Chapter Twenty-Five: The Truth Comes Out

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 The best part of being with Taylor was waking up with him. There was nothing better in my world than the feeling of waking up with his arm wrapped around me tight, it was like it was a sense of security, a reassurance that my life was going to be alright because I had him by my side.

I woke up the next morning earlier than I would've liked to, but my phone was ringing and it was my dad, so I decided I needed to answer it, he never called me in the morning and usually texted before calling, so I figured he was probably calling about Mom.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Tess," Dad said, "Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah, I'm not busy," I replied, sitting up in bed.

"Tess, your mom was released from prison yesterday," he sighed.

"Rach called and told me," I sighed.

"I don't know what to say," he said, "The evidence wasn't handled properly and there were issues with the legal process and the state didn't feel like it was worth their time to prosecute her again."

"I'm really pissed," I said after a minute, "She needs to be in prison where she can't screw up anyone else's life."

"I know," he sighed, "But I wanted to tell you and be there if you wanted to talk to me."

"I don't know," I sighed, "I guess I'm just glad she got out when I wasn't around, you know? I don't know what I'd say to her Dad, honestly."

"Me neither sweetie," he said, "Me neither."

"How's Lisa?" I asked.

"Doing well," he said, "Henry and Lisa are doing well, he's the cutest thing, you should see how he sleeps with his mouth hanging open."

"I'm so excited for her," I said with a smile, "I wish I could be there, I love all the pictures you guys are sending me."

"She understands you can't be though," he said, "I'll make sure to send you more pictures."

"You better!" I laughed.

"I really am sorry about your mom," he sighed after a moment.

"You don't have to be Dad," I replied, "You've protected me from her as much as you can; there's only so much you can do now."

"Thanks, Tess," he said, "I'm glad you can see that."

"I've seen it since I was ten," I replied, "You've done more than enough Dad, don't worry, please."

"I'll try," he chuckled, "I'll be down in Aladine in three weeks for your games."

"Great," I smiled, "I'll let you get back to Lisa now, tell her I said hi."

"I will," he said, "Bye Tess."

"Bye Dad," I said, "Love you."

"Love you too," he said with a smile before hanging up.

"Thanks for waking me up," Taylor said groggily with a lopsided smirk as I laid back down next to him.

"Sorry," I laughed, "You should probably get up anyway."

"Yeah, probably," he said, "I take it you were talking about your mom?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"That sucks," he sighed.

"Yeah," I sighed in return.

"No shit," he said after a moment of silence as he turned toward me.

"What?" I asked as he rolled over.

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