Shit Just Got Worse

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Soon, we made it to Crovans Gate and it was strangely quiet. Not a zombie in sight though, but we needed to take a breather so we put up some barricades at the entrance and it successfully managed to stop any zombies from attacking or seeing us.

I already knew Douglas, Molly, Diesel, Bear and most of the little engines made it to the mainland but they'll stay there until we've sorted everything out here. I hope to god the corpses of the engines that attacked us don't come back. I then noticed a trickling sound, I looked to where it was and I saw a hole in Arthurs tank. It must've been punctured by a branch or something. But we didn't have enough supplies to patch it up so we have to make sure Arthur doesn't go anywhere, which might be difficult since any zombies could be lurking anywhere. Soon, Bob came up to me. He looked worse for wear, he was filthy, clothes torn, and bags in his eyes. He then asked me why we're still on this hell hole. I told him we might still have some of my engines on here that need saving, he only looked at me for a second, and walked back into Thomas' cab. Poor guy is not in the right mental state...

Suddenly, all hell broke loose. We heard the familiar distorted whistles and horns of Boco, Edward, Henry, Duck, Emily, Daisy, Fergus and Murdoch. They came barreling through the barricades and shot towards us with zombies trailing behind them. Donald was on the same line as Edward and the old engine smashed into Donald sending him off the rails. Duck raced at Oliver growling and hissing like a demonic dog, but Oliver was quicker, he shot backwards and just as he heard the turntable at the end of the yard, the points were quickly switched by his driver and Duck was sent into the turntable. Lucky Toad was behind Oliver and not in front or else things would be much worse. The undead pannier roared but he wouldn't be going anywhere.

Toby and Mavis were busy running over zombies while Percy and his crew were fending off some trying to get to the derailed Donald

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Toby and Mavis were busy running over zombies while Percy and his crew were fending off some trying to get to the derailed Donald. Gordon was panicking, the big engine had no idea what to do. But he still ran over some zombies. As I was in Thomas' cab I heard the sound of hissing and screaming, I looked to see Arthur being steamed with no water in his boiler. His face was as red as James and steam hissed from either side of him.

Soon, it all became to much for him and his boiler exploded, killing the nearby zombies, Murdoch, Fergus and Boco, as boiler tubes were rocketed at their faces and bodies at lightning speed

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Soon, it all became to much for him and his boiler exploded, killing the nearby zombies, Murdoch, Fergus and Boco, as boiler tubes were rocketed at their faces and bodies at lightning speed. I can't believe all it took to kill Boco after all this time was a few pipes to the face. It makes sense since they plunged deep so I can't really complain.

Just then I heard more screaming, I saw Harveys hook sliced into Neville's face and his eye. Harvey was sitting in the siding petrified, his hook was covered in blood that he accidentally wounded Neville with and some was dripping on his face. He quietly apologized saying he was trying to kill some zombies that were near him but Neville was sort of in the way so I guess that answers that question. I then realized Annie and Clarabel were coupled to Neville and I told him to take them off the island and back to the mainland. He listened without a second thought. While he raced off some zombies followed. But they were quickly taken care of by Gordon who raced off and ran over them.

 But they were quickly taken care of by Gordon who raced off and ran over them

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Suddenly, when Neville faded into the distance, I saw another sight. It was Diesel with half the military! He and them all screamed an army cry and charged at the zombies and zombie engines. They 'll noticed them and roared while they also charged. Except for Edward, the old engine just sat there. Then, I noticed some tears trickling from his bloodshot eyes. He then closed them, even as a monster, Edward knew his times was up. Even after a bullet shot him square in the forehead he still had his eyes closed. I'm gonna miss my number two engine dearly...

Soon, the zombies and zombie engines were all gunned down and Diesel rolled up to Thomas who was shaking and quivering. Diesel asked Thomas if he was ok and Thomas responded through shaky breaths that he was shaken but not stirred. Diesel chuckled and coupled up to him to make sure he wouldn't do anything crazy, I guess Diesel knew Thomas' mental state was not ok at the moment. I looked to Edwards corpse and saw Trevor sitting next to it. He was crying but also whispering to Edward that he was so thankful he saved him from scrap all those years ago. I teared up at the sight seeing the traction engine say those words to my beloved number two. Donald who was lifted back onto the tracks by a still petrified Harvey asked me what our next course of action was, I knew exactly what we were gonna do. Save any more engines.

After waiting for it to cool down, I sheeted the remains of Arthur under a tarp to let the maroon tank engine rest peacefully. Even Mavis who was accidentally shot. I screamed at the men who were firing that they needed to take better aim and to not aim for the still alive engines. They felt bad and I hoped so. Thomas was especially sad saying he still felt horrible for tricking Arthur on his first day. Diesel comforted Thomas saying he was sure Arthur would have still accepted his apology. Toby was also sad that Mavis died but we comforted the poor tram. With that out of the way, we set off back down the line. I'm not losing any more of my cherished locomotives.

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