Wolf purr like a kitty

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After escaping my mates mother, I began to search the place from my mates. I need to tell them of what she told me!

The whole reason that me and Jin are the way we are, where we can start to figure out the cure for us, and most importantly to figure out how that evil dirt-bag was able to get his hands on those plants! Scenting the air, I followed to the males bathroom that had a lot of steam coming out of.

I will just wait for my mates to finish bathing then speak to them about what their mother told me. I cold out to them as I entered so that I wouldn't startle when they see me waiting for them. But as I waited I felt the hairs on the back of my neck bristle and the feeling of being watch was starting to make feel a little edgy .

One second, I'm standing alone in a very steamy room waiting for my mates to finish washing up to having one of them appear right in front of me and my body begin to heat up. He was wearing nothing! Not even a towel!

"Mate." Growled ceaser and I nearly squealed when I felt him come up behind me and grabbed my breast in his big hot hands, they felt so good, but we need to talk.

"Wait! I need to....... tell you...... guys..... something.....Mmmmm." Before I could finish what I was saying my head was turned and a kiss of hunger took all that I was trying to remember to tell them flew out a mental window.

I just wanted to feel all this pleasure I was denied, I wanted to bask in their affection and care, I wanted to enjoy their passion. Suddenly I felt myself held tightly between two of my mates hard body making me wither from how much I could feel their want for me. The sounds of ripping and tearing didn't even register till I could feel nothing but skin on skin contact with my sexy mates. Hell! I didn't even care how this was all going to work since I have three of them here to pleasure me or mate with me.

"You smell so good. I just want to mate you till you can't walk and then mark you all over so that every male knows not to come near you." Growled Tituse as I felt him scrap his fangs over my throat and it made me feel hotter and tighter.

I was suddenly yank and then held tightly to just one hard body, and then shoved up against a wall pin by my mate.

"Im going to mark you baby and I can't wait for you to do the same to me." Growled Atticuse as he nip me all up my neck.

A snarl was all I herd before I felt the skin broken by my mates fangs, my body was shaking from all my nerves going hay wire from the intense pleasure shooting through my system all at once. On instinct I bit down the closes thing to me and it was my mate shoulder.

He taste so good but then it felt like my body was being set on fire from the inside out. I thought that I was just about to go into heat but then something unexplainable happen. The heat that should have been making me crave my mate touch became that of searing pain. It was like a fire that was trying to carve itself out of my body, ripping out of my mate shoulder, the highest pitch scream left me.

"What the fuck is going on! What did you?!" A angry voice snarled.

I was no longer pinned against a wall anymore, instead of my mate pinning me to a wall I was on the ground trying to stop my body from shaking, and the pain was making it hard to keep awake. Black spots began to dance along my vision, yet the pain began to recede and it was like I was being tied back together. All the energy I had to stay awake was being zapped from me and it was like I spent the whole day working out. My body was achy and yet it was like the good kind of achy. The feeling of being lift and held felt so wonderful, shots of tingles and sparks shot through me, soothing, making it so much easier to fall asleep.

"Love ! No! Stay awake! Please open your eyes!" A voice screamed in a distance.

I'll worry about that later, it time to get some rest that I feel like I haven't had in forever.

Sorry Guys that I haven't updated in forever. Work has been killing me and  the stress of life, but I want bore you with any of that stuff, Hope you all enjoy the update. Love you all big time. Have a good day.

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