Extra Chapter: Echoes of Youth (Part 1)

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Early 2023.

Snow blanketed the ground, the chill clinging to the air. Shen Nianci stared at her phone, a frown creasing her forehead. Li Yingze's QQ status, "It's a long story," sparked a wave of curiosity about what was going on in his life.

"Nianci, dinner's ready! Come wash your hands," her father's voice boomed from downstairs, snapping her out of her reverie.

She shut off her phone, a muffled "Coming!" escaping her lips.

Despite the years that had passed, a glint of childhood excitement for the New Year still flickered within Shen Nianci. Perhaps it was the only time she returned home from her busy city life.

Since starting her career, she'd thrown herself into work, leaving little time to dwell on Li Yingze. Yet, stepping back onto this familiar soil, a long-dormant seed within her heart stirred, sending a subtle tendril skyward.

Snowflakes swirled softly outside the window as Shen Nianci journeyed home. A flicker of hope, a yearning to see Li Yingze again after all this time, bloomed unexpectedly in her heart.

It had been five years since Li Yingze graduated from junior high. Oddly enough, their hometowns were close, and they even shared the same local market.

Maybe five years was enough to dim the memory. Shen Nianci couldn't find a single photo of him, his voice was fading, and even his features were starting to blur. All that remained was a bittersweet ache in her chest – a pang associated with the fleeting emotions of youth.

Five years wasn't insignificant, but it wasn't an eternity either. The reality was far less dramatic than a movie script; no serendipitous reunions after years of separation.

Snow intensified as Shen Nianci reached her house. Curled up by the window, she watched the flakes transform the world into a silvery wonderland. Before long, the ground was blanketed in thick white. A locked box caught her eye, but apprehension held her back; unlocking it felt like unleashing a torrent of memories.

After a long moment of hesitation, Shen Nianci reached into a drawer and retrieved a key. With a click, the box yielded, releasing a wave of musty air, the scent of forgotten years. Inside, a collection of unsent letters awaited. Her mind drifted back to her sophomore year.

"Snow!" A shout erupted from the classroom. Shen Nianci's head snapped up instinctively, her gaze meeting the slow descent of snowflakes outside. She abandoned her unfinished homework as she bolted for the hallway. She leaned against the railing and stretched out a hand, catching a delicate flake that instantly dissolved in her palm. A surge of pure joy bubbled up in her chest.

Snow was a rare visitor in the south, especially in their small town. They hadn't seen it in years.

As Shen Nianci caught snowflakes on her tongue, her gaze drifted across the street to the building where Li Yingze lived. Seeing him lost in the snowfall, a line of poetry surfaced in her mind:

"If we could endure the snow together, it would be as if we'd grown old together."

Driven by the sudden impulse, she sprinted back inside, snatched her phone, and typed out the line before hitting send. She remembered all too well that Li Yingze never replied.

"Time to pick some vegetables," her father's voice broke through her reverie, his tone laced with amusement at her obvious distraction.

"Sounds good," Shen Nianci replied with a smile, popping a piece of meat onto her plate.

That winter was a harsh one, but it seemed to fly by. When school started again, she spotted him instantly amidst the sea of students. The winter sun, a rare sight, cast a warm glow as Li Yingze and his friends crossed the playground, Shen Nianci following discreetly behind.

He looked particularly handsome that day, she recalled. A red hoodie peeked out from under a black bomber jacket, paired with dark jeans and sneakers. The image remained etched in her memory, a vivid snapshot from a bygone era.

The spring weather had finally arrived, and Shen Nianci was walking to the vending machine with a friend when they bumped into Li Yingze. He was struggling to carry a heavy water jug back to his classroom. A pang of sympathy shot through her, and she wished she could offer to help.

When Li Yingze came closer, Shen Nianci surprised herself by holding his gaze. To her delight, he offered a smile, his dimples flashing like tiny spotlights. She was mesmerized until she blinked, and by the time she recovered, he was already walking away.

As she watched him climb the stairs, Li Yingze did something that stuck with her. Just before turning a corner, he casually switched the jug from his arms to his shoulder. It was a simple movement, but Shen Nianci couldn't help overthinking it. Then, as if sensing her stare, he turned back for a fleeting glance in her direction before disappearing from sight.

Maybe it was these tiny, cryptic gestures that kept stirring up a whirlwind of unresolved emotions in Shen Nianci. They'd blossom with hope, then wilt with disappointment, in a never-ending cycle.

Fireworks once again shattered her train of thought. Later that night, lying in bed after dinner, she glanced at the messy pile of letters on her desk. A hollow ache settled in her chest.

She walked over and picked up the letters, scanning the dates. Some were from 2018, others even earlier. One from 2014 stood out, the inscription on the front childishly optimistic: "From today, the girl's heart has found its home."

A bitter pang shot through her. 2023. Years had flown by.

Shen Nianci turned back to the window, watching the snow fall heavily outside. A wistful sigh escaped her lips. Maybe a touch more luck back then wouldn't have hurt. 

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