Maybe I finally reached the point of no returning!

484 10 46

Infected walked through the flat of dense grass, holding his newly sewn shirt together, he'd decided to divert from split, saying his goodbyes and prayers, saying he'd be better off on his own rather than staying with split.

In all actuality, infected was just..scared, scared to hurt split and take away the only remnant of what bive loves, to take away a loved one.

He knew what it was like now. All too well.


His father...

Even thought it was too late to find him, alive, to make amends, to cry in his embrace and apologize for everything, maybe it wasn't too late to get a closure of sorts.

If only he could figure out where exactly he was buried at...where his grave was.

He continued to walk through the murky depths of greens until he reached what seemed like a small suburb of sorts, empty, abandoned, like everything else.

Jesus... how many worlds even got affected by this? By infecteds reckless behavior and incompetence? By MR's rage?

He checked some of the abandoned houses, homes of invisible residents, most of them seemed barricaded and long rotted from the inside, most of them had their doors swung open, fully accessible and perfect for infected to enter and loot from, even if it felt wrong to some degree.

After a while his gaze turned form the disappointing and rotted food in the cabinets and lukewarm fridge to the pictures framed and hung against the wall, showing families and memories of people who don't exist anymore, who's lives were torn apart.

All because of me...

Then before infected could turn, he felt something cold and pointy at the back of his neck, something like..a knife.

"This place was mines first. Bubs"

He didn't object or do any stupid moves, infected simply put his hands up "& s1nc3 wh3n d1d U l34rn h0w 2 Uz3 @ kn1f3, pr0t0typ3?

Prototype was surprised "you...recognize me?"

"W3ll dUh, Ur v01c3-"

"Doesn't matter! What are YOU doing here anyways?"


"You don't know what you're doing huh?"


He heard prototype sigh and move the knife away from his neck, he took as a sign that he could turn around safely, he faced prototype, taken slightly aback by his withered look but not surprised, his faceplate was cracked and falling apart, the rest of their body were also barely hanging on as one of the hands seemed so out of place, almost makeshift.

" I'm guessing you knew what happened?..."

Infected nodded and prototype flipped the knife away "k1nd@...?"

"Well good! Now GET OUT."

"W0@h th3r3 n0w! I c4nt g0.....y3t...."

"Why's that then?"

"...l00k 1 w4nn4 kn0w wh3r3 d4d w4z bUrr1Ed @ & m4yb wh@t h4pp3n3d t0 l4mP3rt.."

"Hm..very well then, I'll tell you, but you better get out of my sight soon" prototype threatened, squinted his eyes "from what I could gather your father was buried at the undercity."

"Th3....wh0 n0w?"

"The undercity! it's where he was born in and raised technically, he wrote on its will that if he ever dies to bury him there, and we'll, they did just that"

"Sh## bUt IDK wh3r3 d4d 1s.."

"It's on the elevator for a coin or two, or you could trek there from the north straight, either way he was buried there."

"4lr1ght...& l4mp37?"

Prototype went silent for a moment, smiling in a rather crazed and sly but subtle way.

"...yeah..I know where he is too, in fact, he's here!"

Infected flinched a bit, his eyes widened 

"R34lly?? W3ll sh0w m3h th3n!"

Prototype waved at infected to follow him as he went upstairs, seeing all the peeled wallpaper and...clear signs of a struggle, a fight of some sorts. Oil splattered slightly at the wall as and dent and broken furniture everywhere, that already put infected at unease, what made it worse was prototypes non-chalant behavior to the scene.

As prototype neared the room, he turned to infected slightly, wording his warning "be careful though ok? And don't touch anything, lampert wouldn't like that now."

Infected nodded in agreement and watched as prototype turned the knob, opening to a dark, dark room, at first infected was confused until prototype flipped the switch to reveal the horrific scenery underneath the sheet of light.

Lampert, who was dismantled and ripped apart, was sprawled across the floor like loose jigsaw puzzle pieces, drowning in his own pool of oil, his lampshade hung on the ceiling, the draw  and permanent sharpie smile still haunting the room as his theoretically sunken and dead eyes watched deep into infecteds soul.

Infected felt his soul and stomach drop hard, he gaged and held his mouth in shock, tears welling up.


"Oh silly me! I forgot to mention the part where I took my little revenge! Hehe..."

Infected let out a sob, his mind still trying to comprehend his dismantled best friend's sight.

"Oh now don't be sad" prototype said in a fake pout-like voice "you'll soon join him too.."


Infected couldn't react to the stab fast enough, he felt his side being punctured as prototype had the same manic smile, laughing and giggling intently as infected dropped to the floor, his sides gushing out the red liquid, his body flaring and reacting to the injury as an immediate reaction to his instincts.

"Oh poor little boy is suffering, here, let me end it for you shall I?"

Infected just gritted his teeth and let out a deep snarl as he turned his face to prototype, who actually seemed slightly intimidated, infected kicked his legs, making prototype fall and shatter his faceplate just a tiny fraction more, and leaving enough time for infected to get up and run away, almost tumbling down the stairs as he jumped out the front door and ran out the house, up to the north.


Infected dragged his heavy, furry body as he panted slightly, still feeling the pain on his side, while the god forsaken infection had healed it just enough for him not to lose a shit ton of blood, it would probably be a matter of time before he fell into the hands of death thanks to an infection of the wound. He didn't care, he just wanted closure, he was planning to kill himself anyways.

Looking up at the stars again, he saw the moon shine bright, floating in the deep dark night sky, shining it's heavenly rays union the barren land, with no one but the beast to bathe in and enjoy. For a moment he'd forgotten the bulging wound, opting to just open his maw and howl out his sadness, frustration, guilt and loneliness, He let out a cry of all the melting pot of emotions he'd experience, calling out to the wind, calling out to his dad or anyone, calling out to himself.

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