15. Honesty

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"She ratted you two out about what you do behind closed door so you decided to become her girlfriend?! What kind of sh-t is that, Mira?! Have you not learned your lesson yet?! Don't open your mouth until you think sh-t through! You always make sh-tty decisions," Fran yelled at me as if I was an ill-mannered child. It was the day after award show and she was sitting on my bed along with Kendall.

"Fran is right," Kendall told me with a head nod as she looked up from her phone. "Remember that time you told that guy you'd go on a date with him. You thought he asked you if you liked spinach for some reason so you said 'yeah' instead of asking him what he said. Then you had to let the poor guy down." I sighed as I remembered when that happened. I was pretty dumb when it came to decisions.

"I feel like you and Scotty could be a cute couple. I just don't like how she told Ellie about what you guys did. Maybe she's not trustworthy," Fran reasoned more calmly. I looked at her for a while and I could tell she was being nothing but genuine. She was concerned for me and so was Kendall. They weren't the only ones. When I told Petra and Rose the news last night, Rose nearly had a cow. She called me stupid and we got into a huge argument. Needless to say we didn't have any words for each other this morning.

"So, she's not trustworthy. That's one of her flaws, at least you know that. You've agreed to date this girl. You can always tell her you changed your mind, but do you really like her, Mira." Kendall looked into my eyes curiously. I nodded my head. Of course I liked Arden. She was too charming not to like and even though she could be a jerk, she could also be sweet. "Then you have to take a chance with her. Just know that your heart may be broken. You can change her, Mira. I know you can. You've known her for nearly two months and still haven't actually given up your goods. There's obviously something special about you to her."

"For once, Kendall is right. Scotty isn't a saint and she's going to be a lot of hard work. But I think you're up for it." Both of my friends gave me supportive smiles. I smiled back before pouncing on them and attacking them both with a huge hug. We all giggled but the hug was broken up when I heard my phone ring. "Is it her," Fran asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yes," I admitted with a blush.

"Well, answer it," Kendall urged.

I answered my phone and put it to my ear. "Hey, Arden," I said a bit nervously. Why was I so nervous? My hands were literally shaking. I could barely keep the phone to my ear.

A deep breath was heard on the other end of the phone. There was some rambling and then I heard a loud car horn. She must've been outside somewhere. "Hey, kitten. I was in the studio but quite honestly, I couldn't keep my mind off of you. I was such a d-ck last night and you didn't deserve that. Ellie had no business knowing what we do by ourselves. I'm so sorry, kitten."

I smiled liked a goofball and Kendall and Fran both giggled. I'm pretty sure they couldn't hear what Arden was saying but they were making fun of my reactions. With every word that came out of her mouth, my smile would grow wider. "I forgive you. Last night, I told you that. It's okay, Arden. Just promise that you won't do that again."

"I won't promise you. I promised you I wouldn't tell anyone and I ended up spilling the beans to Ellie. Promises are meant to be broken, Mira. But you don't have to worry, you can trust me. I won't spill anymore secrets, kitten." There was a loud car door slam on the other end and then loud music which was quickly turned down. "Listen, I was hoping I could make it up to you. I'm leaving the studio just now. I want to see you. I want to spend time with you, kitten. Are you free? I'll come by your place and we can go somewhere."

"Am I free," I asked aloud just so Fran and Kendall could hear. I looked towards them for their blessings and they quickly nodded their heads. I mouthed a 'thank you' before answering Arden. "Yes, I'm free. Come on by."

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