Scene Eleven: Error 404: Brain Not Found

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Just a warning there are mentions of a panic attack in this chapter. If you find that triggering please skip it it's marked with a *

If you do find any mistakes please feel free to point out!

"May I have this dance?"

I'd always wondered what I'd forgotten in those three months that had not only changed me into a person that I wasn't familiar with but had also made me into someone who would do anything, anything at all just to remember.

Seeing Will in his silver and white mask, standing in front of me with his hand outstretched I realise that I've finally found the first piece of this puzzle.

Perhaps, the only piece that really matters.

Because I remember that night with absolute clarity now, it's no longer just a hazy dream I had. I'd run out of that party thinking, no, convinced that it had been Daniel Kensington who had been behind that mask.

And yet it's Will who is standing in front of me two years later wearing that same mask looking like it's made only for him.

His eyes look darker in contrast to the white and silver of his mask and my gaze falls on to his lips the only part of his face that's not covered.

That kiss...

How could I have forgotten it? I'd never been kissed like that.

Kissed in the way I've read about in books, the kind that you can feel all the way up to your toes, the kind that takes your breath away and leaves you unsteady on your feet.

The kind I've been desperately searching for all this while.

Be careful not to fall in love with me Juliet.

Am I?

Am I in love with Will Kensington?

That's ridiculous right? I don't even know him, there is no way I'm in love with him.


Two years ago I might have been and I'm sure that there is much more to the story than just that kiss.

Red swishes at the corner of my eyes and Isabella comes to focus. She'd been there when he'd kissed me and if it had really been him behind that mask I'm sure she had been why he'd kissed me.

It just goes to show that Wills motives back then were just as unclear back then as it is now.

Isabella right now just looks at Will incredulously as if she can't quite believe what he's doing and her expression is mirrored by almost everybody else in the room. Even my father has raised an eyebrow and Parker looks absolutely livid.

Will is the only one in the room who seems perfectly relaxed completely unaffected by the clear tension in the room. His dark blue eyes hold mine steadily, not faltering at all.

What game are you playing?

He tilts his head towards his hand slightly as if to say, Why don't you find out?

My lip quirks up a little. He's put me in the worst position possible. While it's just an invitation to dance it breaks an unspoken rule that has clearly been established by both the Kensington and Windsors.

Will clearly doesn't care much for rules though, for him it's more like a challenge, almost like a game to be won the consequences of the methods used be damned.

The safest thing right now for me would be to just politely decline, shift the focus to Isabella because that's really what Juliana Windsor should do and that's exactly what I would have done two years back in the same position.

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