Chapter 3

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"You?" Evey drew in a breath. "You're the voice from the radio, the local information channel?"

Something like indignation flickered in Brady's eyes and he opened his mouth to say something but Angela seized the moment to attempt to ease the tension again.

"Isn't it wonderful?" she asked, staring up at Brady as if he were her own son, pride shining on her face. "One of our very own, making it big is home again to share his talents with us?"

"Making it b-" Evey started to ask.

"Never mind," Brady said. "What's important now is that you understand that this property isn't yours, not yet and not ever, if I have anything to say about it."

"I don't understand," Evey shook her head towards Angela. "This is completely legal, to stall the auction date?"

Angela nodded. "I'm so sorry, dear. If I had any indication, I would have been straightforward with you from the very beginning."

"If I had any earlier indication, I would have started this process right away," Brady said to Angela.

"I know, dear, it's not your fault," Angela said, taking a deep breath. "This is tricky business. I get the listing from the bank assigned to me and this is just my job. But this is the part of the job that I hate the most, when emotions get involved." Her cloud of blonde hair bobbed as she shook her head.

"Excuse me," Evey said. "I hate to interrupt the sentiment here but as far as I know, I'm not out of the running for the auction. I'd still like a tour of the property."

"It's much more than a property to people around here," Brady said, arms folded across his chest.

"I know, I didn't mean to-" Evey began, feeling flustered. "Angela, can I took a look inside?"

"Of course," she said, casting an apologetic look at Brady. "Come with me." As the two women climbed the porch steps, Evey stole a glance down at Brady who hadn't moved but just slightly turned his body as to keep an eye on them.

"Brady, hon, you're welcome to -" Angela began.

"No," Brady said, turning to walk towards the open back lawn. "But thanks," he called up to Angela who smiled sadly as entered a code on a small digital box and popped out a house key.

"Angela, what does this all mean for me?" Evey asked once Brady was safely out of earshot. "Honestly, what chance do I really have? I've already put my eggs in one basket, so to speak, and this have got to go through." There was an unexpected quaver in her voice due to a lump in her throat.

"Remember, this is a bump in the road but if you look at it that way, that's really all that it is," Angela said. "Small town pride is a big deal here and all and Brady is emotionally attached and connected to the house through his family but you do have as much of a right as anyone to place a winning bid."

Evey breathed a sigh of relief at the realtor's comforting words then remembered the time crunch she was already in without any unexpected bumps.

"Do you really think the stalling tactic will cost me only a extra couple of weeks?" Evey asked, mentally rolling out her checklist of all of the permits and plans and marketing that had to be done before she could officially open the doors for business.

"I'll have to consult but it shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks as long as everyone at the bank and the escrow office doesn't drag their feet," Angela said.

Evey suppressed a groan but nodded. As it was, she had planned the rest of the money in her savings to last her down to the day. The Watermelon Cove Hotel was reasonable but not cheap and it was her home until the farmhouse was in her name. A couple of weeks could turn into a real setback. She ground her teeth at the thought of Brady - why was he doing this to her now? If he wanted it so badly, why wait until now to announce himself as an interested party and stall the auction date? If he had done it sooner, she might have found another property... her thought broke off. No. She didn't want another property. This was the one for her.

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