Scene Five: The Hard Life of A Pokèmon Trainer

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SCENE FIVE: The Hard Life of a Pokèmon Trainer.
  Edited by iheartreading211

"I think it's extremely unladylike for you to be spying on a boy with a pair of binoculars while hiding behind a bush." Jason states.

"Who asked for your opinion again?"

"You did." He deadpans,"Two seconds ago."

I snort,"How do you expect me to remember that far back?"

Jason rolls his eyes.

"Well I never asked you to accompany me." I say getting back to the task in hand,"You're free to leave. Besides you're totally ruining my camouflage with that suit of yours."

"It's my job to accompany you and keep you safe." He says stoically,"I have no choice."

"Everybody has a choice." I say,"For starters you can make the choice of not telling my step mother about this little excursion, okay?"

He just gives me a blank look.

"Despite the attitude I know you won't." I continue looking ahead,"If you wanted to you'd have already done it."

Day before yesterday when Jason had dropped the figurative bomb I'd nearly fallen to the ground.

I'd got to give it to him, he'd done a fantastic job of surprising the hell out of me and I'd just stared after him when he left my mouth open in shock.

And then I'd progressed to freak out.

Granted the freak out session lasted for two minutes because then I'd realised that I'd miss out on the newest episode of Teen Wolf. Honestly after the shit day I had if I didn't see Dylan O'Brien at least once I would lose it.

I'd fallen asleep halfway through because I'd been far more tired then I'd originally predicted, the run in that morning had taken a lot out of me and I'd only woken up around noon the next day.

And then I'd continued the freak out.

I'd already missed my chance to intercept Will on his morning run and when I'd opened the door of my room I saw Jason standing there stoic and expressionless as always. I was cautious at first but as the day progressed and I realised that he'd neither told a word to Amelia and nor had Tyler thrown a hissy fit about my unladylike behaviour the day before which made me realise that there was a lot more to Jason than my previous judgement of him being a mindless muscle man.

I wasn't surprised to see Jason standing outside the door waiting to accompany me today to the park at the crack of dawn. I didn't mind though, if Jason had kept his mouth shut about before then there was no reason that he'd tell on me now.

I hear footsteps and I quickly grab Jason's hand and pull him down so fast that he falls face first into the bush.

Yes, this was the person who was supposed to protect me.

"It's not poison oak, don't worry." I say,"I'm an expert at these things."

He gives me a look that says that my statement isn't particularly reassuring but nonetheless, he  sighs and keeps his position, crouching in the bushes next to me.

Will jogs past.

He looks sooooooo good.
Too bad he's a self centred asshole.

"Hiding is pointless." Jason's voice is low,"His guards have already seen you, so the likelihood of him knowing that you're here is high."

"I know that." I say looking at the track even though Will was out of sight now,"I'm actually curious as to whether he'll just ignore us or come and confront us."

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