Chapter 1

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We were about to go to our next person to recruit. We now have Kai, Daniel, Jess, and Nikki. We are now going in for a hybrid. A vampire-werewolf hybrid.
"Anyone by the name of Arthur Bardot?" I shouted.
I see a lad about my age run towards a door. I ran inhumanly to the door.
"Oh, mate, you'd never escape me." I said. "Are you a vampire-werewolf hybrid?"
"Y... yes." His voice shook with fear.
"Good." I hold his arm, and I guide him out of the warehouse. "You're not working for Dante anymore. But you're joining the Hellfire."
"I thought that they were destroyed?" He said. There was fear sill inside his voice.
I chuckle at his assumption. "Mate, you've been living under a rock." I take him to the SUV.
"Kai, we may need a bigger vehicle." Kai had taken out his phone and dialled a number. The phone rang twice, and someone picked up.
"I need a vehicle bigger then... let's say seven seats." He said. There was a break. "Oh, come on, please. I'll give you a fuck you'd never forget." Another break. "Yay, thank you, darling." Kai puts down the phone and turns to us. "She said she'll drop a vehicle down for us."
I heard a low rumble, which had increased in sound. The next thing I see is a hummer coming around the corner.
"Kai, you never mentioned you had a hummer!" Nikki exclaimed.
"Well, I was trying to keep it as a surprise, but I never realised she was going to choose this hummer."
The hummer pulls up at the side of us, and a blonde girl comes out. She was like early-to-mid-twenties. She was quite busty, and the outfit she had on hugged her curve just right. She had pencilled on eyebrows, which most sluts have on nowadays, and her lips were basically the size of a golf ball.
"Luv, do you really follow every trend that's around?" I asked.
"Yes, why?"
"I can fucking tell. Try taking off pencilled eyebrows and lowering the size of your lips." I say. "Oh, I also bet your tits and ass is also fake as well, ain't it?"
Everyone around had looked at me in disbelief, and the girl had started to cry.
"Luv, if you don't want negative reviews on your "amazing" look don't look so fake."
Nikki, just stand there smirking.
"Wait, you're a werewolf, aren't you, darling?" Asked Kai.
"Yeah." She said, sniffling. "Why?"
"Join hellfire. You also hate Diavolo as much as we do. Zain needs all our help. If you find any demons around who hate and despise Dante, tell them to meet in the centre of town." Kai says.
The blonde turns to her phone and messages a few people.
"But, god dammit blondie, if you know someone like now, you might as well send them here." I say to her.
She gives me a flirtatious and sarcastic smile.
"You do know you're the first who has mentioned her looks." Kai said. "Most people are scared to mention it."
"Kai, you've heard by the number of people I've killed and faced Dante numerous times." I say. "So, you should know that I ain't scared."
I push in Arthur in the back, and it feels like 20000 seated hummer
"Some days, it feels like I'm a child again." I say as I have my jaw dropped at the inside of the hummer.
We drive hours on end, and we reach just near the outskirts of the new hellfire compound.
"What's Dante to you?" I asked Arthur.
"He tortures me on a daily basis." He says as he lifts his shirt up and shows me his back. "He whips me when I do one little this wrong. I had once stepped with his ex, and I said ex because he killed her, and he killed me over and over again. With the whipping."

Assassination of the DiavloOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora