#7 Love Too Deep

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Love too deep
Heart's easily broken.
Love too small
His heart gets taken.

I miss the time he'd
buy me pretty flowers.
I miss the life before
we faced our difficult hour.

I miss the comfort in his hugs
when he was mine.
I miss the kisses on my forehead
and then later he'd smile.

Saying while clasping hands,
that I was the one for him.
The one who brought him peace
and joy in all this madness.

I just wanted to see him happy.
I wanted his compliments,
I wanted to be his everything.
but I couldn't be anything.

I miss the time when
he only had eyes for me.
When he'd look at me and admire,
Saying how wonderful
and pretty I looked.
I miss his words even when
inside there was no truth.

I miss his puffy cheeks,
his brown eyes,
The way they'd shine
under the sun,
The way they'd glimmer
a hazel shade,
The way they'd excite me
when they'd be captured in mine.

But all those days have ended.
Now it's just me staring
at the empty pastures.
The wind blowing past
my hair and not his.
The light shining upon
my eyes and not his.


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