• explanations and clarification •

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• chapter six •


I frowned deeply before snapping out of my angry state and racing after Jared.

Why am I even doing this? Why do I even care? He said specifically that he didn't want or need my help. And why am I still doing this? Do I like him?

Thoughts and questions swarmed my brain endlessly but I shoved them away, continuing to chase after Jared.

I found Jared already walking off of the school grounds, turning the corner.

I made a whiny noise, knowing I would have to run across the parking lot to catch him.

I rolled my eyes angrily before jogging slowly, careful to move around patches of black ice.

I finally reached Jared, breathing heavily with my hands on my knees. "J-Jared" I shakily called, taking another huff of air before straightening up and calling his name again. "Jared!" I barked, tossing my bangs out of my eyes. "Wait up!"

I grabbed the sleeve of his navy blue jacket, tugging him towards me. "Listen to me" I pleaded, suddenly regretting what I said since I didn't even know what to say.

"Ju-just listen to me" I ordered, forcing him to face me.

He kicked the snow around, using the point of his shoe to draw mindless doodles in the snow. "Why are you always trying to help me? Like I said, I don't want or need any of your help" Jared repeated, his deep voice laced with annoyance.

"Why don't you want help? You clearly need it" I said, arching a brow.

Jared groaned, pressing his fingers harshly to his temples. "Fuck, you're annoying" he muttered.

I shoved him. "Shut up! I'm trying to help!" I shouted. "Now, answer my fucking question!"

Jared stumbled but caught himself, shooting me a glare. "I can handle myself" He grumbled.

"Oh really? Then what's all of that," I gestured to his beat up face. "You can handle yourself?" I gave him a pointed look.

Jared groaned, his thick lips in a deep scowl. "Shut up."

"So you can handle yourself?" I taunted, grinning.

He bit his bottom lip hard, releasing it, and sucking on his teeth. "Why do you even care? Why are you trying to help me when I can help myself? Why?" Jared suddenly spat. "Is it because I'm the helpless black boy?"

I released my hands from my pocket, clenching my fingers tightly. "Black boy? I have chosen -- myself -- to help you! We are the same, you fucking dick! It doesn't matter if you're a different color than we are!" I shouted, getting irritated with how he compared himself to another color.

Jared started to grind his teeth sharply. Inhaling a quick breath, giving me a small glance, and turning to walk off.

What is it with him and walking off?

"You know, we are all the same" I finally said, hoping that he would keep that in mind.

I turned to go back to school grounds but Jared's voice, raspy, responded.

"No. Now we're not."

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