CH-16 She came... back ~

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- Purnima POV -

" Goshhh!! How come this much time had been  passed and i did not even realized it. HOW the hell i didn't ??. "

And the reasoned behind my shocked and speechless expression was.... the timing, and it  showed; TEN. FUCKING. THIRTY  o'clock.

And at the same time a weird noise coming directly from my tummy caught my ears, indicating that my tummy needs tasty -tasty food now.

I placed my left hand on my tummy inorder to calm those hungry running mouse inside my tummy.

"uffff, now i have to cook something for myself."

Then i turned my steps towards the balcony to took the cup from the floor and went in directly inside the kitchen to washed it.

As i was done, i hurriedly turned on the gas stove, lit the fire and put a utensil with half filled water to boil followed by adding one tablespoon oil and little salt in it, then i put pasta in the half boiling water.

Till the pasta would boiled, i started chopping few vegetables that i will need to make the desi style pasta.

Few minutes later, i strained the boiling pasta in a strainer and put it into a bowl.

Then i put the pan over the gas stove along with lighting the fire and started frying all the vegetables then added few species and fry it all for some good minutes then lastly i add those boiled pasta and stirred it perfectly so that all the ingredients could mixed well.

Tada!! Finally my special desi style pasta was ready....., " Ummm!!  it was looking damn tempting, i can not wait to taste it anymore. "

I served it all in a bowl, as i just made it only for one person.

Then i went towards my room to eat it while watching my favorite movie. Cause I wanted to distract my mind a little from all this chaos, that was happening in my life.

I finished eating my pasta while watching an action movie.

" ufff!! The movie was soo damn good, that for a second i thought i was there in the place of that  female lead character. Omg!! And the cheery on top thing was THAT HERO... ufff!! The way His hella sexy and mascular body look when he was fighting with that villains....

goshh!! जान निकाल दी थी मेरी तो ,  एक ऐसा हीरो तो मैं भी deserve करती हू।  हाय!!! "

" goshhh!! He had took my life, I too deserve such a hero. Hayy!!! "

" his moves, muscular eight pack abs, those fighting scenes, romance, actions.... goshh!! This movie is one of the bestest movie i had ever watched.... it was thrilled. "

I unconsciously started blabbering about it after watching the movie.

While i was day- dreaming about the hero, i took the pasta's bowl from the bed and cleaned all the mess that i had created while watching the movie.

Then went inside the kitchen to wash it and as i was finished with my business, i grab a water bottle and went inside my room.

I sat on the edged of the bed and started drinking the water.

Then a urge to watch that movie again filled inside me. And i did it.

I watched the movie and by then i finished watching that movie the time was Two ten o'clock in the early morning.

I stretched my arms and legs and turned on the right side to sleep and i fallen asleep sooner than i had expected.

My peaceful sleep got distrub when i heard that someone was knocking on the main door very hardly and loudly.

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