18. Easter Sunday

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Arden and I had been doing pretty well for the month that we had been together. The biggest fight we had was over whose boobs were better, but of course I won the argument. We were still in that beginning stage so fighting was basically nonexistent. My girlfriend had been nothing but endearing and always found the time to be with me even when she was trying to finalize her new album. She even let me go to the studio some days and got my opinion on her music.

According to her, she wanted to attract listeners of other genres so she was testing out some of her songs on me since I didn't really listen to rap. Admittedly, her songs were actually pretty good. They weren't what I expected them to be. I thought all of them was going to be about partying and sex, but she had some really sweet tracks about love on her album. Through the album, I got to see a side of her that I had never known and apparently so did her fans.

When released last week, it broke the record of album sells in a week. Arden's album had sold 2.5 million copies in just a f-cking week! It was a big deal and the record hadn't been broken in fifteen years! What made it even better was that the title holder of having the most album sales in a week was 'N Sync, which was embarrassingly one of my favorite boybands.

People were congratulating my girlfriend all throughout the week. She was throwing parties while other people were throwing parties for her. During the day, she had to do tons of interviews and photoshoots for magazine covers that it was ridiculous. I was a f-cking model and she was doing more photoshoots than me! By being associated with Arden and now publically her girlfriend, people wanted to interview me as well. Arden and I even did a few couple interviews and photoshoots which made the pandemonium for us both to rise.

Now, Arden wasn't the only one famous in this relationship. We were the newest huge couple, almost like the lesbian Brad and Angelina, minus all of the kids. It was very life changing, busy and weird. I hadn't realized just how crazy being a celebrity could be. It was all that I ever wanted but I admit, it was a bit overwhelming. There would be people chasing after my car on foot, paparazzi snapping pictures of me 24/7 and people tweeting me calling me 'mom.' The latter was probably the f-cking weirdest, but I dealt with it. It was all amusing.

The constant want for us to be at events, to do interviews and photoshoots caused us not to meet each other's families as soon as we wanted to. Thankfully, however, things began calming down the third week after her album was released. It was still selling like hotcakes, but Arden began turning down interviews from exhaustion. She had enough publicity right now and so did I. Plus, she was really eager to meet Rose and Petra. I'm not sure why but she was more than ready to meet them and get to know more about them.

Therefore, tonight, I planned a special dinner at my place for them all. After tonight, the next day, Arden had already booked us a flight to Australia so we could stay for a week and so that I could meet her family. It'd be more of a vacation, she promised since we had been so busy. Things would get even busier after the trip to Australia because Arden had to plan for her world tour while I was granted a small role in a big Hollywood movie. We both had two different, separate and huge tasks and I wondered just how well we'd get through it.

"Need any help, little sis," Rose asked me as she walked into the kitchen with a grin on her face. Lately, she's been a slight bit more cheery. She still had her stern and bland moments, but you could tell she had someone special in her life. Petra and I both didn't ask her who because she obviously wanted to keep it a secret, but we both knew from the extra late night sneak-ins that she was wrapped around someone's fingers. I was more than happy for her.

"Actually, yes! She'll be here in an hour and a half! The goulash should be ready and hot by the time she comes, but I still have to prepare the kifli and the cream puffs. I can't do both at once so can you do the kifli for me?" Rose looked at me as if she was a bit surprised, but she nodded her head and walked over to the sink to wash her hands. "She's really excited to meet you guys, Rose, so please be nice."

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