Skateboarding lesson

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It's 4:35 and I got here early for Charlie. I don't want to miss him. I've been trying to plan this for weeks but my parents just became free now. 

30 minutes pass when I hear Charlie shout "NOAH" "IM HERE"

I see him then face plam while giggling 

"YES I CAN SEE THAT" I yell to him

We both laugh and walk toward each other

"So" I say "you don't know how to skate?"

"Nope" he says "never learned"

"Well hop on , let me teach you"

Charlie steps on my skateboard board and stumbles almost falling on the floor until my instincts take over. I grab him by the shoulders and help him up back into his position he was in before.

"You good?"

He hesitates "yeah man I'm good"

"Let me help you"

I grab his arms and stare into his eyes while I guide his movements on the skateboard. It was like the world around me went silent and we were the only people there. I don't know how to feel in this moment but I'm happy. I'm really happy. We are staring into each others eyes and not saying anything. The moment ends when he runs over a rock and tumbles.


I managed to rush behind him and pick him up from his underarms while still not breaking eye contact.

I clear my throat and help him up

"Dang you really can't skate ,huh?"

"I told you dude "

"So science isn't the only thing I'm better than you at "

"Oh shut up" Charlie says while rolling his eyes

We both bust into laughter 

"How about we get some food instead?"

"That sounds better" Charlie says

We talk the whole way to the restaurant and laugh and giggle and he makes fun of me when I fall off my skateboard. But then we make it there and sit down. 

"So" he say to me "How is your little brother doing?" Charlie says

"Oh don't worry he's good, it was just a cold He's good now"

"Do you take care of your siblings on your own?"

"Well after my parents got divorced my moms never here and my dads always working so basically"

"Wow, that's impressive" Charlie says "I was raised by my sisters so I actually like know how hard that is."

"Yeah it's hard sometimes but I think I got it covered "

"How old are your siblings?"

"Well kelle is 6 and mick is 5"

"Awe that's cute"

We talk for 3 more hours, about nothing and everything and anything in between. Conversation just come so much easier with Charlie. I don't know. He's just so much fun to hang around.

[What I've Been Looking For] mlm short story [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now