Chapter 37

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A week had gone by since we last had dance practice. In that time I'd trained with Delphine relentlessly. So far I could thought transform my entire body into earth and water. Air wasn't coming too easily to me but Ysmay had volunteered to help. Albeit reluctantly.

Now we stood near a cliff in the woods of the castle. I was to learn Abberdin's geography today but had lied and said I had a cold. Making my forehead heat up was at the top of my favorite elemental tricks.

"Focus, mortal."

Ysmay's voice drew me out of my thoughts. I sucked in a deep breath, turning my attention to a pile of rocks stacked upon themselves. I was to overturn them using air.

Closing my eyes, I breathed in and tried to envision the wind as Ysmay had taught. Several tries had me gasping for breath and the pile of rocks left untouched.

I gave a resigned exhale. "I don't think I control air."

"Impossible. You can't be a mix breed of three elements. You're either a single breed or a mixed breed. No in between."

We turned and started back for the castle. "Hey, so I was thinking. Are there cases where people don't come back from their thought transformations?"


I paled. "Don't you get scared that one day you'll remain invisible forever?"

"There are few things I fear mortal, and that is not one of them."

"Okay..." I gave it a thought before I asked quietly, "What do you fear the most."

Moments dragged by.

She said, "Going back to the monastery."

I turned away, a pang going off in my chest. "Well, good thing you're a royal spy now."

"Yes... Good thing."

I had dance practice at noon.

Over the past days I'd learned easy ballroom dances like waltz and more complex ones like foxtrot. And as always Seth had been such a great help.

Even now I spied him making his way over to me from across the room. Today was to be our last day of practice. Because it has officially been a month since I got to Abberdin.

Meaning The Choosing was set to happen in mere days. Even now royal helps milled about the whole place, getting things ready.

Mildred stood near the abundant food table, eating her favorite chocolate. She waved at me, her sisters, Mirabella and Mona, who I had gotten to know, engaged in a conversation.

"May I have this dance?"

My heart fluttered and I found myself smiling. I turned around, fitting my palm into his. Seth had become a close friend after dozens of dances.

He pulled me into his arms. "You look dazzling, your highness."

I smiled. "You don't look so bad yourself."

MASTER SEBASTIAN Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora