Scene One: I Swear On Zac Efron's Abs

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SCENE ONE: I Swear on Zach Efron's Abs

There are several ways to begin a story.
Whether it's with a once upon a time or a chance encounter between the protagonists, most writers tend to think that the beginning of a book can make or break the story.

But I'll let you in on a little secret.
Nobody really cares where you start the book, what matters is how you choose to end it.
Because given a choice between a once upon a time and a happily ever after, people will always choose the latter.

"I award him a nine." I proclaim, slurping on my butterscotch milkshake.

"Seven." Samantha comments, looking at the boy who sat a few feet away from us.

"Seven?" I argue, "Seriously?  That's absolute bullshit. He's got a jawline sharper than most knives in my kitchen."

"You're entitled to your opinion." She shrugs, twirling her red hair with her fingers, "I have my own."

"B-but-" I say, flabbergasted. "He's absolutely yummy. He's definitely a nine and you, my friend, are absolutely blind."

"Clara." Samantha says looking over to the girl who sat beside me, her blonde hair tied into a messy pony tail, her attention completley on the black spiral binded book in her hand, "Settle this for us won't you?"

Clara doesn't look up, she's probably not even heard us and I grin, "Why do you even try Sam? She's in her 'I'm-currently-daydreaming-about-Jake-Henderson' bubble." Samantha rolls her eyes and leans forward snatching the book out of her hand making Clara look up at her angrily, "Hey!"

"Oh come one you've read this like a billion times." She states.

I promptly snatch the book from her hands and hand it back to Clara earning a sour look from Samantha.

"Hey, just let her have her happily ever after, why don't you?" I chide. "Just because the both of us are extremely bored single girls with nothing to do but objectify boys and rate them doesn't mean Clara has to join us. After all she's already found her soul mate, hasn't she?"

Samantha groans and Clara gives me an earnest smile and says, "You know you probably believe more in my relationship than I do."

I probably do.

"It's my job." I shrug. "Because you have a habit of imploding your relationships. And I'm not going to let you screw up my OTP. I put too much of work getting the two of you together for that. Now I'm just waiting for your tearful reunion and you officially making me your maid of honour."

Clara laughs and Samantha is giving me a 'you-need-a-life' look again.

"By the way Sam, OTP means one true pairing as in you really, really like that particular couple." I say and she gives me a blank look. I sigh. "Lesser mortals I tell you. I don't know how they survive without Tumblr."

"Rebecca." Samantha says putting her hand on my shoulder, "I mean this in the best possible way. Go. Get. Laid." I narrow my eyes, "And end up getting cheated on by some new jackass?  No thanks. Jeremy was enough for me." "Not everyone is like Jeremy, Bex." Clara  reminds gently, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"And not everyone has their own Jake." I reply back, looking straight into her stormy-grey eyes with a smirk of my own. "But eh, who wants real boys when I'm currently in a relationship with tons of fictional ones?"

Clara grins, "If it makes you feel any better, I've committed myself to a serious relationship with my bed while Jake and I are trying this long distance thing."

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