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The story began with a secret and a plan.
It was a good plan.
It was a great plan.

But it all went to hell with one meeting.

Romeo met Juliet.
They hated each other.

Juliet lied.
Romeo lied.
And then they fell in love.

The Montagues wanted the crown.
The Capulets wouldn't stand to see it stolen.
They went to war.

Tybalt died.
Juliet forgot.
Romeo ran away.

And then it all began again.
Another secret, another plan and another meeting.

Only this time...
Shakespeare was not the one writing Romeo and Juliet's tale.



1) Montague: Romeo's Family
2) Capulet: Juliet's Family
3) Tybalt: Juliet's cousin who is killed by Romeo
4)Shakespeare: The dude who wrote Romeo and Juliet and various other stories that makes everyone who has English Lit want to travel back in time and kill him.

So I may have practically spoilt the whole book for you if you got it, but then again....
Who knows what I'm upto.

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