Chapter 4 - I still Love You

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Hating Zig for fighting Cam last week, I decided to call him and tell him to meet me at the band practice room. Ding, ding, ding came from my phone. I looked at my messages. The first one I opened was Cam's. "Hey beautiful, how is your afternoon going? At practice right now, but want to do something later?" Maya smiled loving how Cam is so passionate about her and her feelings. "My afternoon is going good but will be better when I see you tonight. Meeting up with Zig to discuss things." Maya texted back. "Ok, let me know how it goes," Cam said not really happy that she would be with Zig alone, but trusts Maya fully.

Zig walked in so Maya didn't get a chance to check the other two messages. "So I knew you missed me," Zig said as he moved close to kiss Maya, but she put her hand in front of her pushing Zig back. "I'm not here for that." Maya said while rolling her eyes at Zig. "So why am I here?" Zig asked. "To tell me what's going on with you? Since I've been with Cam you've been acting coocoo bananas, why?" Maya asked Zig. "I still love you Maya you know this. I asked you out then we went on break. And when we come back you were with Cam. You have no respect for how you made me feel. How my heart is breaking just seeing you two together. I hate it. I wish he would just go back to Mississauga so we can be together," Zig told Maya expressing his true feelings to her.

"I can't believe you right now. You're dating my best friend, while secretly in love with me. With or without Cam I would never be with you. I can't believe you are that dumb to think I would get back with you after what you did last year. I would never do that to Tori," Maya could only get out because Zig kissed her. Maya who blocked all her feelings for Zig, had every one of them come flooding back. As Zig pulled back it took Maya a while to come back from the kiss. "Why did you do that?" Maya asked Zig with confusion. "To show you that you still have feelings for me to Maya. Why can't you just let yourself feel something for me." Zig asked again. "Because I love Cam and Tori loves you. That can't happen again, I have to go. This was a mistake," Maya told Zig.

"So you're just going to leave?" Zig said chasing after Maya. "What do you want me to say Zig? That I love you and I'm going to leave Cam for you. Well, I'm not. I want to be with Cam. Get it through your head. It will always be Cam." Maya told Zig. "Really, so the kiss means nothing to you? Look me in my eyes and tell me we mean nothing to you? Tell me that, and I will stay my distance and give you and Cam a chance?" Zig replied back. "I can't be that girl that I was last year for you Zig. That girl you cheated on with the same girl you're dating now." Maya said making Zig look down. "So no the kiss means nothing to me. We are just friends. And I would like it if you'd stop trying to fight my boyfriend. And stop breaking my best friend's heart," Maya continued. 

Maya walked out hoping Zig bought everything she said because she did feel a lot in that kiss. It made her have second thoughts on her relationship with Cam. Walking home she was in deep thoughts of what and who she really wanted.

Cam and Maya (Degrassi Camaya Story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat