Late night dysphoria (unpleasant x Jeremy)

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Unpleasant groggily lifted himself through the foundation of the elevator as the others either threw tomatoes at him or commented on how depressed and tired it looked, I meam, could you blame him? His sons at the hospital and he cowardly ran away when he first got admitted and making it other people's problem instead of being there for him like a true father.

Well you can't change the past now. What happened had happened, and all unpleasant could do was just drag himself back to the apartment after brushing off the snow and rather insulting commentary from the others, grabbing his keys to directly torn the knob before noticing something rather alarming..

The door was already open.

Someone or something has entered.

Unpleasant felt the panic set in as he pushed past the wooden frame and looked around, grabbing a nearby vase as a support of weapon against the hidden feind, but just as quickly as he grabbed it he spotted the so called intruder.

It was Jeremy, his tall body barely fit the cozy indoor space so he crouched, quickly turning around as he saw unpleasant confusingly and irritatingly stare at him.


"Woah now no need for yelling- I just wanted to check up on ya that's all-" Jeremy chuckled

"And what makes you think I'd believe that??? You're the most evil, toxic, nastiest woman I've ever had the DISPLEASURE of laying my eyes on in my 60 years of living!"

"Gradie, we made out last week."


Unpleasant grumbled as he set the vase away, his face turning red as Jeremy couldn't help but cackle a little like a witch.

"Oh my god! Ya really DO get flustered easily, no way you were such a noobie when we made out!"


"Hmmm how"

"Fuck you mean no???"

Unpleasant sudden felt his body get slightly crushed as Jeremy reached his hand to grab him

"I mean, no!"

Unpleasant squirmed within his father right grasp "LET ME GO!!!"

Jeremy giggled under his breath like a child playing dolls "NUH uh uhhhh!! I needed a place to sleep in for tonight anyways!"

"What about that freaky dungeon of yours??"

"It's uhhh...getting a renovation!" Jeremy lied, smiling egregiously.

"Liar!! No one would want to renovate for you out of all people!"

"Look I just.. miss you on the bed ok??"

Unpleasant turned red again, although it was fainter "uh- really??"

Jeremy's face turned a darker shade of pink as a blush "......yyyeahhhhh-"

Unpleasant would've just laughed at Jeremy's face and still push him away, but unpleasant himself was too tired to even care, he just sighed and rolled his eyes "alright fine you can stay...but the moment tomorrow comes you're OUT of here. Got it?"

Jeremy nodded and let go of unpleasant, who just wobbled to his bedroom and collapsed on the bed, feeling Jeremy's warm weight next to him.

"Goodnight sweetie!" Jeremy chirped

"I hope you choke in your sleep." Unpleasant responded only for Jeremy's reaction to just be an eyeroll, Jeremy turned off the lights and slept soundly within some minutes, crazy how a maniacal villain like him could sleep soundly like a baby despite all the atrocities he'd committed.

Unpleasant on the other hand couldn't get his eyes to just even, while his body was screaming in anguish to rest, his mind ran around restlessly thinking of his son and the others, which would loop back to the insults and shared bad memories, making him have his nightly cry on the bed.


Jeremy's eyes fluttered open as he felt that familiar cold, empty feeling next to him on the bed.

Once again had unpleasant decided to go somewhere else.

Jeremy sighed again, contemplating on whether he should chase after gradie or catch up on his beauty sleep, but he has this sense of caring for unpleasant that drove him to go and seek him out, he didn't even do this for his ex. This.. was strange, but Jeremy was pretty tired, it was even a miracle that he even managed to pull himself upwards.

He stumbled through the halls, his voice a bit rough "Gradie? Where in fucks sake did you go to?" He asked grumpily before stopping to the sight of unpleasant, this time, he was kneeling in front of a box, staring into a picture, a memory long forgotten.

Jeremy felt his eyebrows arch concern as he approached the lowly gradient, peeping over and adjusting his eyes within the darkness to get a glimpse of the photo, it just looked like unpleasant in his far far younger years, long before he'd accumulate the scars haunting his body, he shakily at the photo down and brought his reddened and scared left hand to stare at.

"I'm a mutant freak.." he mumbled.

"That's not true."

Unpleasant didnt even react to Jeremy's sudden appearance, he simply lowered his head further.

"So much for you to say.."

"Gradie, you know really do have a bad habit of looking through painful stuff, dont you?"

Unpleasant hesitantly nodded, feeling Jeremy go in front of him and gently take the picture, the painful reminder of his looks, away.

Unpleasant didn't even retaliate, only trembled as he felt his tears well and fall as he hugged himself on the chest, biting down on his lower lip, feeling the siege of hatred against his body.


"No you-"

"JUST LOOK AT ME" he cries out, violently pulling his locs away to reveal the left half of his face completely riddled in red and deep burn scars, his dead eye showing no emotion per usual, he bared his sharp teeth "THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE HATE ME FOR! THIS IS IT. AND I KNOW YOU HAVE ME, SO GO ON, JUST TELL ME THAT I'M HIDEOUS-! O-OR THAT I SMELL OR I SHOULD'VE JUST DIED-!! OR-" jeremy suddely leaned in to kiss the scared half of his face and gently hold him.

"You're the most gash darn prettiest thing I've seen." He commented, seeing unpleasant confusingly and shockingly stare up at Jeremy, "no matter what people say." He gently cupped unpleasant's face and rubbed his thumb over his cheek, unpleasant shook and silently sobbed again as he leaned in into Jeremy's soft touch and rubbed his face again his palm, temporarily satisfying his hunger and need for affectionate touch "I didn't...I didn't ask for this.."

"It wasn't your fault gradie.." Jeremy sighed, "and you know that.."


"No but's" Jeremy said in a slight stern matter, gently holding unpleasant this time by the scruff, making unpleasant a little pink "let's go back to bed, promise you'll at least try to sleep."

Unpleasant nodded, sniffing "I promise.." he mumbled begrudgedly, putting slightly

"You're cute when you're grumpy you know that?" Jeremy giggling as he stumbled back into the room and set the Even more flustered unpleasant onto bed, cuddling up next to him, unpleasant surprisingly didn't push away or insult Jeremy, he embraced the warmth and snuggled into his weight, feeling.. happiness, not the usual type which seemed to just be his brain tricking him, or the happiness of seeing his son achieving something, no, it was like he could finally rest easily, not having to worry about anything at the moment.

"Goodnight" Jeremy whispered

"'Night" unpleasant mumbled back sweetly.

The Regretevator writing dump / oneshots (regretefic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang