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April 2012

It’s in a middle of a hot Thursday afternoon, and Lily is still engaged in some serious training session with her training coach.  Her training comes everyday for 5 days in a week. And during weekends, its gym time for her to maintain that figure that is needed for Clary’s slim body. She needs to bring justice to that. The fans wouldn’t like to see a chubby faced Clary on the big screen. So she’s very careful with what she eats too.

This has been her routine for almost more than a month now. And it’s getting more exhausting and difficult every single day. New challenging exercises and stunts are given to her every week. She doesn’t even know why she’s being trained this much when her character wouldn’t even be doing that much action in the movie.

Trainer: You’ll be needing this for the rest of the franchise, sweetheart. So it’s better to start working on the hard stunts now……


That’s what my trainer always says. And she’s right. Clary would be doing a lot more action in the other books………so it’s better that I’d start working on them now……. So in that case, it wouldn’t be that difficult for me when the time comes that I would have to do these stunts on my own.

I wonder how he is doing……….. Jamie, I mean. Since that night that I left him in London, we never lost contact of each other. Not like what happened before. We would text, call, or most of the time, we Skype. And he gets thinner and thinner every time we do.


*Skype Session*

Lily: *looking at him through the cam* Are you- are you feeling alright?

Jamie: *chuckles* Why do I look deceased?

Lily: Not really……… But you’re getting there. *giggles* How did you become so thin all of a sudden? You get bonier and bonier everytime I see you through this camera.

Jamie: Well…… just between the two of us.. *leans closer to the camera and whispers*  I met a dreamy vampire and he crawled into my bedroom one night and banged the shit out of me—

Lily: *laughs* Jamie!

Jamie: *chuckles* ……. So now. I am carrying his half-demon baby inside my tummy. And it’s starting to rip me inside out. *chuckles*

Lily: Shut up. A Volturi can’t bear a child.

Jamie:*chuckles* Oh but it still sounds believable!

Lily: OH YES! You should win an award for that. *smiles*

Jamie: *laughs* Thank you.

Lily: *giggles* But seriously……. What did you do to lose that much weight? I need to lose some myself…..

Jamie: Well…… first of all…… You are already thin so there isn’t any more weight you could squeeze out of yourself—

Lily: Says who?! Look at my face! *moves closer to the camera* It’s so bloated. *pinches her cheek*

Jamie: *rolls his eyes* That’s already skin. Not fat.

Lily: Says the boy who is this close *makes a gesture with her fingers* into becoming the walking skeleton.

Jamie: *chuckles* And second of all……. I need to look like this. *gestures to his body* It’s part of  BECOMING JACE.

Love Always And Forever (Jamie and Lily's Story)Where stories live. Discover now