Wolf Moon

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Picking out an outfit is probably the worst part of my morning considering they're all from Goodwill and the other girls get theirs from Macy's which is why I've decided to pick up more shifts at the DVD store, but I guess you can't really go wrong with a black long sleeve and white jeans with good old converse.

Instead of riding a bike to school like Scott does I catch the bus but my Goal is to buy a car by the end of the year maybe Scott and I could put some money to buy one together

Scott and I usually get to school around the same time I do but I guess today I beat him to it

"Hey Stiles" little secret, I may or may not have a little thing for Stiles. But nothing could ever happen between us. It would be too weird. Plus Scott would never allow it


"So what'd you and Scott get up to last night?"

"Last night? Oh, we uh just you know, practised for lacrosse"

"Hm, at 11:00 pm at night?"

"Yep, never too late to practise lacrosse right?" When I gave him a bored expression he gave up on his lies and decided to tell me the truth "Okay fine, but when I tell you, you can't go super mom mode on Scott or me"

"When have I ever gone super mom mode on you guys?" when he gave me a look I brushed it off "Whatever"

"So I was listening in on my dad's calls last night"

"As one does," I say sarcastically

"And so we went looking for the other half of a dead body" After the confused look that I gave him he then decided to tell me the reason why I would go full "mom mode" on him "And he may have been bitten by a wild animal"

"WHAT?!" this is why I need to be with them all the time to prevent them from doing stupid things like going around and looking for a dead body

"Hey, what'd I miss" Oh here he is the man himself

"When were you going to fill me in on the little adventure you have Stiles went on last night?"

"You told her?"

"She asked" Stiles held up his hands defensively

"She is standing right here, and since when do we keep things from each other?"

"It just happened I didn't have time to fill you in this morning" I get that he and Stiles will always have a different relationship but it stings a little to not be kept in the loop about things

"Moving on, let's see this thing" Kind of glad that Stiles is moving the conversation along "Oh wow"

"Scott you should get Mom to clean it so you don't get an infection" It looked horrible

"It's fine I cleaned it when I got home and changed the bandage this morning"

"So what was it?"

"It was too dark to see much but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf"

"A wolf bit you?" Stiles asked unconvinced


"No not a chance"

"I heard a wolf howling"

"No, you didn't" Their bickering is so annoying

"What do you mean 'no you didn't? how do you know what I heard?"

"He doesn't, but he's right. California doesn't have any wolves, not in like 60 years"


"Yes really, there are no wolves in California"

Teen wolf - Season 1 Where stories live. Discover now