Time We Leave

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It's time, time we get off this place for good. But we forgot to check Brendam Docks, I wonder if Cranky's ok...

Well, we got to Brendam and only a few zombies were there so they were immediately taken care of by Toby and his cowcatchers. We then reached the end of the docks and Cranky was as safe as can be. He wS so glad to see us, he also told us during all this time all he could do was use his hook to fend off any zombies that tried getting near him.

I reassured Cranky that he will be safe and that we killed off the rest of the zombies in the area

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I reassured Cranky that he will be safe and that we killed off the rest of the zombies in the area. He was relieved and I soon told the engines to search the area for anymore survivors. Thomas and Gordon will stay where they are since they aren't doing so well mentally at the time.

All the engines came back and who they found were Billy, Whiff and Spencer. They were all in the goods shed near the entrance of the docks and were thankfully unscathed. Except for Whiff, half his face was covered in a massive bandage. He apparently encountered a horde of zombies the day before and some of them tore a part of his face off but luckily he wasn't infected. Spencer and Billy only had scuffs and scratches but were ok physically and mentally.

Oliver came back after nearly an hour. I questioned him on where he went and he told me he exited the docks to check the yard at Wellsworth and he found the rotting remains of Flora and Dennis in the sheds, they seemingly got attacked by zombies while possibly hiding in the sheds after Edward left. And the rotting remains of George on the road next to the station. Trevor looked down as he said he was starting to befriend the roller a few days before. Rosie comforted the traction engine, and now since we found as many engines as we could. It's time we leave this island for good.

We made it to the mainland unscathed. Although we did find Hank in the sheds at Crovans Gate, he had been there this whole time and never said or did anything. He said he did nothing as to not bring attention to the zombies because his crew abandoned him. Those assholes... So Neville and Donald hauled him out and we set off again.

We got to the mainland, and there were the rest of our friends. They cheered and cheered seeing us, Annie and Clarabel cryed tears of joy and so did Thomas. Donald and Douglas also cryed happily seeing each other. Now with everyone all together again, the military put us all in quarantine. I guess I should end my documentation here. I will update again whenever I can

So it's been a few months and the world is still infected but it's slowly being put under control and Sodor is slowly being built back up again. And the engines are having a good time living temporarily on the mainland, especially in the national railway museum where some of try engines reunited with their siblings. They still miss their dead friends though but I've helped them through it all. I may be a railway controller, but these engines are my children...

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