We will comfort mate. Only we can have her

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Atticus POV

We were waiting in the dinning hall with the packs waiting for our lovely mate to come down and join us. My wolf was whining that he wanted her to sit on our lap again and to not let our brothers touch her until they grow up. I just rolled my eyes and sighed with content that we at least finally found her. Most Alphas usually don't find their mates until they are full Alphas and have had run the pack for two or three years. Then moon goddess would bless them with their mate and at that chosen time. But instead we were extremely lucky to find her sooner then most who would be nothing but alone.

"I forgot that girls take so long getting ready to go anywere." Whispered Titus as he look around the room bored.

I laughed at his dissmay of our mate not making her appearance yet. It was always hilaeriouse on how he would tend to date girls that took for ever to get ready for any thing. Ceaser on the other hand had the look of lust in his eyes and I could since the need for him to mate as soon as possible. But before I could say anything I felt a sharp pain in my chest that made me sit straight up. I look wide eyed at my brothers and they felt the stab of pain as well. There was only one way that we all could have felt that pain and at the same time.

"Well it will be worth it everytime with our mate. I can;t wait till we get to the part where we can just start ripping off her clothes." Ceaser said with a purr.

It made me chuckle to to see my brother with such a content and dream look on his face. Never in my life had I seen him so content and just plain happy and showing it. Usually he would have a smirk plaster on his face all the time. But then we all felt a pain shoot through us like nothing before, nad it made us all whimper from how abrut it was.

"What the hell was that?!" Titus said with a graon and Ceaser held his chest looking around the room for something. The pain hit again and it was so intense it was like the times we got hurt and the pain was shot through the link. But none of where missing or hurt.

It had to be our mate!

Our wolves were growling that she was in trouble and hurting.

It was driving us mad!

We will kill who ever is hurting our beautiful mate! Destroy him! Hang his carcus out to let all who see know not to hurt our matge! Our wolves growled to each other and we couldn't help but to agree.

We all stood up at the same time and ran out of there like bats out hell. We had to find our mate and fast!

As soon as we got out side we were hit the scent of our mate, but the scent was faint meaning she was gone for awhile and it pissed our wolves off that she was trying to run away form us. She is so going to be punished when we find her. How dare she try to leave us!

We burst into our wolves nad started to track her scent throught the woods. I t was some what of a challenge tho because it was if there five tracks of her leading to diffrent direction and our wolves were becoming agitated from not being able to find her. But then we felt the pull of her pain again and we knew exzaclty she was now,

We track her scent to an opening near a home that was on the edge of the woods, it smelled of humans and .......sex. The scent of lust was heavey in the air and it was disturbing our wolves that our mate was scent was also coming from there. She better not be cheating on us with some measely human!

Atticuse we should just kill all these humans. I don't like the smell of the sex in the air. It smells like females are in heat and an orgie. Link Titus

No. We need to find our mate first. She is top priority. we need to make sure she is safe and to get her out of here. Link Ceaser.

He was stalking closer to the human home, staying below the windows level and sniffing the ground for our mate. I did the same and her smell lead us to the opposite side of the house, more pain filled me as her scent became stronger. When we found her an it almost killed me.

She was sobing! Our mate was sobing on her side and she was wailing into her hands with quiet sobs. Her whole body was shacking from her sobs and we could smell nothing but sadness and depression role off of her on giant waves that crashed down on us.

What the hell happen to make her so sad and full fo sorrow? Who did this to our mate growled out my wolf. I pushed him down to control my self from leaving my mate to get ride of the humans in the house.

I walk up to her and nuzzeled her hand that was covering her face. She jerk back and then wailed into her hands. I felt hurt that our pain was not comfort from my touch, all wolves know that a mate toucch can help you to heal and take away pain. But then it also remind me that she also was in love with a human before and that she would leave us for him. Our wolves herd my thought and they all growled at e for lettting the thought that she was ever with another male come into our heads.

But it was true and the worst thing for female wolves was that they feel more then any human could and it would be worst for a Alpha female. Our poor mate.

This time I pressed my self to her and nudge my way into her embrace, the moment her hands left her face she quickly latched on to me and nuzzled her face into my neck. She cryed harder into my fur and her hands would shake from sqeezing so hard. My brothers finally approuch us and took to the other side of her.

It will be all right my love. We will take care of you.

I link to her and I shifted to human form and pick her up. She hide her face in the crook of my neck and kept crying. I took off running into the forest with my brothers following behind me and head home. We only met her but we would die for her.

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