Chapter 16

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Something had been weighing heavily on Evey's mind just underneath the thrilling and excitement while she and Brady raised their paddle to victory. A part of her was eagerly itching to know what would happen afterwards. Another part of her didn't want to know at all. Because as she saw it, there were really two options. Either she would get the property or it would belong to Brady. And as she reminded herself that the whole reason she stepped in the outbid the wholesaler was to win the house for Brady and hope that it healed the open wound in his heart.

Evey was suddenly aware of Brady, Angela and Walton's expectant eyes on her. There is another option, her heart whispered softly. Evey tried to dismiss that thought as soon as it came. Of course she couldn't start her bed and breakfast while Brady was... what? What would Brady want to be doing while she was off having a grand time entertaining guests and running her business? Making money off of his family's land and house full of memories? Did he ever say that running a bed and breakfast was his dream, too? No, he wanted to be a businessman. He wanted to make a difference in the business world, revising mission statements and seeing them followed through. Oh, she was so silly to even try to entertain such a ridiculous little fantasy for a second.

"We can all go over to Angela's whenever you're ready," Evey said, mainly looking at Brady, "and get the appropriate documents drawn up for you to take control of the home. And we can make arrangements for you to buy me out."

When she looked up, all three were still staring at her. Angela and Walton wore matching shocked expressions. Angela quickly switched into business mode, nodding.

"That's fine," she said, looking at Brady with care, as if to gauge his reaction. "We can do that."

Walton looked at Evey. "If that's what you want," he said, his tone reminding Evey of when her father would try to save her from making a mistake, like spending her allowance on something frivolous rather than saving up for what she really wanted.

Evey turned to Brady, whose gaze had never left her. He looked at her deeply. It was as if she could feel his eyes searching her over.

Finally, he spoke. "What time should we meet at your office, Angela?" His face was as smooth and hard as stone.

Evey felt her heart sink just a bit.

Don't be ridiculous, she scolded herself. This is what needs to happen. This is the plan.

Angela mentioned a time later that evening that would give her time to prepare the documents and Brady and Evey agreed that it worked for them. Brady lingered for a moment on the porch, looking at Evey with a penetrating stare as if trying to read her then nodded slightly and descended, taking off for the caretaker's quarters.

"Well, this is certainly a deviation from the expected course of events, isn't it?"

Evey looked up to find pure concern in Angela's eyes.

"Yes but it's okay," Evey said, realizing that she was trying to convince Angela and Walton as much as she was trying to convince herself. "I'll find something else. It's clear that this home already has an owner."

Angela pressed her hands together. "I can help you find another home that might be just as fitting for a bed and breakfast." The older woman's face was kind and compassionate and Evey felt truly grateful to have Angela on her side.

"That would be great," Evey said. "I can start putting together some listings right away and email them to you... or better yet, we can all go to my office and look through some over coffee? I can pick up fresh scones along the way, too."

"Now you're speaking my language," Walton said with a devilish grin. "Coffee, scones and real estate listings. Sounds like my kind of heaven." Evey had a feeling that Walton's idea of heaven had more than just coffee, scones and real estate listings involved such as the real estate agent standing near him with an engaging smile. Walton held his hand out to Evey. "Let's go, kid. Why don't you ride along with me?"

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