Hour 4

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AngelAmyRF : 7:25pm. 3 hours down. Running out of steam #elevatorwithbenn

I'm starting to get restless. I don't want to be in this damn elevator anymore. I want to get up and walk around but there's nowhere to walk to. There's only so many times I can flirt with this guy. I'm not really good at making conversation. My stomach has started to growl because I am so hungry. It's embarrassing. I'm sure he can hear it. I'm starting to get a little worried that we haven't been updated at all about what's been going on with the repairs. I have no idea if we will be getting out of here in an hour or if it's going to be longer. I don't know if I should try calling the emergency phone or just continue to wait. I look over at Jamie who has his head rested against the wall of the elevator and typing on his phone. It's like a dream to be able to spend this much time with him. The fact that we have been so flirty with each other is unbelievable. It would have been so boring to be stuck in this elevator by myself. I hate that beanie but I guess I'm happy he had to go back up to his room for it.

AngelAmyRF : should be out of here in an hour. not holding my breath #elevatorwithbenn

It's quiet. I think both of us are starting to get really tired of being in the same place for so long. I know I am starting to feel like I'm losing my mind. He looks like he's in a bad mood. I don't blame him. I'm not feeling very cheery myself right now. My phone goes off and I check it. It's AnnMarie.

AnnMarie : Tyler looks so good tonight. You should be here

Amy : I wish I was. Ok maybe I don't. But I do.

AnnMarie : I wouldnt think youd want to give up being stuck with Jamie

Amy : yeah it's been pretty interesting but I'm ready to get out of here

AnnMarie : do you think they'll be finished on time?
Amy : I doubt it.

AnnMarie : It sucks here without you

Amy : Next time I leave something in the room I'm just going to leave it

AnnMarie : he just lifted up his jersey. so hot

Amy : you're killing me

Amy : (selfie with Jamie) took this before.

AnnMarie : you guys are so cute

Amy : yeah that's what everyone's been saying

jamiebenn14 : she stopped talking to me. feeling lonely

I see Jamie's tweet and look up at him. He's looking at me with a smirk on his face. "You could have said something to me, you know," I say.

"This way is more fun," he replies.

AngelAmyRF : he's so needy. wants constant attention. #elevatorwithbenn

"I thought you were more shy than this," I say, "you've surprised me."

"I usually am."

"I guess I'm just special then."

"Something like that."

I unzip my backpack and take out a puck. I roll it over to Jamie. He looks down at it and rolls it back to me. Yes, this is what we have resorted to for entertainment. "The game is going to start in a little while," I say as I roll the puck back to him.

"Don't remind me."

"You're not getting cranky on me, are you?" I ask, "I need you to stay with me."

"I'm just upset I'm missing the game." He rolls the puck back to me.

"There are people in this hotel that have no idea we are trapped in here like animals," I say.

Elevator With Benn : Jamie Benn Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now