Be My Bunny Boy { BoyXBoy }

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Okay i kinda wanted to do a new story (totally unrelated to any of my other works) and this is just for fun. Im already working on the second chapter to this so it wont be long before i post again. I hope you enjoy and like it but it something i felt like doing out of the blue and it made me feel calm after the busy week i've been having. 

Hope you all like it




Thanks!!!! & ENJOY! :9

Cam wanted to see his boyfriend do cosplay. It wasnt anything new. He always had a thing for it. Ever since he attended his first Halloween party in middle school he always had a thing for people in costumes and now that he had a lover he wanted to have his own cosplay show at home. Sad thing was that his boyfriend, Kendell was a super shy type who felt the need to apologize for every little thing and turn red every minute.

" Oh come on Ken, its just like playing dress up!" Cam said that hot afternoon day in Kendell's room. His parents were out visiting Kendell's grandfather in the hospital who had been in bed after spraining his back. The only reason Kendell didnt have to go was because i had came uninvited. 

Kendell blushed his pale face turning bright red. " C-cam no! You know thats impossible for me to do." he said sitting on his comfy but small bed hugging a pillow closer to his chest. I rolled my eyes and sat next to him feeling the coolness from him. Even though the air was hot for some reason Kendell skin was always cooler making it so comfortable for him to be around. Cam looked at his boyfriend. 

Kendell was the cute girlish type. He had chocolate brown hair that curled and framed his face perfectly. He had hazel eyes that turned green in the sun. He had a pale cream colored body that made you want to reach out to touch and when you did it felt smooth and silky. He had a heart shaped face like a young girl and was often mistaken for one which Cam thought was funny at times. Cam's favorite part of Kendell body was his thighs. Kendell wasnt a woman but he had the legs of a girls something else that Cam was very interested in when it came to Cosplay. He was cuter than any girl especially cuter than Kendell's own older sister who had big breasts and a curvy body. 

Cam sighed and rested his head on Kendell's shoulder. " But i wanna see you in a bunny suit." he mumbled but he felt Kendell shake out a nervous breath. " You want me to dress as a bunny? With the head and everything?" he looked at Cam weird. Cam laughed. " Oh im not trying to get you to dress in an Easter costume! I want you to dress like," he leaned in closer to Ken, putting his finger on Ken's chest and running it down slowly on his chest while he whispered," I want you to dress in a pair of bunny ears and nothing else but red tight boxers." 

He pulled back and saw that his boyfriends face had turned into a deep dark red color that even the tips of his ears was red.  He laughed and layed on the bed." Man your so cute Ken. You blush just like a girl." 

His boyfriend started smacking him with the pillow." You jerk! You know how i feel about that! I-I just cant!' he yelled continuing to smack him. Cam frowned his humour gone. He sighed and ran a hand through his pitch black raven hair. " Yeah i know you cant do it." he whispered and Ken stopped smacking him. 

" What do you mean?" he asked Cam and he instantly felt panicked. Did he hear me? Cam thought and luckily Kendell's sister Eliza busted in wearing her school uniform and her hair in a ponytail. 

" Whats going on up here!? Im trying to watch an anime if you dont mind and your screaming in here is ruining it!" she yelled as she entered the room. Cam got off the bed a bit thankful for the sudden interruption. " Chill out Eli. Hey were you watching your yaoi again?" he asked raising an eyebrow as he got near her. She blushed and looked away almost looking like Kendell. It was cute he had to admit.

" Yes and im trying to watch it peacefully! Your just being an annoying little brat like always" she grunted and put her hands on her hips. I laughed again. Eliza was a big Yaoi fan- a Fujoshi as she called herself- but she was the only one in the Kendell's family that couldn't accept me being her little brothers boyfriend. It was ironic really. 

" Sis was there anything else you needed?" Cam heard Kendell speak up and Eliza pushed him out of the way to see her brother better. She was always a softy for Ken. " Ah yeah thats right. Mom said that we could order dinner tonight since shes gonna watch grandpa tonight again.What do you wanna eat?" 

Kendell looked at Cam but he tried his best not to look at Ken. " I'll be heading out anyway so you guys dont have to worry about me." Cam said picking up his backpack from the floor near the bed. Eliza grunted," Who asked you?!" 

He smiled and then he did something he knew she would hate. He slowly made his way towards Kendell and cupped his faced. Kendell appeared startled but then Cam slowly leaned in and softly place his lips on Ken's, even slipping his tongue out to taste his boyfriends bottom lip. He glanced back at Eliza who was covering her eyes but peeking through her fingers her face flushed. He laughed again.

" I'll see you later Eliza." he gave a quick peck on the cheek to Kendell whose face was cherry colored. " I'll text you later." he walked off laughing as Eliza stood there her expression just like a fish outside in the air. 

He left still smiling and he sighed one last time as he exited the apartment complex. The sun was still making the air so hot even though it was now sunset. With that he walked home into what felt  like the dessert heat.

Be My Bunny Boy { BoyXBoy }Where stories live. Discover now