Hour 1

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I take off my Jamie Benn jersey and hand it to AnnMarie. "Have him sign it just in case he stops and I miss him."

She laughs. "Yeah right."

"I know, I know. But just take it anyway." She takes the jersey from me and drapes it over her shoulder

"I'll be right back." I jog inside and head over to the elevators.

"I can't believe I left it," I say to myself as I ride the elevator back up to our floor. My best friend AnnMarie and I took a road trip up to Buffalo from New Jersey to see the Dallas Stars play the Buffalo Sabres. We each have favorite players on both teams and since the Stars only come to New Jersey once a season we have been trying to see them in as many places as we can. We found out the hotel they stay in and booked it. We are hoping to meet a few of the Stars players before the game. I still need to meet Tyler Seguin. I am hoping I can meet Jamie Benn but there's a chance of him not stopping. I also like Jason Demers and Valeri Nichushkin.

I was all set to stand outside the hotel and wait for the players when I remembered that I left my SD card for my camera in the laptop up in the room. I need to take pictures. There is no way I am going to the game without it. Yes, I am taking a chance in missing some of my favorite players coming out but I have to take the chance. It's still a little early. I think I'll be ok. I nervously hold onto the straps of my backpack. I really don't want to miss any of the players. The elevator stops at my floor and the doors open. I sprint down the hallway to our room. I open the door, grab the SD card out of the SD card slot on the laptop and sprint back down the hallway to the elevators. It's on the 7th floor on it's way down to me on the 5th floor. The doors open and my heart jumps into my throat when I see that Jamie Benn is standing in the elevator. He's wearing a grey beanie, black suit jacket and pants, a grey shirt, and a grey and black striped tie. I stand in the opposite corner of the elevator and the doors close.

I want to say something to him but I can't. I'm too nervous. He's in the other corner of the elevator watching the floor numbers count down. He looks over at me and I look away so he doesn't see I was watching him. I doubt I succeeded in turning my head away in time. The lights go out and the elevator jolts a few times before stopping all together. I almost lose my footing but hold onto the bar and am able to stay on my feet. "Are you ok?" he asks, the lights haven't come on yet.

"Yeah," I reply, "just a little shaken up."

"Ha, funny."

The light of his cell phone lights up his face. I assume he's texting someone to see what is going on. I take out my phone to text AnnMarie.

Amy : on the elevator with JamieBenn, this is not a drill

AnnMarie : oh shit. Is everything ok? There's commotion about elevators or something.

Amy : It stopped and we haven't moved. No power

The lights come back on and both of us look up. The elevator still isn't moving and it's eerily quiet. The emergency phone rings and I jump from being startled. Both of us look at each other. "Are you going to get that?" I ask.

"No," he replies.

I roll my eyes and walk over to the phone. He's closer he should have picked up. "Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Is everyone ok?" the voice asks.

"Yes, we're fine. What's going on?" I notice Jamie watching me out of the corner of my eye. I turn my back all the way too him. He makes me nervous.

"We lost power and had a malfunction. The minimum time is going to be 4 hours but we expect it to be longer."

"Four hours? You have got to be kidding me."

Elevator With Benn : Jamie Benn Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now