starting to think

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[back to Charlie's perspective]

Yesterday was amazing. I text Ben all the details of my afternoon with Noah

"Ben it went amazingly"

"Good for you bro"

"Noah is so cool and like he kept helping me up"

"He even taught me to skate"

"How do you feel" Ben text me

"I don't know how I feel"

"It's like my heart was jumping out of my chest the whole time. It's like my pupils widened every time he looked at me and like when he is around me I get butterflies. 

"ohhhhh" Ben text "Are you sure you don't have a little crush on Noah?"

"Errr why do you think that?"

"You got butterflies dude" Ben replies "Maybe you should start exploring your options more"

"...." I text him

"Just saying bro"Ben text, "Alsoooooo I'm having a party tonight."

"Bet I'm coming definitely"

"Of course you are"

"Can I invite Noah?"

"Please do"


I switch from texting Ben to texting Noah 



"Yesterday was fun"

"Yea I agree "

"So there's this party tonight if you wanna like go."

"Like go with you?"

"I mean- I'm going, your going, bens going, and he's inviting a ton of people"

"Sure I'll go"

[What I've Been Looking For] mlm short story [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now