Fear cuts deeper than swords

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Daenerys POV Kings Landing 104 AC
I woke up this morning to Daemon kissing down my body. When he reached his destination I was trying to pretend I was still asleep to ensure he continued his ministrations. His tongue was gentle on my cunt, trying to wake me to pleasure but not so quickly apparently. Daemon was so focused on his task that he didn't notice me watching him. I couldn't stop myself from reaching out any loner and twisted my hand in his hair, as soon as felt it he held nothing back, moments later I was burying my head in the pillow to keep my sounds quiet.
"Little dragon, would you like to bathe with me this morning?"
"Yes, big dragon. That sounds lovely." We made it into the bath and it was much cooler than I like but I know Daemon can't handle the temperatures I can, so I don't say anything. I slide onto Daemons lap grab the bar of soap and start washing him at his shoulders, enjoying the feel of his muscles. "You know, Princeling, you would look really good with short hair. I would have to spend all my days killing women trying to get into your bed if you cut it." My hands make their way down his body and I feel his manhood press incessantly into me without actually having the angle or room to slip inside of me.
"If that is what you would like, little dragon, I would be glad to oblige."
"It is your choice, Vorsa Anna Zhor, I am just informing you of a particular danger."
Gods, I hope he cuts it, my only worry is my lack of impulse control. Daemons hands are at my hips when he lifts me slightly and then I am sliding down on his hard length. We spend the rest of the bath gently washing each other while slowly fucking.
Time Skip
Daenerys launched into an attack. She held little back as she sparred with Daemon this time. Her silver hair flew around her in a wave as she ducked, twirled, and met him blow for blow. She tried to study his every movement, but he was fast. Daenerys blocked a blow and held her footing despite his strength. His purple eyes flickered with surprise and curiosity as she mustered her strength and pushed back. His skill was impeccable. Precise and controlled movements that only came from years and years of practice and training. As they moved

about, she let herself drift down into that pit of calm. That place where she drew up strength and focus. She channeled that into each swing, each thrust, each blow. He swung the sword, aiming to bring the point to her throat to end the match, but she gave him a wicked grin. She saw the shock flash on his face as she surged forward. He jerked his arm back to avoid actually slicing her with the blade. She ducked under his arm, spun, and landed a kick clean to the back of his leg. Daemon barked out a curse as he caught his balance. Before he could right himself completely, she punched him in the side then brought her blade to the side of his neck.
"Yield, little dragon. That was much better than out first spar, you showed skills today that you didn't until now, where did it come from?"
"Well, our first spar, I was trying to get you to trust me by not killing you, but I also did not want you to know what I could do in case you tried to kill me. Now we are married and have a deal, so you may see more of my talents."
We sparred a couple more times with varying results. Daemon won, once, by distracting me with his lips and putting his dagger to my throat. When we had finished we started our walk back to our chambers to change out of our sweat soaked clothing.
"You know, you never told me your swords name, they say every good sword has a name. What is yours?"
"Vermithor never mentioned that it had a name. But I have been thinking either Dragonheart or Deaths Embrace. Both have meaning to me, Dragonheart is an obvious choice due to our house, but I was also stabbed in the heart in my other life, it means more now, marrying someone that has the heart of a dragon. Deaths Embrace though, is more intimidating to others but no one would know what it means personally unless they knew my story. Naming the Sword either of those feels like letting go of my old life, of things I could not control and of the mistakes I made."
"I like both as well, but I think Deaths Embrace is more suited to you, little dragon."
"Why is that, big dragon?"
"Because even after all the trouble our family caused you, you still agreed to come here and help, you embraced your death because you had to, but you used it to strengthen yourself for this life." I think it suits me too, especially when Daemon explains it like that.
"Deaths Embrace it is then."
"Would you like to go meet the Velaryons officially after we change, little dragon?"
"I guess. I would like to meet Laena now that I have bonded to Vhagar. I could bring them together earlier, it would put strength behind the Velaryons, giving Otto even less power. And even though Vhagar is larger and older than our dragons my bonding to all dragons makes it less likely she would go against us."

Aemma POV
I met Viserys in his chambers anticipating the conversation to come, Rhaella on my shoulder giving me strength to deal with this. He wishes to speak of Daenerys. He is confused and intrigued by her. But more he wants to know if she is a danger to Westeros and Otto has probably already planted the idea to see if she can be used to their advantage. It should be very interesting to see Daenerys handle Otto.
"My love, what do you know of Daenerys?"
"Everything she told you I already knew. I know how she got her dragons and how she hatched her other ones. I know she loves reading, flying, sailing, and sparring with Daemon. She's very intelligent and blessed by the gods of Old Valyria. She has visions though she never tells anyone about them. She is going to leave Westeros to free the slaves in Essos. I know someone tried to chain her and she feels the need to ensure no one else knows that feeling, so she is compassionate. She is kind but fierce. Very protective of Daemon."
"Why would Daemon need protecting? He is perfectly capable of protecting himself." He needs protecting from his brother who cares not for him, when he has Otto Hightower around.
"Not just physically protective. She is willing to protect him from unwanted marriages and family making decisions for him without thought to how he would feel about it. Anything that may hurt Daemon she will try to protect him from. She gives him attention he needs, but doesn't make it too easy on him. She challenges him and his opinions. She makes sure that he knows aside from the dragons he comes first to her."
"Is she a danger to us?"
"Should we do anything to harm her, Daemon or her dragons, she would respond in kind to protect those she loves. If you treat her like family she will do the same for you."
"Do you know what her visions have been?"
"I know she had one that was about our family so she came to help us. And I know she has one that is of two centuries from now. Something about Aegons Prophecy, I don't know what that means though. She didn't tell me much about it." With this information he should accept her faster, and want to know of her 'visions'. Enough information he wishes to keep her around but not enough that he has no need for her.
Small Council Meeting
Daemon POV
"You shouldn't be sleeping with Prince Daemon, Princess."
"Why not?" She says it so simply, as if she truly didn't understand what Otto was getting at.

"It doesn't help your reputation to bring into question your virtue." I mentally laugh, she isn't going to enjoy this, but I will, to its full extent.
"How does it hurt my reputation to sleep with my husband? Not to mention that I am not from Westeros. I am Essosi therefore my reputation matters very little in a kingdom i have no plans on staying in." And in that statement I immediately understand he was already planning her marriage and didn't want her to ruin his plans.
"Daemon is not your husband as he was not free to marry you." Ottos voice raises at her for claiming me as her husband.
"Prince Daemon is free to do what he wishes. A dragon is not a slave, especially to a Hightower. And Westeros is vehemently against slavery last I checked." Gods, I love her. Everything he says she has an answer for. And she doesn't look like she is getting worked up so he has no idea if he is pushing her limits.
"He was to marry someone else."
"He never agreed and in Westeros forced marriages are outlawed. There was no formal betrothal to break." She even has laws behind her? How did she come up with this argument? When did she find the time to read the laws of Westeros?
"There were no witnesses to this marriage, it is a sham." I am suddenly glad she insisted the guards be there to witness.
"The queens guards on Dragonstone witnessed our wedding." "I would speak to them about this then."
"Fine." Oh, yes she is getting irritated with him, I can't wait for her to unleash her fury on him.
The guards come in some tense minutes later with worried expressions on their faces considering this is the first time they have been asked into a small council meeting.
"Were you witness to the Prince marrying?"
"Yes, lord hand," they say in unison, and I feel smug about it. So does Daenerys, but she is much better at controlling her facial expressions than I am.
"Why did you not stop it?" As if they could.
"It was not their place to stop a prince from doing anything nor a small council member."
Daenerys speaks up.
"The Queen was officiating the marriage obviously the Queen supported it, we couldn't go against her and the Prince, and that is not including the 6 adult dragons and the little ones that were at the wedding."

"A woman cannot officiate a wedding, it is unlawful." If we had married in the faith of the seven that would be true.
"It would be had we married in the Faith of the Seven or the old gods of the North, but we married in the faith of our families original homeland, a Valyrian wedding for the descendants of Valyria. A woman is lawfully allowed to perform this, as in Valyria a woman could be a dragonlord just as much as a man. Queen Visenya officiated such a wedding when she was queen as well."
Otto lifts his hand to strike Daenerys in his anger and a guard intercepts as she has married into the royal family and a knight vows to protect women. He is lucky I was too far to reach him in time.
"Next time you raise your hand to me, you will lose it, by mine own. And I will ensure the maesters are not able to tend to you while they can still save it." I know I shouldn't be worked up by that statement, but her threatening Otto is a desire of mine I didn't know I had. This entire time I have been getting hard watching her tear down Ottos arguments, she is used to dealing with politics and men who think they can abuse women even above their station as they are 'only women'. And now that she doesn't have her fathers shadow weighing on her or Westerosi advisors trying to control her she is truly showing it.
"The Valyrian faith is not recognized here, therefore it is unlawful." He really wants to establish the point that it was an unlawful marriage, she was right about his plans.
"The Valyrian faith is not prevalent here, not unrecognized lord hand. And my fathers family still practices the faith of Old Valyria. Stop these pretenses before you try my patience more than you already have. It is a testament to my control and my husbands control that you are still alive and that kings landing isn't burnt to the ground when you attacked me. It would be a grave mistake to continue this nonsense. Neither the Prince or I are free to marry anyone else. Should you attempt anything to kill me to get me out of the way so Daemon may marry someone else, you will fail and I will burn your lands and family. And I will make you watch this happen before you die screaming, Lord Hand." I should bring her to more of these meetings, it will keep them interesting at the very least. Corlys, Lyonel Strong and the guards look impressed by her and her threats. The maester and Otto look angry and Viserys seems exasperated.
"What do you mean six adult dragons? There should have only been four, her three and Caraxes." Viserys injects, trying to bring the meeting back to peace and love or whatever.
"Vermithor and Silverwing were there too, your grace." "Why were they there Daenerys?"
"They came to meet me and bonded to me. They stayed to witness the marriage and protect the hatchlings, to teach them."
"You are bonded to them as well?" He sounds both awed and concerned by this. When it was just Caraxes, it could have been my dragon showing her favor because I do. Now it is undeniable.

"Yes, your grace."
"Incredible." He doesn't make it sound so to me. He sounds worried, as if they will all leave if she does. A valid concern, it would mean losing all of the Targaryens true strength, without the dragons Targaryens are closer to men than gods; apart from the dragons blood which makes us always reach for more. The small council, besides me, dismisses Daenerys after this conversation, not wanting to waste anymore time today on my marriage. Another time for sure though.
When the council meeting is over I go find my wife hoping to go fly for a while with her. She is in our chambers reading near the window with hatchlings all over the place when I walk in and agrees to a flight if we go to Dragonstone to look at the Dragonmont, which she never went to when we were there last.
Daenerys POV
Daemon and I go flying to find peace among the clouds, where everything else seems so small and insignificant. We left half the hatchlings with the dragons and half with Aemma, to make sure Otto and the maesters can't do anything to them. Daemon and I are flying to Dragonstone when Vermithor and Silverwing join us for flight. After a while we land and I ask Daemon to take me to the Dragonmont, where all the Dragonstone dragons nest. I want to see which dragons here call to me to bond.
When we walk inside the system of caves I look to the fire inside me to see any signs of a dragon looking to bond.We continue walking for a while when I feel eyes on us. Not the human eyes either. A predators eye. I look around when I hear the low, deep growl. I start whispering in High Valyrian to whichever dragon is looking to cook us for an afternoon meal. Telling the dragon that I am the blood of Old Valyria and that the gods sent me here for war against all of those that would harm dragons and the dragon blooded humans.
With my words the growl cuts off and I feel the breath of the dragon on my back. I turn to meet their eyes, bright green eyes, and their scales are so dark they blend in with the dark caves. "I wish for us to bond, not for me to be in control of you because a dragon is not a slave, but so that the dragons cannot be turned against each other. And so that can always feel the dragons needs are met. If you wish to help our family that is up to you, but I will be fighting this war and more after it. Westeros is not used to the wars I wage, they like politics, I prefer brute force to ensure those that would oppose me don't do so."
The dragon seems to perk up at the mention of war. "Little Dragon, that is The Cannibal. They have always been a wild dragon. No one has ever given them a true name."
"All dragons are wild, Princeling, some just enjoy being wild on their own." I turn back to the dragon, "how about an actual name? Morghul, maybe?" And I guess that was the

right name because I feel the bond opening moments after. Morghul doesn't let me get close to them this time around, but I take the win as it is.
Daemon and I go back to kings landing after that, not pushing our luck any further today with the 'wild dragons' of Dragonstone. Caraxes and Drogon decide to tease each other all the way back to Kings Landing and I just enjoy the ride. There won't be a lot of happy times for a while, but I will make the ones I have count. When we land we go meet up with Aemma and ask if she wants to joins us for hatching the last Valyrian dragon eggs.
Daemon, Aemma and I carry an egg each to the dragons nest. Daemon is carrying the green egg, Aemma the purple, and me the teal. When we make it to them we set the eggs down together then I give my hand to Daemon to make the cut. We follow the same process as the last time, this time when the cracking starts we are all singing in Valyrian to them. I lock eyes with the first to hatch, the green, Vermax, with amber eyes. The next bond to form is the teal hatchling who has blue eyes the color of the sky, Arrax. Finally, the last one to hatch is the purple with silver grey eyes, Naathandei. For Missandei. I feel a tear slipping down my face and quickly wipe it away, then tell Daemon and Aemma the names of the new dragons.
Daemon, Aemma and I sit together while the dragons check each other out, getting to know each other and playing. The three of us are talking and playing with which ever hatchling comes to us for affection.
We head back to the castle carrying the ten dragon hatchlings Aemma has Rhaella, Tyraxes, and Vermax; Daemon is carrying Tessarion, Shrykos, and Arrax; and as for me, Aegarax is on his usual perch, Gaelithox on my left shoulder, Fyrestorm in my right hand and Naathandei in my left. As we are walking back all eyes are drawn to us, covered in dragons, the guards come up to flank us when they see us and everyone watching us. We make it back into in the Red Keep and Corlys is there with Rhaenys, Laenor and Laena. The three of us move to our cousins and the older hatchlings start play fighting in the air momentarily distracting us from conversation, all of us have small smiles on our faces watching the hatchlings enjoy themselves. I feel someone watching me and look up to see Rhaenys' eyes on me. I tilt my head and raise my brow at her to ask if she wants to say something now and she shakes her head.
"We should all sit down together for dinner one night to get to know each other cousins."
"Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea, cousin." Rhaenys says cousin as if she knows my story is fictitious but doesn't want to give me up until she has more information. She can't prove it is fake so she would not want to bring problems to her family either with an unproven accusation. And with Daemon and Aemma on my side, mainly Aemma, I have enough of a connection to be cautious.
"Great. Let us know when you all are available and we will set something up." If I can bring them to my side too I would have all but Viserys and Rhaenyra, Rhaenyra is young enough to still follow her mothers lead; so no worries there currently.
"Why don't we go now?" It seems Rhaenys wants answers sooner rather than later. "Aemma, are you available or do you have duties to attend to?" Daemon asks plainly.

"I have nothing scheduled right now. I had planned on being with the dragons a while longer so I am available."
Rhaenys leads us to their chambers. The hatchlings came back to our shoulders when we started walking and Aegarax started rubbing their head against my cheek which causes me to giggle and everyone to look at me to see why. Daemon and Aemma smile at us, Laena and Laenor look awed by the dragons and Aegarax's interactions with me, but Corlys and Rhaenys keep their expressions guarded for now.
We make it to their chambers and the seven of us spread out as we are able. The oldest four hatchlings go to the floor and start playing. The youngest three stay with us and the middle hatchlings start exploring the room. Laena comes to me and asks if she can pet Naathandei and I don't have time to answer when the purple hatchling stretches closer to the girl, obvious in their wants.
"I think it would be best to have this conversation in Valyrian to ensure less ears are capable of understanding. Are you sure you wish to have your children here for it?"
"Why would I not want them here for it?"
"Because if the Hand wishes to find out what was said he may ask them and I do not wish to know how far he is willing to go to get the answer he wants from your children."
"I will stay with them until we go back to Driftmark so he does not have the chance then."
"Understood. Where would you like to start?" "Why did you truly come to Westeros?"
"I saw the future of House Targaryen and Velaryon had I not come and did not wish to see that future come to pass. It started with Aemmas death, Viserys re-marrying but not for alliance, his hypocrisy when it came to Rhaenyra whom he named as heir marrying, then Laenas death, Laenors supposed death, Viserys' death, Rhaenys' death, Daemons death, the death of Laenors sons, Rhaenyras death. The death of our houses dragons. House Targaryen never recovers, Vaemond tries to usurp the heir to Driftmark and his brother, and he is killed for it. Why would I not come when this is the future?"
"So, you came to save the House, why do you feel you are the one to do so? We are capable of protecting ourselves."
"Well, when it was just all of you, you all died. So forgive me if I say you were not capable. Now that you know who dies you could probably change much of it but you do not have enough information of when and where the deaths happen, so you could not fully stop them."
"You have not told Daemon and Aemma the full story?"

"I have, but they are only two and two that Viserys would not listen to, so most everything will have to be done away from him. Aemma could not do this as the Queen is expected to be here. Daemon could get a lot done on his own but Viserys will not keep him around long enough to do so without something to keep Daemon here. Viserys thinks he is better than you because he won at the Great Council, when all that means is that Westeros is full of small minded idiots, he won't listen to you. He doesn't seem to particularly care for Corlys, so he is out too. So I came to help get things done."
"How do I die?"
"Viserys' second son of his second marriage claims Vhagar and his two sons on their dragons catch you and Meleys. Neither of you survive. You give them a hell of a fight but do not kill either riders or dragons, only injure the eldest son and his dragon, Sunfyre. Meleys is beheaded after death and they parade your bodies through Kings Landing."
"That is objectively horrible."
"Yes, it is."
"What about my children?"
"Laena dies in Pentos in childbirth along with the child. Leaner faked his death after losing his sister and went to Essos without telling you, you believed he was dead."
"And after you change things in Westeros?" "I will be going to Essos to end slavery." "Ambitious goals."
"You are not truly Saeras daughter." "I am a Targaryen as was my mother."
"And there are no other Targaryen women that could be your mother but Saera, twenty years ago."
"There was no other Targaryen women twenty years ago that could be my mother, unless you have something to tell us, cousin."
Rhaenys smirks at me, "no, not me or Aemma. Alyssa was dead, Alysanne too old to bear you, Maegelle was with the Faith, Daella was already dead, Viserra was already gone, Gael was only five years older than you so unable to be your mother." She seems impressed by my unmitigated gall to ask such a question.
"So what are the names of you newest additions?" Corlys asks.

"The purple is Naathandei, the green is Vermax and the teal is Arrax." Laena speaks up then, "how many dragons do you have, cousin?"
"Well, there are the ten hatchlings and three adults that I have personally hatched. But I have bonded to all thirteen of them, Caraxes, Vermithor, Silverwing, the Cannibal who I renamed Morghul, and Vhagar. So I am bonded to nineteen dragons."
"You bonded to Vhagar?" Corlys asks surprised.
"Yes, when was in Essos."
"You didn't take Vhagar to mount though?" Rhaenys comments.
"I bonded with Vhagar after I was already a dragon rider."
"Does that mean Vhagar is free to pick a rider?" Laena looks excited when she asks this. "Yes."
"I want to be their rider. Do you think I could?"
"I know you will. And I will call Vhagar to me when you are ready to try." Rhaenys and Corlys look soft and worried at the same time. I just don't know if they are softening towards me.
"You would do that?" "Yes," I say simply.
Rhaenys speaks up then, "We should part for the day cousins. We should do this again, though."
"Of course, it was wonderful getting to know you all, cousins."
Daemon, Aemma, the hatchlings and I leave to go our separate ways then, feeling slightly successful. Aemma should be with child soon, so I shall need to get supplies for healing and birthing; I don't actually know where to get these items in Westeros, so I ask Daemon to find me all the healing supplies he is able. Daemon agrees to finding all the supplies he can over the next few days and bringing them back here so I can take care of his and Aemmas needs while we are here and the maesters are against us.

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