Helium - Part 1

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"What do you say if you don't like what's happening?" Gideon loomed over him, deadly serious. He stood in front of Cole, who sat on the end of the master bed, practically vibrating out of his skin. Cole blew out a breath that trembled with excitement, trying and failing to keep a smile from curling over his lips. It was just so impossible that this was actually happening. He wanted to throw himself back against the mattress and roll around, giggling.


They had talked over a few more things before leaving the kitchen, at Gideon's insistence. He seemed hell bent on making sure he knew exactly what Cole wanted, which – despite his distracting hard on – Cole really had not minded. Maybe it was because Gideon realized how off the mark he'd been this morning and committed to better communication, rather than making assumptions, or maybe that's just how he was during this kind of sex. Cole would bet on a combination of both.

Picking Cole's brain to figure out what made him tick so that he could wind him up like a toy seemed very on brand for Gideon. He'd done the same thing on Valentine's when he asked Cole to masturbate and show him exactly how he liked to be touched.

"Good boy," Gideon praised him already, just for remembering their safeword.

Cole stilled and cast his eyes to the side, which did not go unnoticed. Gideon smirked and leaned down to curl his fingers under the wide hem of Cole's sweatshirt and then drag it over his head. Cole lifted his arms up to help. Then he was bare-chested and blushing like mad. The urge to cover his nipples like a scandalized maiden crept over him. What was it about Gideon that made him feel so flustered all the time?

Gideon tucked his fingers under the elastic of Cole's boxers and pulled them wide to ease them over his rising cock. And Cole braced his hands against the mattress so he could lift his hips, gnawing on his lips the entire time. Gideon tossed them over his shoulder haphazardly as if they had been a great inconvenience he was glad to be rid of. His thumb pressed on Cole's lower lip, sliding it from between his teeth and stroking back and forth.

"Good boy," he repeated. There was nowhere to hide from the endearment this time. Gideon held his chin in place and gazed into his eyes. There were no clothes to cover up the way his skin prickled, his nipples hardened, and his cock filled out. He swallowed. Gideon watched, pleased.

"Now, I want you to follow my instructions," Gideon told him. "Just trust me. You cannot do anything wrong unless you directly go against an instruction. If you don't want to do something, just pause the scene."

Cole nodded.

"Lay on your back," he instructed, and Cole scooted back a few feet to stretch out on the bed. "Good. Now roll onto your belly. Get up on your hands and knees. Slide your arms forward ... yes, just like that. Until your chest is against the mattress. Good."

Cole followed his instructions as they came, ending up with his arms stretched in front of him, one cheek pressed into the mattress, the arch of his torso elongated, and his ass sticking up in the air. Gideon stood off to the side, stroking the stubble along the hollow of his cheek thoughtfully.

"You look so sexy like that, baby," he complimented. "I really like it. Will you do a few more poses for me? I like looking at you."

Cole rubbed his cheek against the duvet, imagining that the cool material could leach away all the heat that was building under his skin. "Okay."

He melted into the rest of the movements. Gideon guided him through a series of what he imagined were pretty standard boudoir poses. His low voice led Cole step by step so that his back arched perfectly, and his hips tilted at just the right angle, but he never felt strained. He ended up on his back with his spine arched so deeply that a bus could drive under it, nipples peaked and thrust out for the whole world to see, while his plump cock was tucked between the cradle of his folded legs. He ended up on his side like some Greek statue carved from marble.

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