The seating arrangement

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I walk through the halls, head down, avoiding everyone, trying to get to class.  

"Okay class in today we are getting a new seating arrangement so everyone line up in the back while I place your seats".  "Noah, Ben, Charlie, sit here"

I walk to my desk that's conveniently placed next to my bestfriend Ben.

"Bet, thanks for the seat mr calms!" Says Ben while sitting down

"Matter a fact Ben move over here. I don't want you and Charlie distracting the class"

"Great" I think to myself I guess I'm just sitting with a stranger by myself

"We have partnered assignments this week so turn your desk to the person next to you" says mr calms

I accidentally let out a sigh while turning my desk next to Noah; AKA not Ben who would be my designated partner if he didn't have to move

"Well I'm not pleased either." Says Noah to me

"I didn't mean to sigh like that I just of rather worked alone"

"How about we both work alone then review our answers at the end?"

"Okayyy but I think I got this though, I do have the second highest gpa in the grade," I say smug

"Pft- just work, okay?"

We both work in silence for about 5 minutes until I hear a pencil tap on the desk in front of me with a pleasant voice say "finished" 

"WHAT." I say loud enough to for the groups around us to hear but quiet enough for the teacher not to split us up "ITS 30 QUESTIONS?!"

"know your place." Noah says to me "Your not so high in mighty compared to the soon to be valedictorian." 

I stare at his paper with our answers being almost identical with exception I didn't get to the last 5 questions. I let out the biggest sigh I ever sighed and finish my work.

"I low key wasn't even trying to be rude when I said that I was just saying because I hate having to try and explain how I got my answers when I get my answers by using different equations"

"Sure bud"

45 minutes pass 

"Okay since class is coming to an end I'd like to tell you guys now that you have homework to do with your partners " the professor says

The bell rings and we all walk out.

I run up to Ben and sigh

"brooooo mr calm hates your ass, he moved you so quick." I say

"He knows how we are, he knows how special I act!" He says while we both break into laughter 

"Oh by the way, do you know that Noah kid?, he's like kinda frustrating. He like thinks he's all that because he got the highest gpa but I lowly think I'm smarter then him"

"Yikes, that gay kid? Rumor has it he tried to kiss some dude at a party when he looked at him too long."

"Yeesh, makes me feel bad for kinda disliking him."

We walk to lunch and continue chatting 

I see Noah walking towards me from a distance and he seems as annoyed as me

"So unfortunately we are partners so let's hope you can catch up with me on the homework too. Here's my number so we can quote on quote work together " he says rolling his eyes

[What I've Been Looking For] mlm short story [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now