End Of A Crazy Journey

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Hello everyone, Bob Lenson back again.

It's been twenty years since the events that forever changed Sodor and the world. We are now in the twenty first century but I'm pleased to say that the world, Sodor and all the residents and engines are still working hard and living their lives. Sir Bertram Topham Hatt passed the mantle of being controller to his son Stephen, and Sir Stephen Topham Hatt is still running the railway as well as he can. That guy is really making his father proud. As for me, I am in my seventies. I'm feeling retirement not far behind but I will still stay with my engine for as long as I possibly can. That engine being Thomas, the number one blue tank engine of the north western railway.

Sodor: Left for Dead (Epilogue)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ