Chapter 9

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"What the fuck do you mean I can walk into different universe's?!" She asked.
"I don't know. Nuzam was the one who told me that you could."
"Why do I need to ask the recruit?" She asked.
I give Nikki the look of "do it or no torture for a week."
"Fine!" She walks off and finds Nuzam.
"NUZAM! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" I hear her shouting.
"Somethings will never change." I say to myself.
"God, that girlfriend of yours scares me." Says Nuzam.
"AHH!" I jump out my skin. "When the fuck did you get here?"
"I was already here. Just I work better in shadows."
"So you're an assassin?" I asked.
"Assassin with Demonised abilities."
I just smirk. "Demomised abilities? You only set a training mannequin on fire."
Nuzam swiftly twists his body and is now behind me.
"How'd you do that?"
"I'm a swift, fast, and strong Demon, Zain." He flickes my back, and I go flying into the compound wall.
I peel myself off of the wall and heal myself. My face was pushed inwards beyond recognition and when the face healed it was a painful bitch to heal. My left arm was barely hanging on. It was on by a little thread of skin.
"You still want to fight, Zain Brock?"
I lunged forward as my arm had finished healing. I went to swung my foot, and I had kicked Nuzam. But he blocked with ease, and he still held my leg and flung me into the next room. The whole place shook, and everyone came to look where the shake came from. They looked into the room I was in and saw me on the floor. They saw Nuzam walk through the wall.
"No... this my and Nuzam's training!" I get back up struggling, but Nikki held my shoulder. "We all will train. His strength is similar to Dante's."
Nikki starts hovering and chanting. Amber seems to master transforming quickly and painlessly. Kai forged a spear out of pure magic. Daniel unsheathed his sword and held it into the stance he used against Dante, but this time, there was a red flame coming from his core. Jess flicked her wrists back. I just smile and laugh.
"Huh, what's so funny?" Asked Nuzam.
"Well, your strength. You must used to be close to Dante. That's why you know his tactics and ways of fighting."
Nuzam smiles. "Yes, you could say that."
Kai lunges at him, but Nuzam dodges with ease. But Kai just nicks his arm. Nuzam eyes glowed red, and he has a hold on his spear and threw him. Kai puts himself into like a protective bubble, and he falls to the ground with a grunt.
Nikki was able to lift him up and extend his arms and legs. She did it that quick and hard she almost ripped his limbs off. Nuzam gives Nikki a look, and she drops Nuzam, and she runs away.
"If you want to kill Dante, you need to control all of your fears and weaknesses."
"How can we? Dante is all we fear." Nuzam changes his appearance to Dante.
I get into my stance of sword inches away from my face with the black pointing towards the illusion of Dante. Nikki comes back, but this time, he has balls of fire in her hands. Kai had started to dual-wield and forge two swords from pure magic. Amber went down to all fours and snarled. Daniel eyes went black with hatred, and Jess was backing away.
We all lunged at him at the same time. Nikki threw the balls, but he dodged and blocked with ease. One came, and he redirected back at Nikki.
"You dead, Lilith!"
Nikki, steps back and exits the room.
Kai, come forward and go into fury slashes. He twists his whole body and turns mid-air, and starts slashing downwards on Nuzams face. Kai stops only to see no injury on his face. He flicks kai backwards, and he goes flying into the wall again, but this time, he had barely had time to cover himself in a bubble. Amber ran towards him, and he blocked, but his arm was slashed.
"By the looks of it, werewolf can injure a demon." Said Nuzam. "New plan. Use werewolves as your special card, Zain."
I smirk, and I push Daniel out in front. He looks back at me, and Nuzam lunges forward but ignores Daniel and aims for me. I jumped back, and he slashed at me, but I had dodged. His nails had grown and kept slashing at me. But I kept blocking. He went to slash upwards, but I held his wrist and twisted. I heard a crack, and only to find that it was my own wrist that I had broke.
"If you want to survive, bulk up your bones." Said Nuzam. "Just because you're a vampire doesn't mean you're invincible, Zain."
Amber gets a hold of Nuzam, and he flung Amber off of his back.
"You both are now dead. Zain and Amber."
Daniel lunged forward out of anger and tried to hit Nuzam. He dodged with ease and has Daniel by the scruff of the neck and threw him out the window.
"Daniel, you're also dead." Nuzam says.
Jess freezes, and Nuzam is just inches from her face.
"Hesitation is also a killer, Jess." He says. "The longer you hesitate, the quicker you die." He places a hand on her shoulder. "You're now dead, Jess."

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