Chapter Seven: A Hell of a Way to End the Night

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To say that class on Tuesday with Taylor was awkward would have been an understatement. I refused to sit with him, so I sat alone in the back of the room, I refused to even look at him after Sunday night, he had nothing to say. I hoped he felt bad, he deserved to feel bad, but I hated that I was the reason he'd feel bad. It made me feel even more guilty to know he was having a hard time dealing with his family stuff when I was literally the only one here he could talk to about it. Class on Wednesday was even more awkward, considering I don't think I've ever ignored him for that much of a prolonged period of time.

That weekend was Thanksgiving weekend, so everyone but the Varsity hockey guys went home for the weekend. It was also the weekend of the annual Thanksgiving Showcase that the college hosted. If I wouldn't have had to work, I wouldn't have came to the games, I didn't want to run into Taylor. Instead, I left as soon as possible after the Friday night game and went straight home. It was lonely back at my room in the first place because Whitney had gone back to New York, but it made it even more lonely due to the fact that I wasn't speaking to Taylor. If we would've been talking, I would've told him to hang with me for the weekend while Whit was gone and my nights would've been filled with laughter and late night talks with my best friend instead of a quiet, lonely silence that filled the room.

I considered saying that I was sorry, but then I remembered how bad I felt whenever Kayla was around. I was always pushed aside, ranked second, when he was in a relationship. But when the girl got sick of his lack of maturity and commitment, he'd come running back to me, who'd welcome him with open arms and a case of beer.

I was sick of it, I was sick of being second when he was my number one. What I was afraid of was that I was starting to want to be more than his best friend, I was afraid I was starting to have feelings for him because I didn't want to risk our friendship, the only constant thing in my life.

Saturday, there were three games. One at ten, one at one, and one at eight. The one o'clock game was the Aladine game and if they won that game, they'd play at eight for the tournament championship.

"Hey Penelope," I said as she walked into the office.

"Hey Tess!" she greeted, "How was your Thanksgiving?" she asked, clocking in and taking off her winter coat.

"Well as good as dining hall turkey and potatoes can get," I laughed.

"You should've came to my house," she said, "My mom made so much food."

"Eh, I was okay with sleeping until noon and staying in my pajamas," I laughed.

"Thought so," she laughed, "I've got leftovers in my car for you if you want them."

"Any pie?" I asked hopefully.

"Half a pumpkin pie and a ton of turkey, stuffing, and potatoes," she replied with a smirk.

"You're my favorite person in the entire world right now," I laughed.

"I figured I would be," she said, "What's up with you and Taylor? Logan said something about you two getting in a fight?"

"He's being a dumbass," I sighed, "We got into a fight because I confronted him about the whole Kayla hates me and he doesn't give a crap about anyone else."

"Ouch," she sighed.

"I kind of tore him a new one downtown on Monday when we met for lunch," I said, "So I've been avoiding him at all costs since then."

"Ouch, I bet that's been hard," she said.

"Yeah, very," I said, "All our classes are together and it's killed me to ignore him."

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