen. The gold cloaks are loyal to Daemon, I believe if we told the knight why they cannot come from us and the story he would need to give to his father about how they were found we could get around this issue."
Daemon, Aemma, and Rhaenys nod their agreement understanding the need to play the game. Corlys does not seem convinced of this plan though. After going through documents that were not about heirs Rhaenys' family left and Daemon asked Harwin to come into the room.
After we explained what evidence we had Daemon told him our problem with presenting the items to the Small Council and how we cannot hide the evidence here tonight and asked him to take the evidence to his father. "The little dragon has a story for how it was found when they ask you if you are willing to do this."

"Of course, Prince. I would not see those who commit treason free, and I understand your worries over anyone believing the evidence if it came from you. You and Otto have been quite obvious in your hatred of each other. It would bring into question the validity of the evidence if anyone knew you were the ones holding it. I am willing, what is the story?"
"Well, I was thinking that if you went through the tunnels tonight to 'ensure the security of the castle' then you could say you found the evidence in an alcove not knowing what it was you looked through it and brought it to your father because of the implications to the royal family. Melisandre can show you where she found it so that if they ask you to take them to where it was found you will know the way."
"Princess, that sounds like it will cover all of us. I think it would be best if Melisandre takes me there before I see my father so I can take him there if he asks tonight."
"Wonderful, Melisandre can you see that it is done?"
"Yes, Your Grace. I would be happy to."
"Thank you." And with that Aemma, Melisandre and Harwin leave, the proof hidden in
Melisandre's coat.
Daemon and I spend time teaching the hatchlings to breathe fire on their food and to be gentle when taking food directly from our hands. "I would like to go to the dragon pit to see which dragons bond with me immediately. The more dragons that bond with me the less they can be used against each other in case we cannot stop Alicent from bearing Viserys' children."
"When do you want to go?" Daemon asks, unbothered, which endears me to him more.
"I think we should go now. We do not have anything pressing to do for the rest of the day. I think we should take the hatchlings to the adults though, they are too young to be around dragons not bonded to us." I respond, just as simply, as if he does not affect me just by being accepting of my bonds to the dragons. It makes a small part of my head realize how differently true Targaryen men are from those that are not raised as such or do not embrace the dragons blood. Corlys, a Velaryon, is even more accepting of it than some would be, most assuredly because of the close relation and his Valyrian upbringing.
"Well, let us go then, she-dragon." I look out the door for Ser Luthor, and ask him to come in so he may help with the hatchlings Ser Harwin did earlier. This time I put Vermax and Tyraxes on his shoulders and after witnessing the hatchlings with Ser Harwin, he seems much more comfortable with his passengers than Harwin did. We walk to the dragon nest and I put down my hatchlings to say hello to my eldest children. Silverwing and Vermithor land near us and I go to them to give them attention at the same time. Vermithor lets me give him scratches on his chin this time, which excites me. I speak softly to them in Valyrian asking them to protect the younglings while we go to the dragon pit and feel their acquiescence in the bonds. Caraxes sends a request in the bond and I look to him and see him staring me down. I move towards him and Caraxes meets me half way to start nudging me, I put my hand on his neck and start scratching receiving his happy high pitched purrs and send my love to him and he sends his affection back.

Daemon, Ser Luthor and I walk to the dragon pit and I can already feel the open bonds waiting to be filled. We walk in and Syrax is the first to reach out for the bond, I accept giving her quick affection before moving to the next 'stable' which holds Dreamfyre. Dreamfyre and I lock eyes before the bond extends to me. I reach my hand forward so she can make the decision to accept affection from me. Dreamfyre sniffs me rubs my hand and then pulls back. Next is are young dragons, not as young as my hatchlings, but still not big enough to ride.
"What are their names?"
"The grey is Stormcaller, the red is Promised Vindication, the white is Lightbringer, and the green is Xandraxx." As their names are said I lock eyes with them and feel the bonds form. They each ask for attention and Daemon and I are willing to give it. We make sure we both give each of the attention so they know us.
"Can we go see the eggs?"
"Kessa, Zaldritsos." Daemon leads me to the dragon keepers and tells them what we want and they take us there. When we enter the chamber with egg warmers everywhere I lift the lids with my bare hands which the keepers protest before they see it does not harm me and leave me to it. I make my way through all of them and feel the life inside them stronger than what I felt in the 'stone' eggs. There are ten here; black with red, green with gold, white with gold, purple, blue, steel grey, gold, red, green, and brown. The first three look like Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserions eggs; whether they are or not, we will probably never know.
"Thank you." We go back to our dragons then and speak only of unimportant matters with Ser Luthor around. I sit next to Silverwing and ask her to lay down so I can give her scratches and she flops down trying to fit her whole head on my lap which makes me giggle. Daemon looks over at us to see the issue Silverwing is having and his eyes shine with amusement. I start scratching Silverwings neck and the side of her face. Vermithor is standing over us protective of his mate and the human making her happy. Tessarion is slowly making their way over to us while the hatchlings are playing with the adults.
I start speaking soft Valyrian to Silverwing asking if she thinks Vhagar will come home and telling her my dreams and the warnings I have received and what was to happen if I did not come back in time when out of no where Tessarion pounces on Vermithor, I look to my bond with the Bronze Fury and notice his amused indulgence for the hatchling as he slowly moves his head to stare Tessarion down. We are all in various states of amusement with the dragons when they perk their ears. I look around to see what has gotten their attention when I see a guard of ten soldiers, not Gold Cloaks, but too far away to see any symbols. Silverwing stands prepared to burn the soldiers, I get up to move to Daemons side with Deaths Embrace out, Daemon pulls Dark Sister and Ser Luthor stand a few paces in front us at the ready. The soldiers stop and from the back comes Otto Hightower. "Prince Daemon, of House Targaryen, you are hereby arrested, you must come with us."
I look to his ten soldiers and then towards the six adult dragons and nine hatchlings and speak up "He must? With all these dragons around you would lay false claims and attempt to arrest the Prince of the Realm? What is the crime he is being accused of committing? On whose

orders are you making this arrest?" Even without the dragons Daemon Ser Luthor and I could probably win this fight.
"Princess, the Prince is being charged with treason. He must come with us on order of the King."
"Well then, let us all go to the King now. If it is truly his wish to arrest his own brother for treason and not the machinations of an ambitious man then we will back down until this can all be straightened out." I walk to Ser Luthor "When we get back to the Keep go to Ser Harwin, tell him we need his father." I walk back to Daemon "Should they manage to arrest you, you will have three hatchlings with you in the case someone attempts to murder you in the cells." I look to Otto next, "it would be best if you let us calm the dragons before we leave lest they decide to burn things in their current mood."
"Yes, Princess, that would be best," he says.
I walk to my three eldest children and speak in the Dothraki language so none may know my request. "When we are speaking to the King I will send my feelings of rage through the bond. Make a spectacle. Be your loudest land on the Keep, make it known our displeasure." I put my sword back in its place and put Shrykos on my right shoulder, Aegarax on my left, Tyraxes and Arrax on Ser Luthor, Gaelithox and Fyrestorm in my arms while Tessarion, Vermax, Naathandei go to Daemon. The adult dragons send their displeasure and their understanding through their bonds with me and I know it will not just be Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion to show Kings Landing my rage. We walk to the Red Keep and I know that this is not what Balerion was warning me about, but what happens next may be.

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