Chapter 8

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Nikki comes back out of her cloud thing.
"We need to talk." She tells me.
"Huh, okay." I say.
"Place your hand on my head." She tells me. "I know want you to concentrate."
I did that exactly, and I saw inside her head. But it wasn't our everyday school.

My eyes went to the door on our right side. But my senses were telling me that this isn't our world. Like a different universe. I was on edge the whole time.Which was unlike me.
"Wait, I can hear and feel everything?!"
"Class... new language... Mr. Rowan Murph..."
'Why can I not hear what he's saying." It's fading in and out.
Someone came from behind the door, and hell, I ain't no gay but I'd even fall for him.
He had raven black hair. Nice chiselled jaw like daymn, I want my jaw like that. I mean, he gotta be some sort of god or something to have a jaw like that. He is giant like. I mean, everyone in my world is like what 5 foot, 6 foot. But not Mr. Rowan Murph, I seem to get. Even his muscles are better. He must be like a god or something. He must know Zues or Aphrodite or Apollo. Well, that's if he's Greek. Unless the gods have a secret meeting place that he attends. Lips aren't my thing, but it is this persons.
"Wait, I even can feel their thoughts?!"
His lips are full and at a cupid bow.
"Bow? One thing I can add to the armoury. Thank you, strange person."
He has a perfect beard, which to me hugs his jaw perfectly. His eyes are like a yellow colour. I concentrate harder, and the vision zoomed in on his eyes. Hell, they aren't yellow. They're gold.
I get pulled back to my world, and I look at Nikki with a smile.

"You can walk into different universe's, Nikki!" I tell her.


Nox0666 follow her for Mr. Rowan. I mean daymn he's amazinggggg

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