CHAPTER XLIV: United Front (Castiel)

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MY NEW council was working out just fine. Tabitha must be joking when she told me that she randomly picked our three junior officers from dozens of applicants. They managed to live up to my expectations so far. If they seemed inadequate and incompetent, I would terminate their internship with us.

"Good morning, fellow Elysians! For those who have forgotten my name already, I'm Mignonette Nievera, your press secretary for today. This is my second presser, so please be still gentle to me!"

I stopped by our office lounge and looked up at the television screen to watch our interim press secretary. Mignonette was all smiles, looking a lot less nervous compared to when she first stood before that lectern. Walang aberya no'ng unang press briefing niya. Maybe the vultures went easy on her because she was new. But we could not expect the same gentleness this time or in the next one.

"The USC will audit the accomplishment reports and financial statements of all mandated and non-mandated student organizations for the first semester," she spoke articulately. "We're going to furnish every org a copy of our requests. We expect them to comply under the Freedom of Information act."

What's the use of a weapon if we were not going to wield it? My only target was the college student councils, but it's best to hide my intentions and make it appear as if it's a general audit. If one were to hide a leaf, one must hide it in a forest. Besides, who knows what we might find out about the other organizations? Maybe our audit could yield some results that we could take advantage of in the near future.

"I will now take your questions! Again, please be gentle. Thank you!"

"Mignonette! I'm Ambrielle from The Herald—"

"Hi, Ambrielle! What's your question?"

"The USC is auditing the student organizations, but who's going to audit the USC?"

"Good question!" Mignonette began. "We're going to make the council's accomplishment report and financial statements public this week! If you have any comments or questions, you may request additional details through our FOI channel. We will be happy to provide whatever information you may need to keep us in check."

"The last time the USC initiated an audit—specifically on the CSCs—you released the reports during the impeachment trial," Ambrielle added. "Some thought you weaponized FOI to find dirt on CSCs that aren't allied with you. Even CBA-CSC Chairperson Alaric Esteban claimed the same."

"I can't speak for the USC's intentions and actions in the first semester since I wasn't a junior officer back then," Mignonette replied. "But this audit is nothing but a standard procedure. It's not going to hurt anyone if they don't have any dirt at all. Only those who have something to hide will fear that the USC is going to use it as a weapon."

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