All men must die, but we are not men

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Daenerys POV
With the initial introductions over Daemon directs us towards the castle. Aegarax nudges me so I grab them and carry them in one arm while scratching their scales, Aemma is staring at us, whether it is because of me or the dragon I am carrying I don't know. Probably both. We are just entering the castle when I ask Daemon where the three of us could talk without extra ears listening.
"The Painted Chamber?" Daemon suggests. It is a great place for a war council as it's meant to be, but this conversation is of much more delicate matters. Things we cannot allow to be overheard.
"We could not guarantee privacy there, Princeling. The hallways, allow for anyone walking by to hear us, Aemma has guards who may be loyal to the crown but not specifically to Aemma. They would report to either Viserys or Otto whatever happens here."
"What about your nest, little dragon? The guards won't be able to get close enough to hear due to the dragons, it's still early so there will be plenty of light. Will your children be okay with Aemma being there?" Better. The nest would allow for the most privacy on the island.
"Kessa. She is a Targaryen. They will let her near if I ask it of them." I need to see them anyways. Being near them brings me comfort. "Aegarax, are you ready to go see your siblings?"
Aemma is a calm presence, she walks quietly beside us, apparently not feeling the need to add her own voice to the mix until we get to a stopping point. The guards follow us out to the clearing and when it seems that they plan to follow us further I send tugs through my bonds.

Four large dragons and three hatchlings come out of the nest, the guards immediately decide this is not where they wish to be, smart.
"Your Grace, I promise you safety from my dragons should you not attempt to harm me."
"I understand, Daenerys. I will not be attempting anything of the sort."
"Well then, let me tell them what is happening so they may guard the entrance from someone getting close enough to hear our conversation, then we will go inside." I walk to my children and whisper in High Valyrian to them of what we are going to do and how happy I am to see them, how much I love them and what I wish to be done. I turn to the hatchlings and ask them to join us in the nest so the adult dragons can focus on the outside. Aegarax is on my right shoulder, when Shrykos goes to my left shoulder, Rhaella and Tessarion come to my arms. For only being a week old they are getting heavy. I walk back to Daemon and Aemma and see Daemon looking at me with pride and desire in his eyes. Aemma looks astounded that all the dragons listen to my directions and there are currently four dragon hatchlings crawling all over me. I move to Daemon and move Tessarion to his shoulder. "Let us go inside then."
As I move to turn around Rhaella flaps her wings preparing to take flight, I look down to her and she is staring at Aemma. "Aemma, it seems Rhaella would prefer you to carry her. Is this something you would be okay with?"
"Umm, I have never held a dragon before, but if you are sure. Then yes, I will."
"I am sure." I move Rhaella to Aemmas shoulder and we walk into the nest. Rhaella is nudging Aemma as all the dragons do to me when they wish for attention. "She wants you to give her attention. If you reach up to scratch her chin she should stop nudging you and guide you to where she wishes for the attention to be placed. Just move slowly so she knows what you are going to do and can move where she wants." Aemma follows my instructions and I watch her start to smile. "I am sorry we don't have chairs to sit on in here with all the dragons they would likely not last long, but this will be a long conversation, we should sit," with that Daemon and I sit next to each other Shrykos and Tessarion start playing from atop our shoulders and Aegarax moves to my lap. Aemma sits across from us with Rhaella moving to her lap. I look to my bond with Rhaella and find curiosity. No bond though.
"Daemon, why did you ask me to come here?" I look to Daemon unsure what his letter said. Maybe he gave small details and I need to know what they were if we wish to start this.
"Daenerys is here because of threats to House Targaryen and you specifically. We wish to tell you about the threats so you are forewarned, maybe with the knowledge you will wish to help us, maybe you will want no part of it, but it is your decision to make and we needed privacy to do so. Privacy we couldn't have at the Red Keep. Are you willing to listen?"
"Of course, Daemon. I didn't come here to not hear you out, I didn't get in two arguments with your brother, my husband, for no reason. I would hear the threats against us. Although, I did promise I would talk to you about marriage, so be prepared for that."

I giggle interested in seeing that conversation. Aemma looks at me and smiles softly, probably just as amused thinking about Daemon settling down. Daemon is staring at me, I take that as my cue to begin. "Well, Otto Hightower has been using the Maesters to ensure you cannot have children. Anytime they are able to, they give you moon tea, if they are unable to do that and you manage to conceive, they...cleanse the pregnancy. Otto wants to get Viserys to set you aside in a couple of years so that when you are gone he can put forth Alicent, Viserys can marry her, his daughter would be Queen, his grandson the King after."
"Do you have proof of your claims?"
"No, which is why we brought this to you and not Viserys. But you have to consider the facts. Jaehaerys and Alysane had thirteen pregnancies come to term. You have had one. In the time you had one daughter Saera had three sons and Rhaenys two children. Alyssa and Baelon managed three. Aenys and Alyssa had six. Do you not find this suspicious?"
"I do but how do you know the Maesters are in league with Otto?"
"The citadel receives protection and funding from the Hightowers. The maesters and the faith have never been fond of House Targaryen. If Otto had a plan to slowly get House Targaryen off the Throne, they would help. It benefits the citadel if Hightowers are on the throne. And who else would be able to give you moon tea and the concoction to induce a miscarriage without seeming suspicious?"
"How did you come to know this information?
"Honestly, you may not like my answer, if you are particularly religious." "Tell me anyways."
"The Fourteen Flames, the gods of Old Valyria gave me many gifts. One of them is the knowledge of what would happen to House Targaryen should you die with only Rhaenyra as an heir."
"What other gifts did they give you?"
"Aegarax gave me the gift of bonds with all dragons, even those that have bonded riders. Tessarion, the forewarning, the gift of healing and knowledge of archery. Vhagar the knowledge of wielding a sword. Vermithor gave me my Valyrian steel sword, Meleys the knowledge that I may once again bear human children. Balerion gave me something rather personal that wouldn't make sense without my story and Shrykos gave a new beginning, a new ending, a transition and a doorway to pass through, again doesn't make sense without my story. Which is rather dreadful and I would like to hear your thoughts before I bare my soul to you after only knowing you for an hour." Aegarax play bites my finger to bring my attention to him, Shrykos and Tessarion have long since stopped playing upon our shoulders are curled up in front of us. How adorable they look cuddling.
"Once again bear human children? Do you have children?"

"Only my dragons. My first marriage was not my choice and rather painful. That along with losing my first child in the middle of the Dothraki sea without a healer to help caused internal damage. I believed I would never have human children." I could feel every muscle in body start tensing discussing Rhaego. I wonder if I will ever not feel such astounding loss when speaking or thinking about him.
"I am sorry for you loss."
"It was a long time ago and irrelevant to what is happening now." I hope she takes that for what it is, I do not wish to speak of him, it only causes me pain. I feel something touch the hand I have on the ground, holding myself up, I look and see Daemons hand on mine. I look at him and nod my thanks. He has been quiet. "You are unusually quiet, Princeling. Do you have anything you wish to add? Say maybe, your marriage to Rhea Royce?"
"Rude, she-dragon, I have no interest in going through with that marriage when my heart is yours to command." He winks at me and I want to command it in that moment. "Otto, in his infinite wisdom and hatred of me, intends to marry me to Rhea Royce. It offers no political importance to the realm, but it would be a disadvantage to our House. With this marriage they would send me away from Kings Landing, no doubt thinking I would not come back to help the family if I am angry over an unwanted marriage. They claim it is for politics but if it were, they would use me to bring Dorne into the fold or a lord paramount daughter to ensure loyalty."
"Yes, those options would make more sense if you were not besotted with Daenerys, good brother."
"Can you blame me? She commands seven dragons, can wield a sword, her mind is beautiful and she challenges me. Who else could live up to those impossible standards?"
"Well, Aemma, what do you think of everything?" I change the subject, as much as I like the compliments, I don't want to let my heart get too far ahead.
"I think your information is entirely plausible. It is a matter of getting proof now. And you two should go talk about marriage while I consider the situation. If you are not married before we go to Kings Landing you will both be facing unwanted marriages. Though how they would force Daenerys, I do not even pretend to know. It would be incredibly stupid to anger a relative with seven dragons."
"Maybe only six soon," I say with a pointed look at Rhaella who is dozing off in Aemmas lap. Aemma looks down at Rhaella then looks up and smiles gently at me.
"Then it will be twelve when you hatch the others. But I agree we should go talk."
"I want to show you the caves I was shown, so you may see for yourself part of my story, Princeling."
We all walk out of the nest and I move to my children and Caraxes. Thank you for keeping them away. Daemon and I will be going to the caves down at the shore. Rhaegal and Viserion would you please stay with the hatchlings and the eggs until Drogon and

Caraxes get back? Viserion moves their head to me and rubs against me while sending acceptance through the bond. Thank you, I say while rubbing their snouts. I move to Drogon, who lowers his shoulder so I may make the climb up with Aegarax. Daemon goes to Caraxes and once we are settled, we fly off. Drogon and I lead the four of us to the beach. When we land on the beach I go to Drogons head and lean against him. I go to our bond and send him my feelings of appreciation and love. Drogon sends back his love for me and I smile subconsciously at it. I will never get tired of feeling my childrens love in our bonds. They love with their entire beings. I ask Drogon to wait until he has lit a torch for us and go grab one from the gates. I come back and Drogon is quite efficient and happy to do this small thing for me. I turn to Daemon and ask if he is ready, he agrees and we set off across the beach.
"When Jon Snow came to me about the Long Night, I agreed to letting him mine the dragon glass. This cave is where they mined. One day, Jon Snow asked me to let him show me the dragon glass before they tore it all up. Missandei and I went with him and his advisor, Ser Davos." We approach the cave and I look to Daemon and find him already watching me, I gently smile at him and enter the cave with the torch in my right hand and Aegarax on my left shoulder. We get to the main cavern when I speak again. "This is the dragon glass. I think we should start having it mined and made into weapons soon, so that in the future it will not take time they do not have." I start towards the back, where the drawings are when Aegarax starts fidgeting. He can probably feel the magic of the Children of the Forest. Daemon follows me into the much smaller area and I use the torch to light up the drawings. I turn and watch his face as he takes everything in. "Your brother knows the prophecy but he doesn't understand. He doesn't realize what they will be fighting. And it's stupid to only tell the named heir for they could die without being able to tell someone like what happened in my timeline. Our whole family should know the prophecy so they hopefully don't turn against each other."
"Who drew these?"
"The children of the Forest, supposedly." We walk around looking at the story the children tell. "The Children of the Forest created them to fight against the First Men. They grew out of control and the Long Night happened. They were defeated and the Wall was put up. It has held for 8,000 years. Dragons should never go beyond the wall. They will no doubt find a way to get past without a dragon but it will take longer and deprive them of the best weapon against us."
We leave the caves after that depressing conversation and go sit on the beach. "When I was a little girl running from assassins we used to sneak onto ships to get to the next city. I loved the water. I told my brother I wanted to be a sailor. He was not pleased with that suggestion because I was born to be his wife and his queen after our family died."
"Would you like to talk about that or what we originally were sent away to talk about?" "Ready to talk about marriage, big dragon?" I ask, grateful that he isn't pushing me for
more than I am willing to share at the moment, even if i was the one to bring it up.
"Kessa, Zaldritsos. What do I need to do to convince you to marry me?" Not much, I think.

"Well, I have terms. So I guess, negotiate, Zhavorsa Khalakka." "Let me hear your terms then, She-Dragon."
"I do not share, if you are my husband, you are mine." One thing I know about myself, is that what is mine, is mine, I am greedy that way.
"Done." Daemon says it so simply, as if he doesn't event have to think about it, that there would never be any others. I know better than to expect a lifetime of tomorrows.
"We make decisions together. If we disagree, we figure it out privately and then present a united front."
"Of course." Again, simple, but I know there were decisions Rhaenyra made he didn't agree with and he went against them. During the Dance the only time the black were winning the war was when Daemon was doing his own thing. When Rhaenyra brought him back onto a leash they started losing.
"We make time to fly together or spar every other day."
"That sounds good to me. My negotiation is that I get to kill Otto myself." Easy term for me to agree to. I don't personally know Otto. Though I am certain he will manage to anger me in Kings Landing, Daemon and Aemma deserve their vengeance.
"Done," I mimicked.
"Anything else, Zaldritsos?"
"Should anything change, we renegotiate, no killing each other to get out the marriage."
I have no intention of my new ending to be that of Rhea Royce's.
"You would kill me to get out of a marriage, little dragon?" He says laughingly.
"In our past lives you and I both killed our spouses, you killed Rhea to get out of the marriage, I killed Drogo out of mercy. I do not plan on that happening to either of us this time."
Daemon speaks again, "my last terms are that we marry before going to Kings Landing and it is a Valyrian wedding."
"I was going to suggest a Valyrian wedding anyways."
"So, with all our terms agreed upon, does this me you will marry me?"
"Kessa. Let's take a walk down the beach." We stand and start moving back towards the caves away from any eyes on us. "I was thinking we should have a name prepared for my fake father. That way when they question the validity of my heritage there won't be a hesitation that would cause them to be suspicious. Maybe Rhaegoro Maegyr. They are a pure Valyrian bloodline. The are a noble house in Volantis, some have been Triarchs, Generals and Admirals. They are generally of the Tiger Party, so they have military

backing, which would be a deterrent for anyone to mess with me if they believe it would upset the Valyrian freeholds. Viserys does not like war so he would do anything to keep it from happening. We would just have to ensure we stop any of Ottos spies or letters from getting to Volantis to expose the truth."
We are past anyones line of sight, hidden by the caves, when I reach out to Daemon and pull him to me. He catches on quickly thankfully because he is too tall for me to reach easily. He walks me back to the cave and leans down to kiss me while I tilt my head up. Aegarax takes his chance to fly off my shoulder squeaking his displeasure at us. I smile slightly because of them both and close the distance. I reach my right hand up to Daemons neck and left one to his side to keep him from moving away. The kiss starts slow and sweet. It doesn't stay that way, I bite Daemons lip wanting to taste him, and his tongue comes out to play with mine. Our tongues fight for dominance when I feel Daemon put one hand on my neck and the other tangles in my hair. While we are fighting Daemon tugs my hair sharply, pulling an unexpected moan out of me. My grip tightens on him and his hand moves down my neck, trailing past my breasts around to my back. I am losing this battle, I don't like losing. I push my hips forward rubbing myself against his groin, he hardens against me so I do it again, my tongue retreating into my own mouth so I can bite his lip again. He breaks contact, groaning, and it's a wonderful sound that makes me feel powerful. He leans his forehead down to rest against mine. "Zaldritsos, you're driving me mad. If you want to fuck, I will oblige, in the castle, where there is no sand."
"Mmm, tempting, Princeling. But whatever would the people say if we are caught before we are married?"
"Who fucking cares? Let them talk. I'll feed them to the dragons. I need you, she- dragon."
I smile playfully and push him away slightly, "Just call it delayed gratification, Princeling." In this lifetime I can't afford to take chances with peoples perception.
"I am going to go find Aemma to see where she is at with processing everything. If she is completely on our side then I will tell her my story tomorrow and what happens if Ottos plans work. Tomorrow morning I would like to try hatching more eggs, if you want to come with." I lean up and pull him down and give him a quick soft kiss then start walking towards Aegarax, who is blowing a small stream of fire on the sand in front of him. I bend down to pet him and ask him if he is coming with me or Daemon, he quickly climbs up my bent body to my shoulder. "Very well then." I begin my trek to the castle and go searching for Aemma, when I finally find her it is in the library. "How is your Valyrian, cousin?"
"I am fluent but it is obviously not my primary language."
"Well we should converse in Valyrian while we are are here to get you more comfortable with it then," I say while winking at her to let her know it was for privacy. "Do any of the people you brought with you speak it? Maybe they will be able to help as well?" Well if she didn't get it before that she for sure will now.

"No, cousin, they do not." Wonderful. We may not have privacy in the way of being alone, but they will not understand us. I switch to Valyrian and ask her how she is doing with all the information we gave her earlier.
"I am as well as can be expected after learning that my miscarriages were caused by ambitious men. It is a relief knowing that it had nothing to do with me but it hurts that my children are dead because someone wants his blood on the Throne. Other than that, I have never liked the Hand. His disdain for half my family has been obvious. I do not understand how my husband doesn't see it. The maesters are a surprise but knowing their motivations it makes a lot of sense. I guess, I am uncertain on what to do with is daughter, because right now she is innocent, but I also want her as far away from power as possible. Including my daughter."
"Understandable. If we able to prove his treason publicly his children would be disgraced as the children of a traitor. This would keep her away from power, but I was considering the Silent Sisters. This would allow her to serve the religion she believes in and keep her away from power. Everyone is wary of the Silent Sisters due to their connection to death so it would ensure the outcome we want. We would have to send his sons to the Wall though so they cannot cause trouble. I was also thinking that instead of the maesters, I would help you through your pregnancies until we get rid of the Hand and the maesters that are part of his treason. Is this something you would be interested in?"
"Yes, cousin. That would be a welcome relief."
"Well, if you see a maester near your food or drink make sure not to consume it. You should also get a taster, in case of poisonings. Someone loyal to you and discreet so that they do not know you are suspicious. Anything health related, come to me, and I will help even not pregnancy related.
"Will you tell me your story and how we are related?"
"Not today. It has been an emotional day already. I will tell you tomorrow though. My story and the consequences of the hands daughter becoming queen, so you understand the stakes. Daemon and I are going to to the nest to see if I can hatch more dragons in the morning if you would like to be there, Rhaella would like to see you again. You should consider opening yourself up to bonding with them. Dragons can be wonderful companions, as long as you have a partnership and do not try to force your will upon them. And I accepted Daemons proposal, we have decided on a Valyrian wedding, I would like you to officiate it."
"How did you meet Daemon?"
"Well, when I came to Dragonstone, I was at my dragons nest, not comfortable enough in family ties that knew nothing of me to go to the castle, so I stayed with them. That first day I was here Caraxes came to Dragonstone and bonded with me. The next morning I asked him to bring his rider to the nest and he flew back to Kings Landing to get Daemon and brought him to me." I hear movement at the library door and look up to see Daemon coming in. "He asked me who I was and when I gave him my name he

didn't believe me, my looks, the High Valyrian, or the three large dragons surrounding me."
"If I remember correctly, little dragon, you told your largest child to stop growling at me because the Fourteen Flames didn't inform you that I was 'so dense'."
"Yes, but if I remember correctly you tried to draw your sword on me for that and your own dragon took my side by pushing you away from me, Princeling." I look back at Aemma with a smirk and amusement in my eyes to find hers reflecting the same. "Anyways, after that we spent a couple weeks getting to know one another, flying the dragons together, and sparring with swords. After I told him why I was here he wanted my story but I negotiated with him to send a letter to you for it. When he agreed I told it all to him. A couple days later you know the rest."
"Do you love him?"
"Right to the difficult questions, huh? Hmm, I love him as the family he is but the love of a wife is built over time and work. We have only known each other a couple weeks, I know I could love him that way, but it will take more time for it to be reality. I also don't have a good experience with husbands so I am more guarded than most about it. But what I can say is that I will be loyal as long as he is. And I will put in the work for the marriage. We gave our terms for the marriage earlier and once those were accepted I truly accepted it and whatever headache he may cause me." I wink at her playfully, then look to Daemon with a smirk.
"Cruel, little dragon. You wound me."
"I thought the Rogue Prince would have tougher skin, big dragon."
"Well, I think I am going to leave before I see something I do not wish to." With that Aemma stands and walks to the door. "I would love to officiate the wedding by the way."
"So, little dragon, what are your plans for tomorrow?"
"In the morning, we will go see if we can hatch more dragons, and tell Aemma my story and the consequences of not changing things while we are at the nest. I was thinking we would have our wedding in the afternoon. Since Aemma can't stay here for much longer I want to fly to Braavos tomorrow to talk to the House of Black and White. No matter their decision we will fly back here after the conversation."
"Hmm, sounds like a busy day."
"Yes, it is getting late so I am going to go rest. I will see you in the morning, Princeling."
I lean over and kiss Daemon for the last time today, stand and then walk to my rooms.
Aegarax and I get to the room, I prepare for bed then lay down. I look to Aegarax contemplatively "so we have six eggs left to hatch. We should come up with names now. Balerion, Meraxes, Vhagar, Vermithor, Caraxes, Syrax, and Meleys have been used or are being used along with Shrykos, Aegarax, and Tessarion. That means four of the six

will take on the names of the gods; Tyraxes, Gaelithox, Arrax, and Vermax. I know theoretically, that future dragons were supposed to have these names, but we are changing the future so their riders may choose something else this time around. Which means we need two more names. The dragon eggs unhatched are green, red, the sunset orange color, silver, purple, and teal. The last two names are hard without seeing the dragons personalities or feeling the connection, but I am thinking Fyrestorm for one of them. I guess the last name will have to wait until inspiration hits me. What do you think?"
Aegarax has been staring at me since I started talking, I look to our bond as it is my best tool for understanding the dragons, and find amusement and acceptance. Well, that's good at least. I give Aegarax one last scratch before succumbing to sleep.
Next Morning
When I rise I am ecstatic and energized by the prospect of more hatchlings. I quickly wash and dress so we can get a move on. I leave the room and go find my morning meal, as I am eating with Aegarax, Daemon and Aemma come in the hall to eat. We say our greetings and then turn our attention back to the food. When I finish I decide to bring up the names to them hoping for input. " I already have a good idea on the names I am only missing one." I go on to explain the colors of the eggs and the names I already have figured out and wait for them to speak.
Aemma speaks first "What about MoonDream?" I like it well enough, it just doesn't particularly stick out to me either.
Daemon suggests "Morghul?"
"You want me to name a dragon 'Death'?" I laugh. "How apt. Why not DeathDealer then?"
Daemon smirks at me, "a little on the nose, don't you think?"
"Yes. But that's what I thought about Death too. If another black dragon comes about I would consider naming it Morghul or NightStalker though."
I guess the last dragon will remain nameless for for now. Daemon and Aemma finish their meal, Aegarax goes back to my shoulder and we move to leave. We make it out the door and the guards start to follow us. Aemma speaks up again, "We are going out to the dragons, there is no need to follow us when we plan to fly." The guards start to protest their queen walking out there without guards when Daemon says "Daenerys and I will be escorting the Queen, Daenerys could beat any of you in a fight and Aegarax is with us. Daenerys and I can call the dragons to us if we need help. It is pointless to follow." The guards look at me skeptically and I just smirk back. "In Essos, there is less doubt in a woman's ability to learn to fight. Westeros would do well to take on that mantle. If Queen Visenya didn't know how to

wield Dark Sister or have an understanding of fighting there may not be a Kingsguard. I wonder where you all would be without her legacy."
They do not look any less doubtful but they do back off, which is all we truly needed this morning. The four of us start towards the nest when Dragon and Caraxes come into sight. The land before the castle and I look at Aemma, "ready to fly?"
"I brought this on myself by suggesting it, didnt I?"
"Yes, you sure did, cousin." Daemon mounts Caraxes with Aegarax in his arms, while I move to Drogons head and greet him and send my love in the bond. We all turn to Aemma who looks pale at the thought of flying now that its a reality. "Cousin, there is no need to fear this very short flight. Drogon is an expert and I will not let you fall."
Aemma nods shakily and moves over to me. I grab her hand and send Drogon my request through the connection, he accepts, and I move Aemmas hand to his snout. Drogon starts purring when she moves her hand slightly causing Aemma and I to giggle and Daemon to look down at us fondly. Caraxes sends me sadness and playfulness, letting me know he wants my attention but that he is guilt tripping me into it. I send him love back and he purrs too, his purr was enough to shake Daemon and I smirk when he looks confused.
"Aemma, are you ready?"
"Yes." I climb Drogon slowly so Aemma can watch how I ascend the large dragon. Then she follows my lead when I finish. She reaches me and I quickly explain to her to hold on to me.
"Soves." Drogon and Caraxes lift off and make the quick flight, Aemma has a death grip on me but doesn't make any unnecessary movements. We land at the nest and I tell Aemma to watch my descend so she can do the same. When we are all on the ground again the hatchling all come to me except Aegarax who is allowing his siblings the time with me. Shrykos goes to my right shoulder, Tessarion my left and Rhaella in my arms, but chirping at Aemma.
We walk into the nest and I switch Rhaella over to Aemma and pull out my dagger. All the dragons are watching as I put my blood on the six eggs and rub it over them. I look over to Viserion, "Dracarys." Viserion blows fire on the eggs and we wait for cracks to form. "Last time, I sang to them in Valyrian when the first dragon song started but I don't actually know any Valyrian songs, so if one of you can sing one please feel free."
The first crack sounds and Rhaegal is staring at the silver egg, Caraxes is staring at the red one and Drogon is staring at the orange. Viserion nudges me and sends their happiness to me, I push my own back and raise my hand to their snout waiting for the first call. The red is the first to sing its song and Demon joins moments later.
"Fire Breather, Winged Leader" the red comes out of its egg and calls its own song, "But two heads, call to a third" the silver is almost out,
"From my voice: the fires have spoken and the price has been paid, with blood magic, with words of flame, with clear eyes" the silver finally sings for us, "to bind the three, to

you I sing, as one we gather and with three heads, we shall fly as we were destined, beautifully, freely." The other hatchlings and the adult dragons join in the hatchlings songs moments before Daemon stops singing.
Daemon looks over and asks what their names are. I pick up the silver as its closest to me, look into its eyes and say "Fyrestorm." The bond snaps into place and I set them in my lap. I look at the red next, hold out my hand for them to join me look into their eyes waiting for the bond and call to them "Gaelithox," I hand them to Daemon as Caraxes keeps pushing closer, then I look at the orange who's coloring reminds me of the setting sun. When our bond opens I name them "Tyraxes." We hear new dragons land outside and Daemon and I look at each other, I move the hatchlings to the adult dragons and walk outside. There, in the clearing, are two adult dragons, bronze and silver. I make eye contact with them and the silver moves towards me. The dragons, Daemon and Aemma leave the nest and say "Silverwing and Vermithor." Well, I guess that makes sense. Silverwing inhales my scent and I reach up and allow her to decide what she wants. She pushes forward and I feel a new connection. After some minutes of giving Silverwing my attention I look to Vermithor.
"Little dragon, Vermithor is known as the Bronze Fury, it would not be smart to approach him," Daemon comments. I look to silverwing and send askance in the bond, she sends her agreement and affection and I look back to the bronze dragon. I move away from Silverwing and wait. Vermithor decides to move to me and I repeat my actions, when I feel the bond I send him gratitude and awe. Males do tend to need more reassurance to feel secure after all. I go back to the hatchlings and Aegarax lands on my right shoulder, Shrykos to my left, I pick up Fyrestorm. Gaelithox and Tessarion are with Daemon, Rhaella and Tyraxes are with Aemma.
"Well, shall we dit so I can tell you my story?"
"Yes, please, I am curious." We all move at the answer the large dragons curling up around us and the hatchlings getting comfortable on us. We spend a couple hours going over my life, and my death, my rebirth, my mission from the gods, my personal mission after we ensure House Targaryens survival and Ottos unaliving. Then I explain the Dance of Dragons so Aemma understands the most immediate consequences.
"The gods explained that the Dance is when all truly started to end House Targaryen. It is the catalyst and should we change the events everything else will change too. So that I may not be an orphan, running on the streets of Essos from assassins, my marriage to the Dothraki Khal, and the Long Night will be different. We may not lose as many should there be more dragons in the sky." Aemma looks dumbfounded and concerned.
"That is a lot to process. So what is our relation?"
"Daemon is technically my seventh great grandfather, you are my eighth great grandmother. I come from greatness." I wink at them to lighten the mood. Daemon laughs and Aemma smiles gently at me. You know, one of my conditions with the gods was that I got to meet my mother before I left for this time. I never got to meet her in my life, my father was brutal towards her is she was older than is healthy for child bearing when she had me. She died in childbirth. I was called Daenerys Stormborn because the night I was born the storm over Dragonstone was so strong the dogs at kings landing were howling all through the night, it

broke all but a few of the royal fleet. She stayed with me while I met the gods and held my hand through the process. You remind me of her, Aemma. Beautiful and kind."
"Thank you Daenerys. Can I ask what your official titles were in your other life?"
"Of course. Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khalessi of the Great Grass Sea, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons."
"That is a very long list, little dragon."
"Yes and those are only the official ones, I had unofficial ones too. Daughter of Death, Child of Three, Bride of Fire, Slayer of Lies, The One Who Was Promised, The Whore of Westeros when I was in Essos, Aegon the Conqueror with teats, Foreign Whore or Foreign Queen by the Westerosi." I smirk at the last four because I find them entertaining. Daemon laughs at the Aegon title and Aemma is just watching us with fondness in her eyes. "Well, Aemma what do you think, do I have enough titles or should I begin collecting more?"
"I think that's quite enough, Daenerys. Though they are very impressive titles. We should go prepare for the wedding."
Time Skip
Daemon and Daenerys are facing each other in the clearing surrounded by dragons with Aemma a couple of paces away from them and guards as witnesses further away. The couple have donned Valyrian marital robes that are red at the top and transition to black the further down you go. Daenerys is wearing the Valyrian steel crown with the amethyst she found in Valyria atop her head. Daemon and Daenerys cut each others lips with dragon glass, then Daemon cuts their hands and mixes their blood to signify their pure Valyrian bloodlines. Daemon put some of the blood on his finger and moves it to Daenerys' forehead writing the Valyrian rune for fire. Daemons forehead is marked by Daenerys with the Valyrian rune for blood. Aemma starts wrapping their bleeding hands together with ceremonial red scarf. "There shall be one end for us both; one bond after our vows; nor shall our first love aimlessly perish. I shall not go down baselessly to the gods. You cannot possess me for I belong to myself. But while we both wish it, I will give you all that is mine to give. You cannot command me for I am a free person. I shall be a shield for your back and you for mine. I shall not slander you, nor you me. I shall honor you above all others and when we quarrel we shall do so in private and tell no strangers our grievances. We are one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever," they recite to each other in High Valyrian. Aemma starts speaking her words as the officiant, "now that we have acknowledged the divine in the world around us, we acknowledge the Divine within the Groom and Bride. There is a God and Goddess with them that connects them with the divinity within themselves. May they connect together through their divine nature bringing the best they have to offer each other both physically and spiritually ever reminded that as

above, so below. Daemon and Daenerys drink from the ceremonial cup and hand it back to Aemma, then Daemon brings himself down to kiss Daenerys deeply, happy to marry the woman who challenges him and protects their family, the woman that sees what he needs and is willing to give it. Daenerys kisses him back, finding herself happy to have a marriage that she didn't resent, with a man that would protect her but let her be the warrior queen she is, the dragon that she is, the man that makes her feel playful and doesn't judge her harshly for it but instead plays with her. When their kiss ends the dragons all sing a song while Aemma and the guards applaud them, though the guards are doing so more hesitantly. Daenerys and Daemon smile at each other and everyone moves to the castle.
Daemon speaks up, "Aemma, we are going to change and then go for a flight. Don't wait up for us for a wedding feast. We plan on consummating our marriage away from the castle. We will see you sometime tomorrow. Then we can all leave for Kings Landing whenever you are ready to go back."
Daemon walks me back to my room and I pull him inside to grab clothing for the flight, the pull him out of the room towards his own. "What are you doing, Dragon Lady? We need to change and get our flight started." Silly man, thinking we should wait until we get back.
"I plan on consummating our marriage before we leave, Princeling." Starting so tender the kiss quickly turned ravenous, desperate Daenerys starts undressing Daemon, their tongues entangling. Daemon was not much better, it was a miracle he didnt rip her robes. Dany pulls back her tongue and bites on his lip. Daemons hands slowly explore every inch he can reach of Daenerys' skin. When Daemon moves his fingers across her breasts she moans and he redoubles his efforts, going to her nipples and pinching them lightly to see her reaction. Finding it positive, Daemon moves his hands down to her thighs and picks her up, Dany wraps her legs around his waist tightly rubbing herself against his cock. Daemon lowers them to the bed and pulls away to look at her fully, he makes it to her chest when he sees the scar. Instead of hesitating and making her feel insecure about it Daemon moves his mouth to her chest sucking on her nipple, when he feels it as hard as dragon Valyrian steel he moves to the other, as he reaches the scar he plants kisses on it before moving to the other nipple and redoing his actions. Daemons left hand moves down Danys body between her legs and lightly grazes her cunt. Dany moves her left hand to Daemons neck and her right to his side, she pulls his head unto kiss him so that it shift his body to within reach. With her right hand so close to where she wants it she moves and runs her fingers gently up his cock because turnabout is fair play. Daemon growls at her and starts circling her bundle of nerves with his thumb wondering if he can make her cum without any penetration. Kissing a trail down her neck chest and stomach Daemon reaches his destination, he uses his hands to spread her lips apart then licks at her entrance to that bundle again. Danys moans are pretty consistent now and she's tugging on his hair not to pull his mouth away but because his moving down moved his cock out of reach and she needed something to do to release the pressure she feels. Daemons tongue gives a few more lashes to her clit before he scrapes his teeth down it then back to nip her clit, the build up spills over and Dany cums spectacularly, moaning Daemons name. He continues his ministrations, inserting a finger inside of her to give her cunt something to grip on to until her orgasm subsides. Dany pulls Daemon back up by the neck then flips them over wanting to feel him inside her, but wanting the control for now. She positioned herself above his cock, makes eye contact then slowly lowers herself onto him, hands on his chest. She maintains eye contact while increasing her pace and swiveling her

hips sensually over him. Dany lowers her head to kiss along his jawline to his ear and nibbles on it, then moves down to his neck and bites hard, the surprising harshness causes Daemon to buck up against her and the force of the thrust brings Dany to cum for him, Danys pelvic muscles grip Daemons cock tightly causing Daemon to follow her over the edge. They lay there intertwined for a few moments to catch their breath. Dany lays her head against Daemons chest enjoying the sound of his heart beating rapidly. When Daenerys moves next is it to go clean up and dress, Daemon follows her lead and soon they are heading out to the dragons.

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