• the new boy and courage •

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• chapter one •


"He's black!"

"I can't believe it!"

"He doesn't belong here!"

"He should go back to Africa"

I frowned deeply, stuffing my chapped hands into my thick sweater. I glanced at my best friend that was whispering to another girl.

"What're they talking about?" I curiously questioned June, tilting my head to look at her.

She broke away from the girl with a wave and kind smile before turning her attention to me. Her pink lips dropped down and her eyes swirled with distaste. "You didn't hear?"

I gave her an exasperated look, tossing my long brown hair over my shoulder. "What does it look like?" I snapped, licking my dry lips.

The chilly air wove through the courtyard, chilling everyone down to their bones. My teeth chattered and I hopped up and down, trembling under my sweater.

"There's a new kid coming to town and he's coming here" June explained, "He's black."

Her face was wrinkled with distaste, June's pale blue eyes swirling with disgust.

I swallowed, rocking on the heels of my feet. "Okay and that is a problem?"

So what? What if he's black? What's wrong with that?

"You don't think that's just a bit weird that a black boy is coming to an all white school?" June spat, rubbing her pale hands together for warmth.

It was true--all of us were white and we haven't seen a single black person come to this school. My mouth dropped open and I released my hands from my pocket. I gestured wildly to the bold sign of our school. "Does this say Middletown All White Secondary School?" I shot back, frowning.

She glared, "We are white, Lia. He is black. We do not associate with the blacks" June informed me, flicking her dirty blonde hair over her shoulder.

The bell rang loudly, singling the first period. June tossed me another look before walking off to class.

We don't associate with the blacks? What is the even supposed to mean?


The lunch bell rang and my stomach growled hungrily.

I entered the cafeteria and it was dead silent, everyone's head was down with their red trays close to their bodies.

I froze in the doorway, staring suspiciously at the groups of tables.

My eyes then, drifted toward the new boy.

He was black with milk chocolate colored skin, tight black curls that were shaved down, and he had an athletic build. He wore a tight long sleeve muscle tee with cargo pants and black converse.

His head was down, his large hand clutching a black fork, picking at the slimy noodles on his tray.

I rose a brow at my peers and headed towards the empty lunch line. I loaded my tray with a salad and fruit along with a soft pretzel.

I scanned the cafeteria which was still silent. I noticed June at our regular table but I ignored the familiar table and made a beeline to the table where the new boy sat.

People stared at me while I walked towards the table but I ignored the stares and continued to stroll through until I reached the table.

"Is this seat taken?"

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