when I try to hold you my body doesn't let me.

424 11 16

unpleasant  walked across the dark void again, feeling the ground become a little harder to walk on as it further sank him down like an immediate quicksand. all while he saw a looming lone moon in the great far distance of the sky, not providing any light to whatever twisted wonderland he'd fallen into. it made unpleasant feel uneasy, this entire place was unpleasant if you will.

all until he stopped as a voice rang and echoed through the dark chambers, calling out to him.

hello there gradie

he almost jumped as the voice showed up rather unexpectedly.

"uhhh....hi..?" he didn't know why he felt like he needed to talk to..whatever this is, he'd usually never talk to people he didn't know, but since this was his dream he could do whatever.

you seem awfully sad recently aren't you?

"well uh...not really...?"

you sure gradie?

"..." he kept silent as he didn't really know himself, yeah sure he was finally building something with jeremy after years of senseless, one-sided rivalry and denial, plus his son was actually finally getting treatment and feeling better for once. But then, what was bothering him the most..?

he clung onto himself as the air grew a little too chilly for his liking, he looked around to see where the voice was coming from as it continued to question and interrogate him.

why say, maybe you just didn't deal with your past enough?

his past?

oh he was always thinking about the past. in fact, it was the thing that prevented him from ever actually doing anything deemed 'normal' not even getting up from bed 40 percent of the time..

he gulped, feeling like this non-existent conversation wouldn't turn up in his favour "c-can't we talk about something else..? like for example where the fuck am I????"

oh you don't need to worry about that! I'm just confused as to why you keep trying not to fix anything about yourself, you seem an awful lot avoidant and depressed, aren't you?

he was getting an awful lot irritated now

"I'm FINE!"

no you aren't

"just LEAVE ME ALONE!" he screamed. but it reached no one, not even the chuckling voice

HEHEHEHEHE! and why's that hm? pathetic much? even your son thinks that no?


there's no use denying and lying anymore gradie. you're terrible at it anyways.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" he suddenly pounced on the figure before him, and just saw red. no sense over how his body moved or what he was screaming, just pure unbridled rage, even he never knew he could get this mad whenever someone forcefully brought up his past.

but once the red had watched away, he came back to his senses and saw the mess he'd made, the corpse beneath him mauled and torn to the point it was unrecognizable, but unpleasant went wide eyed in horror and to the realization that the mass of flesh and organs were in fact; his son.

he looked down at his bloodied hands as the voice continued to mock over the void of a dome, rendering unpleasant speechless as he let the tears flow down his cheeks, slowly hugging the corpse and apologizing to it.


alas he awoke, almost screaming.

he shakily tried to take in where he was as his body shook with fear and he felt sweat bead down his forehead despite feeling cold, his trembling hand lightly feeling jeremy's coarse skin.

oh yeah, he was at jeremy's place. he always had been, for the past two weeks that it, he'd found the apartment uncomfortably empty and just decided to visit jeremy from time to time, which would be surprising for a shit load of people thanks to him always making a scene whenever jeremy's floor showed up. But here he was, sleeping right next to him, just enjoying how soft he felt.

but right now he had to just calm himself. he slowly sat up, trying not to wake up the sleeping jeremy despite the fact that he was massive compared to unpleasant, and just opened his ifone to distract himself, only to see a plethora of messages from infected asking where he was.

confused, he rang the number and infected picked up, unpleasant whispered "kid what's wrong?"

"d4d!! 4m b4ck !n D4 @p4rtm3nt bUT I d0nT s33 U 4nywh3r3!! wH3re @r3 yu0!?"

apartment..? but..

unpleasant then gasped as he quickly checked the date, today was the day infected was supposed to come back home.

oh fucking GREAT, he quickly told infected he'd be there before practically falling off of bed and messily put his shirt and jacket on, he gave a light peck to the sleeping jeremy before climbing back up from the cellar and praying to god he wouldn't fall in the lava as he made this way through the obby, to the elevator, and then to the apartment where he quickly walked to the apartment, taking a deep breath as he walked right in top see his son sitting on the couch, supposedly waiting for him.

he finally npoticed his father walking through the door "d4d!! wh3R3 h4v U be3n??"

"uhh..." unpleasant tried to come up with a white lie "I was...camping! yeahhhh- camping with uh.... amrk-"

"no yer weren't'"

unpleasant practically screamed at the  jumpscare of an appearance mark made. before it quickly turned to confusion "what the hell-"

"Dr.Retro told' me ta' keep tha' boy safe when he was goin' back to yer apartment" he tipped his hat "yer welcome for that'"

unpleasant rolled his eyes before pushing mark out and shutting the door, turning to a rather much more confused infected "d44d- U uHm.....s33!ng S0m3On3?"

"n-no I'm not!!' he quickly exclaimed, feeling himself sweat but rather in nervousness this time "I'm completely fine! I was just doing my own thing ok!!"

infected raised a skeptical eyebrow "yu0 sUr33333333-"

unpleasant quickly got irritated and annoyed "listen here boy if you do not stop bugging about where I've been I'LL REMODEL YOUR HEAD INTO A GRAPHICS CARD FOR THAT DARN COMPUTER OF YOURS!!!!! NOW SHOO!!" he quickly motioned infected away as he wobbled back to his own room and shut the door, leaving infected completely and undeniably suspicious as he slowly pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"h3y D1bby?"

"y34h I n33d Ur h3lp 0n f!nd1ng 0Ut w4ts wr0ng W1tH d4d-"

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