Hour 11

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AngelAmyRF : 2:25am which makes it 10 hours. We are married now. I have the best husband ever #elevatorwithbenn

jamiebenn14 : I said I do

"I thought you were going to unbutton my shirt for a second there," he says as he pushes his hair back on his head, putting it back in place.

"I almost did. I really had to control myself," I reply honestly, "would it be ok if I leaned back on you again? I really liked that."

"Yeah of course. I never wanted you to go."

He stretches his legs out and I scootch back in between his legs. He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me tightly. It's like we're dating. That's what it feels like right now. I know that we're not. I know that once those doors open I will probably never see or speak to him again. Right now, after 10 hours on this elevator I feel wanted. I almost feel loved. It's weird. We haven't known each other that long but I feel close to him. I feel like we have a connection. It's so hard to explain. When I kiss him I feel alive. When he holds me I feel secure. When he looks at me I feel loved. I've been trying to shake these feelings because I know they're not real but why not enjoy them while I can? Eventually it'll all be over and all I'll have are the memories.

AngelAmyRF : I could be right here where I am for forever and a day and be perfectly happy #elevatorwithbenn

"You're getting sappy," he teases.

"It can't be helped at this point."

I hug onto his arm and unbutton the button on the cuff. I put my hand up his sleeve and rub up and down his forearm. He starts running his other hand up and down my back as he leans his head on mine. I close my eyes and enjoy his touch.

"Doesn't it feel as if we are the only two people in the world?" he asks.

"I suppose it does," I reply as I lean my head back on his shoulder. "I like this world where you are my husband and we just stay in here kissing until we either die of starvation or boredom."

"You had me at kissing, lost me at the rest," he says. He nibbles on the top of my ear. "Sorry, I shouldn't do that."

"No you probably shouldn't. Not unless you want to give them a show," I say as I point to the camera in the corner of the elevator.

"No I don't want to do that."

AngelAmyRF : feeling frisky, turn the cameras off #elevatorwithbenn

"I'm so tired, Jamie," I whine.

"You know how you fix that? You go to sleep."

"Ha ha ha, so funny," I say sarcastically.

"I might have to give in and fall asleep soon. I can't keep my eyes open much longer."

"I think I'm going to move to Dallas," I say.

"You should. I have space. You can move in with me," he replies.

"Ok. I'm packing my things now. I can't believe how much stuff I have."

"You don't have to bring furniture at least. I have all of that. We'll find space for the rest of your stuff."

"I should probably look through all these things and get rid of some of it. Some of it is still packed from when I moved in the first place."

"Yeah you probably don't need that stuff. Just bring yourself, that's all I need."

"I need to bring some of it. I won't bring too much. I promise. Just the essentials."

"Do you write on a computer or on paper?" he asks.

"I usually brainstorm on paper but write on my laptop. It's easier to hand write notes on the go, especially if I see something I may want to add into a novel," I explain.

"Ok so I'm going to need to make room for your laptop in my office."

"I'll just carry it around with me. You don't have to worry about that."

"You know you can't sleep in the middle of the bed when you're living with me, right?"

"What side do you sleep on? I'm not picky."

"Left side."

"Sounds good.

AngelAmyRF : I'm moving in with him. Goodbye New Jersey #elevatorwitbenn

"I guess we've officially lost our minds," he says as he rests his chin on my shoulder.

I can tell he's struggling to stay awake. It must be hard to keep his head up. I know I'm having a hard time. I have my head rested against his arm. "Yeah pretty much."

Jamie's ringtone goes off and we both jump from being startled. I don't think either of us were expecting someone to call at this time of the night, morning really. It's about 2:45am. He picks his phone up and looks at it. He holds onto me as he adjusts himself and sits up straight. "It's my coach," he says before answering the phone. They probably want to know if he's going to be making the game or not. We have no idea. I sit quietly as Jamie talks to his coach. He rubs his hand up and down my arm as he talks. At one point I grab onto his hand, bring it to my lips, and gently kiss it.

AngelAmyRF : hopefully everyone is comfy in their beds as we prepare to sleep in this elevator tonight #elevatorwithbenn

Jamie talks to his coach for a bit longer before ending the call. He tried his best not to sound like he's dead tired but it's almost impossible at this point. He unplugs his phone from the power bank as it's now charged and hands it back to me. I put it in my backpack. He hugs me tightly and rests his cheek against mine. "We should lie down," he says slowly, almost as if he was still thinking about saying it as the words were coming out of his mouth.

"Yeah if there's even room," I reply as I look around the elevator.

"I'll make it work."

I grab my hoodie from the floor where Jamie placed it. I roll the hoodie up and stuff it into my backpack. "Use this as a pillow," I say as I hand it to him.

Jamie puts my backpack down on the floor and we position ourselves to lie down. He lies down on his side and pulls me close to him. My body is all the way up against his. It actually feels so great to be lying down. We've been sitting in the same position for so long. I rest my back up against his chest so my head is parallel with his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. I thought leaning back on him felt so right, lying here with him feels that much better. Why didn't we think about doing this earlier? Why have I been so stubborn and fighting sleep? This is perfect. Everything about being with him is perfect.

"Going to sleep now," Jamie says.

AngelAmyRF : Big spoon is sleeping. Little spoon is still awake #elevatorwithbenn

AngelAmyRF : Little spoon will fall asleep shortly #elevatorwithbenn

It's late here on the east coast but I still have west coast people tweeting me. It's not as many people as I had tweeting me earlier but it's still a good amount. I imagine most people have gone to bed by now. I don't blame them. I would be in bed if I was not in here. I reply to all of the tweets that I have coming in to me. I am only trying to stay awake until the 11 hour mark so I can send out my tweet then I plan on getting some sleep. I really hope they have been working on getting us out of here this whole time and they haven't stopped for the night only to pick back up in the morning. I don't think I can wait until morning to get out of here. I am hungry, I have to pee, and I am exhausted. Some of the questions people are asking me are just ridiculous. It's time to put the phone down and go to sleep.

Elevator With Benn : Jamie Benn Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now