Chapter 1 - Argument at Practice

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" Cam? what's going on with you man? You're not playing like I know you can," Dallas said kind of yelling at Cam. "I know Dallas, I don't need a dad right now," Cam yelled back. "Obviously, you do, Cam. This game on Friday is more important than your dumb niner drama. Get your head in the game or get benched," Dallas said to Cam pissing him off. "Fine, bench me. I'm tired of carrying this damn team. I'm fourteen, I got three years to get scouted. My school work and my girl is more important than that stupid game right now." Cam told Dallas walking out of practice. "Cam, Cam," Dallas yelled after him. But Cam ignored him, he just needed to be by himself. Walking peacefully in the hallway to his locker, Cam's phone binged. If it's Dallas I swear I'm going to scream, Cam thought to himself.

"Hey Cam, how is practice going? I miss you," it was a message from Maya. No matter what goes on in Cams life Maya is the only one that could bring a smile on his face. "Not at practice. Dallas pissed me off and I left. Can we meet up somewhere, please?" Cam asked her. "Well, I'm at  rehearsal right now, but you can come here, and then after band rehearsal, you can walk me home so we can talk." Maya texted back. "Ok, be there in five," Cam told her and started walking towards Maya's band rehearsal.

Leaving her phone with a huge smile on her face. Tristan asked her, "that had to be Cam. Your face always glows whenever Cam's around you or texting you. I'm happy for you Maya. I need to find me a boyfriend so I don't feel like a fifth wheel when you and Tori have your boyfriend's around," Tristan said with a sad look on his face. "You could never be a fifth wheel, we love you," Tori said wrapping her arms around Tristan. "Yea, how about a bestie night on Friday, what do you think, Tristan?" Tristan smiled as he hugged Maya and Tori. "Deal," they all said as Maya went to finish rehearsing with Zig and the rest of the band. Cam walked in a short time after. Smiling at Maya, enjoying what she loved, made him happy.

Zig on the other hand, didn't want Maya dating Cam. Zig got jealous every time Cam came around because he wanted to get back with Maya. He couldn't get any time with Maya without Cam or Tori around. "Maya, your boyfriend's here?" Tori yelled as she hugged him and welcomed him to there rehearsal space. "Finally, we're  finished," Maya said as she walked over to Cam and gave him a hug and kiss. Which Zig glared at Cam. "Why don't you like Cam?" Tori asked Zig. Zig fixed his face quickly and turned to Tori and kissed her. "I do, it's just I don't know him and Maya is my friend and I don't want her to get hurt," Tori looked at him and smiled. "Want to go?" Tori asked. "Yea, can we?" Zig said. Passing by Maya and Cam Zig bumped Cams shoulder. Then him, Tori, and Tristan left out the rehearsal room door.

"I don't think Zig likes me much," Cam said as Maya smiled. "He still has feelings for me, but I told him it's never going to happen. I have the best boyfriend ever, and I wouldn't change it for the world," Cam wrapped his arms around Maya and pulled her into a kiss. As they pulled away Cam smiled. "That's why I love you so much Maya Milton. Your every guy's dream girl," Cam said to her kissing her on her forehead. As they headed out the rehearsal area to walk and talk about what happened at Cam's hockey practice.

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