The lunch table

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Today is awkward. I walk to my desk to see that Noah is absent. Today is the first day I have ever seen him absent dispute never knowing him until yesterday 

I go to my desk and text Ben

"Noah's absent"

"That's crazy" Ben text


"I'm being sarcastic. One kid who u don't even like is not here. Who cares?"

"I kinda care, I was kinda mean to him yesterday"

"What did you say"

"I called him a stupid gay boy"


Class starts and mr calms starts speaking

"Okay class today we are reviewing the homework with your partners. Please take this assignment very seriously it is 15% of your grade"

Then I text Noah 

"Where are you? This assignment is 15% of our grade"

"My brothers sick"

"Oh damn, is he okay"

"Why would you care?? I thought I was just some stupid gay guy?"

"Hey man about that I wasn't thinking before I talked and I was dumb for that"

"For someone so smart you don't think" Noah text me


"I'll get a babysitter for my brother I'll be there by lunch to help you"


"Sure bud"

Class ends and as I walk to lunch I see Noah sitting alone at a lunch table like how he normally does but today I'll skip sitting with Ben for today

"Noah!" I call out to him

"Charlie?" He says "why are you sitting here??"

"Because why not?, what did you get for lunch "

"Nothing big, just a salad"

"Lame" I say started to giggle

"Well smarty pants what did you bring to eat?"

"Oh I'm not eating, I hate this schools food"

"And I'm lame?"

"Pft- what are you listening to?"


"The hell is carpetgarden?"

"Here listen it's not that bad"

He gives me 1 of his earbuds while he listens through the other. The song playing is a soft slow song that i actually like. I don't listen to music like that much but I never thought about how nice this is actually. We sit and listen till the whole song is over . We sit in complete silence just listening to the song. I listen to the lyrics and think about Noah for some reason. Probably because his music taste is catching on to me

I love the taste of his pretty red lipstick
I love the taste of his
Of his, of hisHe's mine and he always will be
He's mine, and he always will be, I know
He's mine and he always will be
He's mine, he's mine


The song finishes and the silence breaks 

"Like the song?" Noah says

"Yeah, I surprisingly do"

"Here how about I make you a playlist then send it to you?"

"Sounds good"

For some reason I can't stop smiling and thinking. Something about that moment made me so happy. Just thinking of Noah makes me happy now. I start to think maybe we are becoming like 

....Real friends 

[What I've Been Looking For] mlm short story [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now