Heartbreak and Pain..

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Chapter 3. :))

I must warn you that there isn't much Jamily in this chapter... But I hope you still enjoy it! :) Don't worry...... there are plenty more chapters to come that will surely have Pure Jamily. :) 

Los Angeles

Lily: *phone beeps* *opens it and sees a message*

Jamie: “Hi Lily. It’s been a while since we last talked. How are you doing?”

Lily: *just looking at it*

Should I reply back……. Or not?

Chord (Overstreet): Lil.

Lily: *looks at him*

Chord: *smiles* You coming or not? We’re about to head to the party.

Lily: Yeah. I’m done. *walks to him* *still looking at her phone*



Lily: *puts her phone in her purse*

November 16, 2011- Breaking Dawn Part 1 Premiere


Jamie: *standing in the middle * *hundreds of paps taking pictures*


          LOOK HERE JAMIE!

          LOOK, IT’S CAIUS!

           I LOVE YOU JAMIE!

Jamie: *waves at them* Hello. *smiles*

Tonight is the premiere of the first part of the last installment of the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn. And everyone has just arrived, including the Cullen Clan and yes, the star Trio of the night, Rob, Kristen, and Taylor. But Jamie here (a late comer) has just arrived and is only 15 minutes away before the movie starts. The fans and audience cannot wait to see the latest film and everyone right now is at the highest hype of the night. Jamie, on the other hand, was late because he was waiting for his girlfriend, Bonnie, to arrive from London because the two of them were supposed to attend this premiere together. But unfortunately, Bonnie’s flight was a little delayed. That was why she might not make it on time. Though, she still promised that she would be with him tonight, regardless if it will be during or after the movie. So this left him no choice but to arrive at the premiere alone.

Their relationship together has gotten stronger these past few months.  They have spent a lot of time together. Going to events and parties. They have been inseparable. And he couldn’t have asked for anything else but to be with the girl he loves. But it was only when Bonnie had to go back to London earlier this month to visit her mother who suddenly became sick. And he would’ve accompanied her if only he wasn’t so busy here in L.A. With the promotions of this movie and such. So right now, he just couldn’t wait to be with her again. But there is still something that bothers him in the back of his mind, a concern for this certain girl. And that girl is Lily.

Since that day that they accidentally met in London, had coffee together, and not to mention, that horrible incident that happened to Lily, they haven’t seen each other again. Although, they still kept in contact, texting each other once while just to say “Hey, how are you doing?”, “I’m good. How about you?” This is how their conversation usually starts. Just checking up on how each other’s doing. Then it just ends up about whatever random thing that pops in their head. This is why he enjoys talking to her….. because she’s the kind of girl that isn’t picky. He could joke around and she wouldn’t mind. She would even find it twice as funny. But even if they could contact each other whenever they want…….. it wasn’t still that often that they have conversations. It was at least……… only 3 times a month that they talk. And Jamie couldn’t help but think I wonder what she’s doing right now… whenever she doesn’t reply to his messages. But he understands her. He knows how big of an actress she is. But he has this certain thought that he couldn’t just remove out of his mind……….. He can't stop wondering when they’ll meet again.

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