Chapter 3 - Fighting In School

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After having the best time with Maya and a good early morning practice Cam was feeling on top of the world. Until Zig came down the hallway. "Hey Zig, have you seen Maya?" Cam asked him, but Zig ignored him. "Zig," Cam patted Zig's shoulder. "Dude don't touch me, I don't like you. And even if I did know where Maya was I wouldn't tell you," Zig told Cam in a devilish smile. "Dude, what's your problem with me?" Cam asked irritated with Zig. "What's my problem with you? My problem is your dating my girlfriend. I asked Maya out before you got here and now she acts like it never even happened." Zig said to Cam, who really didn't like high school drama. "So, your pissed at me because a girl you thought liked you decided to date me. Bro, that's pathetic even for you. You dislike me over my girlfriend," Cam replied back.

Zig pushed Cam into a locker. Cam being a great hockey player caught his balance and punched zig in the jaw. Zig reciprocated the hit and Cam blocked it. Cam charged him and they both fell on the floor. Both taking there turns punching each other. Finally they formed a big crowd then Mr. Simpson came over to break us up. "Zig? Cam? In my office now," Mr. Simpson told them both. Walking by Maya she was not happy. Tristan mad at Zig because he saw and heard the whole thing. Felt bad for Tori because her boyfriend was still in love with his ex. And he was in the middle of it all. 

"What's was that about?" Mr. Simpson asked both boys. But neither one wanted to answer. "I thought you two were friends?" Mr. Simpson continued. "We are not friends. He just weaseld his way in our group but dating my girlfriend," Zig stated. "She was your girlfriend now she is mine and she told me she would never go back out with you. I don't know why you haven't got the clue, Zig. Maya doesn't want to be with you, and fighting is just going to make it worse for you," Cam said in a symptomatic tone. "So, this is what the fight is about? Both of you detention for a week. Cam I know you have hockey practice so we can find something else for you to do. Now both of you get back to class. Without fist please." Said Mr. Simpson. "Hey, I'm never going to stop fighting to get back with Maya," Zig said trying to piss Cam off again. "It's going to suck seeing Tori when she finds out your playing her. That the only reason you started dating her was to be close to Maya," Cam said as he walked off to his next class.

When class was over Cam found Maya by his locker. "Hey, how was the visit to Simpson's office," Maya asked with a frown on her face. "Why were you and Zig fighting for?" Maya asked seriously. "You," Cam came right out in said. "Me, why me. Oh, I'm going to tell him right now. I don't want to be with him. Why can't he get that. He is dating my best friend," Maya said, not happy about the situation. "I even asked him why he would do that to Tori? He doesn't care about hurting anyone as long as he gets you in the end," Cam said as he put all his books in his locker because it was his and Maya's free period. "I love you, Cam. And I'm not letting anything or anyone come in between us," Maya said full heartedly. "I love you too, Maya. That was the first time we said that to each other. I mean we typed it when we texted but never face to face," Cam said happy as he kissed his girlfriend walking out the school and to the dot.

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