Chapter 5

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I turn around and go back into the compound.
"The fuck is his problem?" Asked Nikki.
"Well, he has hurt you, and he's beating himself up because of it." Replied Daneil.
The original trio had heard a thud and saw me on the floor.
"Fuck, he just slit his own throat!" Exclaimed Jess.
"He's on a downwards spiral." Said Daniel.
"What got him out of it last time?" Asked Jess.
"Her." He points at Nikki.
"Me?! What did I do?!" She asked with the sound of shockness in her voice.
"You made him feel heard. You made him feel loved. You made him safety and security whenever his hands and arms are around your body." Replied Daniel. He makes it seem so easy to talk about my feelings. But I seem to make it hard.
"I make him feel-" Her words were cut off when they heard another thud. "WILL YOU PLEASE STOP KILLING YOURSELF!"
"Why are you yelling at a dead body?" Asked Jess.
"Well, cause we both are close, he'll get the feeling that I am talking to him." She replied. But I don't know it if it'll do it now?"
I got back up. "Why, the fuck are you telling me to stop killing myself?!" I asked. "I hurt you, let me hurt me. I deserve no love. I deserve to die in the deepest depth of hell!" I say. They all think I may be over exaggerating, but they don't understand. "Then Satan will burn my soul, feed it to Curberus! He will shit me out, Medussa will turn me to stone, and I'll fucking die there. Mentally, emotionally, and physically."
They all exchange a look that they all are worried about me.
"The fuck are you looking worried for? You're just a child, Daniel."
"I'm only worried because I don't want to lose another father." He replied. "I chose my family, and I want to keep it!" He looks like he's about to cry. "Father, you are my father, and I don't want to lose another." He begins to sob.
"Tough. Shit. Your biological father father died. Your step-fater. Died. He's nowhere now." I just give a chuckle that no one liked.
"Do you think your step-father wanted to die?! No, he didn't! Now shut the fuck up, and piss off so I can suffer in peace."
"No, I'm staying. Whether you like it or not, I'm staying." Said Nikki.
"Fine. But the other two can piss off." Daniel and Jess had walked away and left me and Nikki alone.
"Why, do you want to stay for?"
"So you can feel safety and security."
How the fuck did she know about that?
I rested my head on her shoulder, and she wrapped her arm around my shoulders.
"Are you going to snap my neck again?" I asked.
"Are you doing to cheat again?" She asked.
She did a me. She answered a question with a question. I must be brushing off on her.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know what came over me." I looked down sadly.
"Well, I hope you realise that shit won't be the same no more."
"I... I understand."
I lie down and rest my head on her lap. She massages my scalp soothingly and softly. I went up to kiss Nikki, but she had put a finger on my lips.
"Oh, hell no. No sex. No kisses. No hugs for a month." She tells me.
"I understand."

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