Uh Oh!

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Love POV

When I saw the shock faces on my Mates faces I knew that it was not good.  I felt the urge to lick the worry of their faces but then I remember that I was in my human form and that was not acceptable among humans. The same with just relieving your self when the feeling hit. But the freedom feels good!

When I was about to reach out to caress my mates faces I herd a huge racket coming from some where beyond the doors.


I feel bad who ever that female is calling. When I looked at my mates to see if I should be concern of that screaming voice there face was deprived of color. Wow.

"Did you know she would be back today?" Titus said with a scared tone looking at Ceaser. He was wide eyes looking at my mate holding me.

"Shit no! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Did anyone tell her that we found our mate?" He looked panic and I swear his voice went higher.

The sound of stomping feet started to become louder. What could make such loud stomping sounds? The instinct to hide was strong and for some reason being with my mates was not making me feel safe. What the hell is it that can not make me feel safe with my mate?

Just then the door burst open with a woman that could have been a amazon! She was huge and beautiful! If she didn't have any grey hair I could have sworn that she was in her early 20's.

"Hi Mom." All my mates said at the same time with their heads hung in submission.

This was there mom! This tall, buff but slender, beautiful lady was their mother!

She glared at us and then walk up to us and pick me up like I was a child. I whimpered when she gave me a glare and the look of anger.

"So this is your little mate that has been abusing your pack?" She said with a growl in her voice.

If I had my tail it would defiantly be between my legs as a whimper escape me when she brought me closer her to face to sniff me. Suddenly three growls erupted from below me and I could feel my mates trying to pull me out of their mothers grasp.

"Mom! Let our mate go! Your scarring her!" Snarled out Ceaser as him and Tituse tried to pull her arms lower.

"You three are challenging me for this badly behave pup? Your three are still not out of your baby claws yet." She growled back at them as she used one arm to cradle me to her side and used her other arm to swat away my mates.

I growled at her and her attention was back on me again. I ket growling at her and tried to shift........but I can't?

"Awwwwwwwe! She is adorable!" She cooed at me as her eyes got all big like.

I felt my own eyes become huge from how big and round her eyes became.

"Can you put me down please?" I ask her looking her straight in the eyes and fought the need to whimpered.

"Awwwwwe. Maybe later." She said as she place me on her hip as if I was a baby.

"Mom! Give us our mate! She is not one of the pups or cubs that you like to care for." Snarled Tituse as he tried to pull me from her grasp.


"Cubs? What cubs?" I ask and they all stop and look at me like as if I had my snout out.

"What?" I snapped when they didn't say anything as they just kept staring at me.

"Well I guess we have to tell her now." Said Ceasar with a sigh.

"I will tell her. You boys are to go see your father now and then go and train with your cousins that I brought home from my travels." Their mom said as she walk away with me still on her hip.. I herd loud groans coming from my mates.

"Wait! I want to stay with my mates!" I whimpered and tried to struggle out of her hold but she snapped her fingers and we were gone from the room that held my mates.

"I will tell you everything my sons have failed to tell you because of some issues you all seem to be working through." The woman said as she place me on my feet.

"My sons are not like normal wolves."

Alpha mate to three?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ