Helium - Part 3

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Cole hummed and rested his cheek against Gideon's shoulder. His entire body melted against Gideon's the same way it did whenever he finally laid in bed after a long day. A second later he processed the words and frowned a little. He had gotten frustrated and riled up and kept moving when he should not have been, but if Gideon said he did okay then he must have. He hadn't even punished Cole when he couldn't follow instructions and stay still.

He smacked his lips together and murmured, "You went easy on me, didn't you?"

Gideon's fingers squeezed his sides as he chuckled a bit. "Stopping touching you whenever you moved wasn't punishment enough for you, huh?"

"You would tease me like that anyway," Cole grumped. Gideon's chest shook with laughter again. He most certainly would. There was no way he was just going to give Cole a nice easy hand job.

"What would you like next time?" Gideon tried to lean back so he could get a look at Cole's face, but Cole just burrowed closer, keeping himself hidden in Gideon's shoulder. So, he gave up and settled for resting his head on Cole's. "You want me to flip you over and spank your ass? Or I could slap your cock around some? Or I could make you stand next to the bed and watch me touch myself instead of you?"

Cole closed his eyes, imagining each one as Gideon's voice rumbled beneath them. "Those all sound nice."

They did not. They all sounded terrible, and he would probably be outraged when Gideon ended up doing those things to him. But. Giving Gideon permission to slap his cock or make him stand in a corner or something like that was exactly what he craved. He could get fed up and Gideon could just coo at him and pet him and tell him how cute he looked when he got frustrated. And Cole should probably not like that, but he really liked the idea of being taken care of in that way – allowed to lose control and feel frustrated, but still forced to deal with consequences that were easy to process.

"Or..." Gideon paused for dramatic effect, "I could not let you cum at all."

Maybe not that. He could see the case file now. Gideon Barta: Cause of Death – Murder because he did not allow his boytoy to cum.

"Orgasm denial is a thing for you isn't it," he grumbled.

"I just like riling you up, making you all needy for my touch."

Then he rubbed his cheek back and forth over Cole's head, stubble catching and ruffling up Cole's hair. He yelped and hunched away from the onslaught, which made Gideon chuckle again. He seemed to be in a good mood. Cole had never heard him laugh this much before. He stopped and squeezed Cole again.

"Can you sit up, for me?"

Cole's entire body felt heavy, like now that he had finally settled in for a good rest there was nothing that could make him move. It was the kind of bone-deep relaxation that he felt when he did not want to mess with the perfect comfort of lying in bed and would seriously debate whether he really needed to get up and pee that badly. So instead of reacting, he just laid against Gideon's chest like he had not heard him.

"It's alright." Gideon rumbled softly, "You can take a minute. I've got you. I just want to see your beautiful face."

That just made Cole want to hide forever and ever, but he sank his teeth into the inside of his lip and sat back. He still avoided Gideon's eyes, not sure why he felt like he could not look at him directly. But now that it was over he felt far more shy than he had before or during.

"Are you okay?" Gideon asked.

"I just don't want it to end." Cole tapped his fingers on Gideon's shoulders and looked down at the remains of cum still smeared on his stomach and Gideon's cock.

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